• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

After 1919 - NES

Ruler: Prime Minster Nils Edén
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Stockholm
Economy: Stable (0/9/0/0)
Industry: 45
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 100,000 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 12 destroyers, 4 cruisers (Trained)
Air Force:
Ruler: Prime Minister Gunnar Knudsen
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Kristiania
Economy: Stable (0/9/0/0)
Industry: 30
Stability: Normal
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Well Educated
Army: 65,000 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 4 destroyers, 2 cruisers (Trained)
Air Force:

Long Live the King of Norway!
Denikin or Kolchak's White? I like Denikin as a name! Volounteer Brigade it is!
*Prepare for ultimate defeat!* - for great justice we do depart from our homes! Huzzah! Huzzah! Destroy the enemy! Horrible commies! Death to communism! D- ... K- ... JOIN the volounteer brigade! Capitalists of the world ... unite! A horrible threat to the greatness of our society!
I call on the powers of the world, the establishment that exists! Heed our call!

From The British Isles to the Continent of America, from the woods of Brazil to the gold mines of South Africa, in the Halls of the Weimar Republic, the Versailles Palace of France, the gifted mind of King Alfonse the XII-I... the exotic paper-wall houses of Japan to the tea-shops of China! Unite! Unite! Unite against this horrid danger, this slow red seeping mass which seeks to eradice the culturual and religious achievements of Russia! We beg you, as communism has been an effective contagion in our society so it may be in yours! But even more fundamental to the basic spirit of human nature. HAVE PITY! FOR THE LORD you believe in. The Papal States that once existed, we call on Italy we call on every noble creature that draws breath on this Earth - from the basest shopkeeper to the dignified shoeshiner who dreams of merchant nobility! Let this dream come true! Do not let your neighbors falter in civil war for it is of such montrosities of history that terrible madmen who wish to rule the world are born! Yessir indeed our society must be purged of fanatics to usher into a new age of wealth, not purged as in killed but as in regulated by the state! Alliances, love, charity!


Please. Regardless of my speech, wheter it hath been strangely inspiring, simple madness or an uneducated rant. There is one thing which is important. Vladimir Lenin is a snob and he has seduced the communists into working for him. He'll be a terrible ruler. Me and Kovchak are way friendlier to the rest of the world.
Heed our call, we long for the days of nobilis.

Denikin's White Russians
Ruler: Anton Ivanovich Denikin
Government: Military junta
Capital: Odessa
Economy: Recession (0/7/0/0)
Industry: 15
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Strongly Cultured
Confidence: Respecting
Education: Educated
Army: 100,000 infantry (Trained)
Navy: 5 destroyers (Green)
Air Force:
Ruler: Sun Yat-sen
Government: Republic
Capital: Beijing
Economy: Failing (0/8/0/0)
Industry: 55
Stability: Unstable
Culture: Hyperpatriotic
Confidence: Tolerating
Education: Tolerable
Army: 500,000 infantry (Inexperienced)
Navy: 6 destroyers, 4 cruisers (Inexperienced)
Air Force:

I am Le' Chine! Such a long walk ahead of me...
Toeone nice speech, but its already taken.....
JosefStalinator said:
Has anyone taken japan? if not, i do.

If so, i might have to out-emperor someone ;)

blackheart did, but warlord reserved it and was granted permission since he helped with the nes.

Japan is a parliamentary monarchy :p
blackheart said:
Bah I'll take the UK.

Would it be a good time to tell you Jason the King took UK... :(
Das I live in Scotland, (So London for the GMT) And Updates on Saturday orders by/on Friday. (as in front page one of the posts :/)

Ok Taken Countries

Bolsheviks - Das
USA - Conehead
Greece - Dachsmpg
Canada - Thomander
Czechoslovakia - Hellfury
Denikin's White Russians - Stormbringer
Finland - andis-1
Great Britian - Jason the King
Argentina - Naziassbandit
Kolchak's White Russians - Gelion
Italy - Grandmaster
Germany - Insane Panda
Sweden - Dreadnought
Norway - tommy toon
China - alex994
Yugoslavia - JosefStalinator

Still awaiting confirmation from Warlord

@Toteone Sorry Choose a new Country/Leader/thing

16 nations already taken....updating PC part of Stats
Whoa, stalin...you get to make your own stats. Nice.
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