African slaves and malaria


Sep 30, 2008
I start a new thread for this to not derail one of the other yield-threads.

Do you plan to balance yields for units depending on terrain/climate?

There is a theory that european colonists unintentionally brought malaria to the americas and so they later tended to bring african slaves to work in tropic malaria infested regions since european servants as well as native slaves infected by malaria did not work well there while africans were less affected.


"The Spread to the Americas

Malaria was not referenced in the "medical books" of the Mayans or Aztecs. European settlers and the West Africans they enslaved likely brought malaria to the Americas in the 16th century.

In the book "1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created", the author Charles Mann cites sources that speculate that the reason African slaves were brought to the British Americas was because of their resistance to malaria. The colonies needed low-paid agricultural labor, and large numbers of poor British were ready to emigrate. North of the Mason–Dixon line, where malaria-transmitting mosquitoes did not fare well, British indentured servants proved more profitable, as they would work toward their freedom. However, as malaria spread to places such as the tidewater of Virginia and South Carolina, the owners of large plantations came to rely on the enslavement of more malaria-resistant West Africans, while white small landholders risked ruin whenever they got sick. The disease also helped weaken the Native American population and made them more susceptible to other diseases.

Malaria caused huge losses to British forces in the South during the Revolutionary War as well as to Union forces during the Civil War."

AfaIk in current design african as well as native slaves and freed workers get a general bonus of +2 for most agricultural yields for working harder than europeans. However native slaves struck by malaria were as useless as european servants for work, so in regard to malaria infested regions africans were superior workers.

In the game african slaves and freed african slaves could get a bonus for marsh and swamp yields while european and native units would get a malus (or a low base yield.) The effect in the game would become less important once all the swamp and marsh tiles get drained by pioneers.

To exploit the african perk, it would be useful to be able to "breed" african population to increase the number of workers not affected by malaria. If new born africans are treated as free persons or slaves is a difficult question. (Maybe a Founding Father could help to free africans or to at least free the new born.)
To keep the african perk, africans probably would need their own ethnic kind of expert workers for the yields of malaria infested terrain.

Weakness regarding malaria could also affect european military troops, so african troops in malaria terrain would have an advantage.

A Founding Father (introducing quinine) could be added to reduce/neglect the negative effect of malaria on europeans and natives.

Cinchona tree

Spanish missionaries found that fever was treated by Amerindians near Loxa (Ecuador) with powder from Peruvian bark (later established to be from any of several trees of genus Cinchona). It was used by the Quechua Indians of Ecuador to reduce the shaking effects caused by severe chills. Jesuit Brother Agostino Salumbrino (1561–1642), who lived in Lima and was an apothecary by training, observed the Quechua using the bark of the cinchona tree for that purpose. While its effect in treating malaria (and hence malaria-induced shivering) was unrelated to its effect in controlling shivering from cold, it was nevertheless effective for malaria. The use of the "fever tree" bark was introduced into European medicine by Jesuit missionaries (Jesuit's bark). Jesuit Bernabé de Cobo (1582–1657), who explored Mexico and Peru, is credited with taking cinchona bark to Europe. He brought the bark from Lima to Spain, and then to Rome and other parts of Italy, in 1632. Francesco Torti wrote in 1712 that only "intermittent fever" was amenable to the fever tree bark. This work finally established the specific nature of cinchona bark and brought about its general use in medicine.

It would be nearly 200 years before the active principles, quinine and other alkaloids, of cinchona bark were isolated. Quinine, a toxic plant alkaloid, is, in addition to its anti-malarial properties, moderately effective against nocturnal leg cramps.
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Do you plan to balance yields for units depending on terrain/climate?
I actually already did because I overhauled the complete "Health Concept".
So there is e.g. "Unhealthy Terrains" and "Unhealthy Terrain Features".

To counter it, there is now several Bonus Resources that affect Health.
(Also you can get additional Health from "Fresh Water" and other aspects.)

See here:
Health Overhaul [IMPLEMENTED]

It just needs to be published ... :dunno:
(Which was not possible due to personal reasons last year.)

Currently there is progress towards an actual release again though. :)
I will not tell any eta or something like that - definitely not in nearest future though.


The point is, we have unpublished Features worth about 1,5 years of effort.
We simply at some point need to publish again - which we are currently trying to do.


Something like "Malaria" was already discussed when I had suggested the "Small Pox" feature.
Simply check the forum for the according thread if you like to read ideas and feedback.

To summarize the result:
We noticed pretty fast in discussion that it simply would not be fun and thus abandoned it.
(Realism and immersion dot not always turn out to be good game features - sometimes simpler is better.)

About chances of this being implemented:
Spoiler :

Personally I easily have 1000+ hours of effort I could invest in stuff I "really want". :dunno:
(Meaning that I am not interested to get new ideas because I have ideas enough already.)

But of course if you are interested to get such a feature, go ahead and implement it. :thumbsup:
Every modder is free to implement his ideas and share them with community.

In other words:

There is little point in discussing new ideas unless you want to implement them yourself - because the rest of us is already busy or currently inactive.
We already have about 1,5 years of unpublished feature content and after that about 10 years worth of our own ideas that could be implemented.

We are too few modders left and simply too busy to start discussing or working on even more ideas - we have 3 unpublished major development branches currently.
What we need is people who invest effort into actual modding so we might actually finish what we already started and finally publish again.
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Just for clarification :

The malaria feature I thought of is not a spreading plague like small pox or covid, it is a permanent terrain property for the world the europeans (= human players) have explored.

The europeans (probably mostly spanish and portuguese) brought malaria from north africa and the mediterranean to the americas and so introduced it in the wet tropical climate terrain wherever they went, so for the human player all wet tropical climate terrain on the map could be treated as malaria terrain affecting the workers in that terrain without being historically inaccurate. (No need to simulate spread of malaria to native villages, etc.)

Cities with 5x5 tiles range include up to 25 tiles, so if all malaria tiles would count negative for city health (as described in the city health thread) most tropical cities would be heavily affected. Therefore I would treat malaria tiles separately.
- Found a city on a malaria tile and it affects the city health until the city tile is drained.
- Found a city near a malaria tile and only the (european or native) worker on that tile is affected by low yields. Place an african worker on the malaria tile and there is no production malus.

AfaIk there were 2 main reasons to bring african slaves to the americas :
- unlimited availability of slave workers to expand the profitable plantation business.
- immunity against malaria so that they could work in wet tropical climate where european indentured servants and native slaves could not.

So far the game/mod does not implement malaria effects and even the availability of slaves in africa is limited due to costs increasing with each purchase until they are no longer profitable.
costs of slave number n in africa = 100 + (n-1) x 50 $ = (n+1) x 50 $
Slave number 5 already costs the same as an indentured servant (300 $ base price), but the servant can be trained to an expert in a native village and so won't revolt or run away and will produce higher yields for his specialisation. (I usually only buy 6 slaves to fulfill the quest and get the money reward.)
Around slave number 40 an african slave costs the same as a statesman (2000 $ base price).
(On marathon all prices are tripled.)

Imho to realistically immerse african slaves, you need the malaria immunity perk and costs for slaves must stay low so that plantation work with slaves is still profitable. And I don't think that the malaria feature would be no fun. The player has to choose : use a relatively cheap african slave on a wet tropical tile or have an army of pioneers drain that tile first to allow european or native workers to work there.

Maybe an easy solution would be to completely prohibit european and native colonists to work on wet tropical (swamp) tiles.
Maybe an easy solution would be to completely prohibit european and native colonists to work on wet tropical (swamp) tiles.
Please have some patience until you see what we already did.
(In other words: Wait until we published again.)

e.g. The complete Movement System has also been overhauled considering Terrains and Terrain Features.
And as I said, the Health System now also consideres Terrains and Terrain Features.

Some Features (like e.g. Swamps, Jungles, Fog, Sandstorms, Hurricanes ...) and some Terrains (like e.g. Wetland, Marsh, ...)
have much more negative effects than in release 3.1. and currently I really do not feel like adding even more.

There is now already enough reasons to drain "Wetland" and "Marsh", but if somebody feels after next feature release
that he needs to add even more effects to Terrains or Terrain Features he shall go ahead and implement something.


As I said, we have added content worth more than 1,5 years already to the mod without having had a release.
(And we are still developing that stuff that has already been planned and started - e.g. my stuff in "YIelds" needs to be finished.)

Once we have published a release again, we may consider discussing or adding new content.
Until then seriously, nobody of us modders cares about new ideas ... we are simply too few modders and too busy already.


Maybe an easy solution ...

At the moment only one solution matters:
We modders need to finish what we already started.

Otherwise I can only repeat myself again and again:
We are too few modders left and simply too busy to start discussing or working on even more ideas

Bring us more modders and we may discuss about more new content (if these new modders may want to work on that new content).
But currently the "work queue" is overflowing already and even already started work needs to be cut from current release plans or even abandoned.

So currently we have been "cutting features" of team members from our plans due to lack of resources or motivation to finish them.
So do you really think it would make sense then to add even more stuff from community so we would have to cut more stuff of team members?

I e.g. abandoned a complete prototype branch called "Crime and Law" in favour of finishing my other branch "Yields".
I really did not like to do that, but it was a necessary and good decision because "Yields" is actually needed to kind of add gameplay to "Plains".

Also we have e.g. been discussing and even started adding support for Russian language characters (Gamefonts), which has been requested and promised years ago.
But due to lack of modders, it is highly likely that we will postpone this again as well - which will surely cause frustration in our Russian fan community.


have some patience because currently we are not interested to discuss new ideas that nobody would work on.
Or become a modder yourself willing to implement his own ideas so we would actually be interested to discuss them with you.
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