AFSNES I – The New Dawn

Oh screw letting Das have the top post then.

Everyones allowed more to a total of 19 :)
Well its 2am here, so thats no excuse! :D
Nes has made me bloody noctoural with all the americans running the show
Council and People of Odrysa -

The will of Enlil is manifest in his creation. Our strength is a sign of his universal power, and our victory is a sign of his approval. One after another, the Ashaist powers have fallen before Odrysa's indomitable, righteous might.

Sustain your resolve, my subjects! Odrysa deals the death blow to the Amsur's fanatical thralls, and the enlightened men of the world stand behind us. Even the Unpure see the righteousness of our cause, and together we smite those that are unworthy of life in Enlil's world.

Yet our struggle is far from over, and the enemies of Purity assault us. Nubia, the final bastion of corruption, has attacked the holy land of Akkad. In fear and desperation, they made a doomed attack to try and save themselves, and in so doing they have ensured their own destruction.

Once the Tarekids are firmly put in their place, I shall return to you, my faithful and capable councillors, but fear not that our soldiers will be relegated to peaceful duties. Fear not that Odrysa will be excluded from this final, glorious struggle!
Jeno IV, King of Odrysa-----

Archelus -

You're not the reckless child you were when we first met, so stop acting like one. I of all people can understand a lust for battle, but if you were captured I'd expect your subjects to collapse spectacularly. Perhaps I'm underestimating Hellenic resiliency, but sometimes you seem to have the only backbone in the lot.

High Councillor -

I have recieved your description of your dealings with the men of the distant north, and I approve. Just be sure to press them about their faith. Odrysa's own prosperity is important, but we could use as many Pure allies as we can get.
Jeno IV, King of Odrysa-----

A few letters sent by the Odrys near 755 AD.
I was hoping to see the update this morning but again I am disappointed. Is das okay? He hasn't even been online in a day or two.
It would be more of a Dagra.
The OTL terminology gets the idea across pretty well, though. ;)
I approve of anything that causes death, bloodshed, destruction, and chaos.
So I thought. :yup: Perhaps it's good that I didn't put anything about the Buddhists in there after all.
I was hoping to see the update this morning but again I am disappointed. Is das okay? He hasn't even been online in a day or two.
I'm eagerly awaiting the update as much as you are, but these things happen.
@das, sorry to leave you already, but consider me out of this NES. I don't have enough enthusiasm for it. Sorry. Maybe I'll join in later again, but I don't know.

Jailon signing out.
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