Agonism in CFC, or "Gorbechev, (don't) Tear Down This Post"

Dec 1, 2002
Inspired by the discussion of the quality of discussion here, largely articulated by Light Cleric and Phrossack. This essay is about Deborah Tannen's (prof at Georgetown) experience with the tear-down culture of criticism in academia. When I read it yesterday, I couldn't help but think how similar her book club example was like CFC. I'm a believer in her thesis, though also a believer in the value of the ideas expressed in the "On Smarm" essay, which to some may seem contradictory. Nevertheless, constructive posting might be a fun and fruitful exercise. said:
Agonism in the Academy: Surviving Higher Learning's Argument Culture

The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 31, 2000

A reading group that I belong to, composed of professors, recently discussed a memoir by an academic. I came to the group's meeting full of anticipation, eager to examine the insights I'd gained from the book and to be enlightened by those that had intrigued my fellow group members. As the meeting began, one member announced that she hadn't read the book; four, including me, said they'd read and enjoyed it; and one said she hadn't liked it because she does not like academic memoirs. She energetically criticized the book. "It's written in two voices," she said, "and the voices don't interrogate each other."

Quickly, two other members joined her critique, their point of view becoming a chorus. They sounded smarter, seeing faults that the rest of us had missed, making us look naive. We credulous three tried in vain to get the group talking about what we had found interesting or important in the book, but our suggestions were dull compared to the game of critique.

I left the meeting disappointed because I had learned nothing new about the book or its subject. All I had learned about was the acumen of the critics. I was especially struck by the fact that one of the most talkative and influential critics was the member who had not read the book. Her unfamiliarity with the work had not hindered her, because the critics had focused more on what they saw as faults of the genre than on faults of the particular book.

The turn that the discussion had taken reminded me of the subject of my most recent book,The Argument Culture. The phenomenon I'd observed at the book-group meeting was an example of what the cultural linguist Walter Ong calls "agonism," which he defines in Fighting for Life as "programmed contentiousness" or "ceremonial combat." Agonism does not refer to disagreement, conflict, or vigorous dispute. It refers to ritualized opposition -- for instance, a debate in which the contestants are assigned opposing positions and one party wins, rather than an argument that arises naturally when two parties disagree.

In The Argument Culture, I explored the role and effects of agonism in three domains of public discourse: journalism, politics, and the law. But the domain in which I first identified the phenomenon and began thinking about it is the academic world. I remain convinced that agonism is endemic in academe -- and bad for it.

The way we train our students, conduct our classes and our research, and exchange ideas at meetings and in print are all driven by our ideological assumption that intellectual inquiry is a metaphorical battle. Following from that is a second assumption, that the best way to demonstrate intellectual prowess is to criticize, find fault, and attack.

Many aspects of our academic lives can be described as agonistic. For example, in our scholarly papers, most of us follow a conventional framework that requires us to position our work in opposition to someone else's, which we prove wrong. The framework tempts -- almost requires -- us to oversimplify or even misrepresent others' positions; cite the weakest example to make a generally reasonable work appear less so; and ignore facts that support others' views, citing only evidence that supports our own positions.

The way we train our students frequently reflects the battle metaphor as well. We assign scholarly work for them to read, then invite them to tear it apart. That is helpful to an extent, but it often means that they don't learn to do the harder work of integrating ideas, or of considering the work's historical and disciplinary context. Moreover, it fosters in students a stance of arrogance and narrow-mindedness, qualities that do not serve the fundamental goals of education.

In the classroom, if students are engaged in heated debate, we believe that education is taking place. But in a 1993 article in The History Teacher, Patricia Rosof, who teaches at Hunter College High School in New York City, advises us to look more closely at what's really happening. If we do, she says, we will probably find that only a few students are participating; some other students may be paying attention, but many may be turned off. Furthermore, the students who are arguing generally simplify the points they are making or disputing. To win the argument, they ignore complexity and nuance. They refuse to concede a point raised by their opponents, even if they can see that it is valid, because such a concession would weaken their position. Nobody tries to synthesize the various views, because that would look indecisive, or weak.

If the class engages in discussion rather than debate -- adding such intellectual activities as exploring ideas, uncovering nuances, comparing and contrasting different interpretations of a work -- more students take part, and more of them gain a deeper, and more accurate, understanding of the material. Most important, the students learn a stance of respect and open- minded inquiry.

Academic rewards -- good grades and good jobs -- typically go to students and scholars who learn to tear down others' work, not to those who learn to build on the work of their colleagues. In The Argument Culture, I cited a study in which communications researchers Karen Tracy and Sheryl Baratz examined weekly colloquia attended by faculty members and graduate students at a large university. As the authors reported in a 1993 article in Communication Monographs, although most people said the purpose of the colloquia was to "trade ideas" and "learn things," faculty members in fact were judging the students' competence based on their participation in the colloquia. And the professors didn't admire students who asked "a nice little supportive question," as one put it -- they valued "tough and challenging questions."

One problem with the agonistic culture of graduate training is that potential scholars who are not comfortable with that kind of interaction are likely to drop out. As a result, many talented and creative minds are lost to academe. And, with fewer colleagues who prefer different approaches, those who remain are more likely to egg each other on to even greater adversarial heights. Some scholars who do stay in academe are reluctant to present their work at conferences or submit it for publication because of their reluctance to take part in adversarial discourse. The cumulative effect is that nearly everyone feels vulnerable and defensive, and thus less willing to suggest new ideas, offer new perspectives, or question received wisdom.

Although scholarly attacks are ritual -- prescribed by the conventions of academe -- the emotions propelling them can be real. Jane Tompkins, a literary critic who has written about the genre of the western in modern fiction and film, has compared scholarly exchanges to shootouts. In a 1988 article in The Georgia Review, she noted that her own career took off when she published an essay that "began with a frontal assault on another woman scholar. When I wrote it I felt the way the hero does in a western. Not only had this critic argued a, b, and c, she had held x, y, and z! It was a clear case of outrageous provocation." Because her opponent was established and she was not, Tompkins felt "justified in hitting her with everything I had."

Later in her career, as she listened to a speaker at a conference demolish another scholar's work, she felt that she was witnessing "a ritual execution of some sort, something halfway between a bullfight, where the crowd admires the skill of the matador and enjoys his triumph over the bull, and a public burning, where the crowd witnesses the just punishment of a criminal. For the academic experience combined the elements of admiration, bloodlust, and moral self- congratulation."

At a deeper level, the conceptual metaphor of intellectual argument as a battle leads us to divide researchers into warring camps. Just about any field can provide examples. For instance, many disciplines are affected -- and disfigured -- by a stubborn nature/nurture dichotomy, although both biology and culture obviously influence all of us. Such divisiveness encourages both students and scholars to fight about others' work rather than trying to understand it. And those whose work is misrepresented end up using creative energy to defend their past work -- energy that they could use more productively in other ways.

Agonism has still another serious effect: It is one of the reasons scholars have a hard time getting policymakers to pay attention to their research. Policymakers who come across relevant academic research immediately encounter opposing research. Lacking the expertise to figure out who's right, they typically conclude that they cannot look to academe for guidance.

Our agonistic ideology seems so deeply embedded in academe that one might wonder what alternatives we have. In Embracing Contraries, the English professor Peter Elbow calls the ways we approach ideas a "doubting game" -- a method for sniffing out faults. What we need, he says, is an additional approach -- a "believing game," to sniff out strengths. The two games would complement each other. Although we wouldn't end up agreeing with all the authors we read, by suspending disbelief we would be more likely to learn something from them.

In my view, we need new metaphors through which to think about our academic enterprise, or to conceptualize intellectual interchange. We could learn much more if we thought of theories not as static structures to be shot down or falsified, but as sets of understandings to be questioned and reshaped. The sociologist Kerry Daly, in the introduction to his book Families and Time, suggests that "theories should be treated like bread dough that rises with a synergetic mix of ingredients only to be pounded down with the addition of new ingredients and human energy."

In the realm of teaching, Don McCormick and Michael Kahn, in a 1982 article in Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, suggest that critical thinking can be taught better if we use the metaphor of a barn raising, instead of that of a boxing match. We should think of "a group of builders constructing a building, or a group of artists fabricating a creation together."

McCormick and Kahn make another point that, as I wrote in The Argument Culture, I came to believe is the most crucial and damaging aspect of the culture of agonism. Living, working, and thinking in ways shaped by the battle metaphor produces an atmosphere of animosity that poisons our relations with each other at the same time that it corrupts the integrity of our research. Not only is the agonistic culture of academe not the best path to truth and knowledge, but it also is corrosive to the human spirit.

After my reading group had discussed the academic memoir, I expressed my frustration to a group member. She commented, "It turns out that book wasn't the best example of the genre."

"But we didn't read an example of a genre," I protested. "We read a book by a person."

Refocusing our attention in that way is the greatest gain in store if we can move beyond critique in its narrow sense. We would learn more from each other, be heard more clearly by others, attract more varied talents to the scholarly life, and restore a measure of humanity to ourselves, our endeavor, and the academic world we inhabit.

Deborah Tannen is a university professor at Georgetown University. Her most recent book is The Argument Culture (Random House, 1998; Ballantine paperback, 1999).
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So are you guys ready to try it?
Nice article, and I think it hits many valid points. I'll especially quote this for truth:
Academic rewards -- good grades and good jobs -- typically go to students and scholars who learn to tear down others' work, not to those who learn to build on the work of their colleagues. In The Argument Culture, I cited a study in which communications researchers Karen Tracy and Sheryl Baratz examined weekly colloquia attended by faculty members and graduate students at a large university. As the authors reported in a 1993 article in Communication Monographs, although most people said the purpose of the colloquia was to "trade ideas" and "learn things," faculty members in fact were judging the students' competence based on their participation in the colloquia. And the professors didn't admire students who asked "a nice little supportive question," as one put it -- they valued "tough and challenging questions."
What exactly are you asking us to try? Deliberately constructive posting? Deliberately non-agonistic posting?

If so, I want to say that I think this is a great thread.

And that you are a prince among men.
Well, that didn't last long, then.
I've had a lot of professors tell me that academia is all about bashing other people's work. *shrugs*

Maybe a little less so in obscure, extremely specialized areas where the academics form a small-knit community. But I suppose it would happen there too to some extent.
What exactly are you asking us to try? Deliberately constructive posting? Deliberately non-agonistic posting?

If so, I want to say that I think this is a great thread.

And that you are a prince among men.

Excellent questions. The answers are yes.

And you, sir, are like Odysseus before Troy, :spear:
I would like to add that this agonism is not only reminiscent of some kind of tribal fighting ritual - but also falsification. Since falsification is pretty much nothing but agonism (a theory is true until it has been falsified)
Saying that the attractiveness of agonism is perhaps not only of psychological nature, but also an expression of the logic of hard science penetrating other areas of debate it is IMO not entirely fit to handle.
In the history of sociology for instance this is exactly what happened back in the 30s. Or so I have read. Hard science was supposed to rule over not only natural sciences but also social sciences like sociology. At around that time, so I have read it argued, what happened was that even scientists who were not willing subdue themselves to hard science were more or less conditioned to think in terms of hard science/agonism nevertheless.
To revel in verbosity?
That is a good point to start what this thread asks for - on exactly what this thread asks for. Because instead of seeing this as an attack of the OP, we could wonder how the danger of "reveling in verbosity" is related to it, how it can be kept in check, how it perhaps should not be kept in check etc.
However, it would be much easier to just not bother - to instead just discard this remark of Zack because we really like the OP. And we could justify this by just attacking Zack's remark. That is IMO the most attractive attribute of angonism. It is easier. With the constructive approach - there is no clearly defined end. One can never truly justify to put an issue to rest. Which means greater individual responsibility.
I like the general ideas here as they apply to forum discussion. I prefer discussion to argument.

I'm not sure I buy a lot of the article, though; that we're taught to ritually oppose things, or taught that critique is criticism. That could perhaps be more the case for people schooled in a more positivist manner, as Terx hints at. I could be reading into it too much, but it seems the article is suggesting that we should only have 'problem-solving' theories, rather than critical theories which exist to challenge norms or hegemony or whatever. If we view such non-problem-solving critique as ritualised opposition, we're kinda reinforcing the norm, I think, because we're saying the discourse is binary - you're either for or against, because you criticised. If that makes sense.

That is a good point to start what this thread asks for - on exactly what this thread asks for. Because instead of seeing this as an attack of the OP, we could wonder how the danger of "reveling in verbosity" is related to it, how it can be kept in check, how it perhaps should not be kept in check etc.
However, it would be much easier to just not bother - to instead just discard this remark of Zack because we really like the OP. And we could justify this by just attacking Zack's remark. That is IMO the most attractive attribute of angonism. It is easier. With the constructive approach - there is no clearly defined end. One can never truly justify to put an issue to rest. Which means greater individual responsibility.

If someone were to take the easier option with Zack's comment, would criticising them (as you may have proactively done here) amount to agonism? I'm not entirely sure the idea is that you can't criticise.
If someone were to take the easier option with Zack's comment, would criticising them (as you may have proactively done here) amount to agonism? I'm not entirely sure the idea is that you can't criticise.
As I understood it the idea is that you should not limit yourself to criticizing it, but basically share the burden of the one who made an argument in the first place to also try to see its merit and at best how it can be integrated.

Which reminds me of this right-wing-nut who claimed football (soccer) was terrible for American morality because it reduced individual responsibility.

So angonism is argumentative capitalism and what I shall label constructivism argumentative communism ;)
From what I've read the literary works of book critics get the worst reviews.

So from that I infer that the "art" of argument is a hobby for people who cannot succeed at any other.

Or maybe book critics just hate each other.
I've had a lot of professors tell me that academia is all about bashing other people's work. *shrugs*

IMO it's a factor, but generally speaking far more time is spent dancing around each other, trying to avoid being the target of a bashing.

Really, though, a lot depends on the individuals involved and the disciplines. IME it is at its worst in the social sciences.

In large part - and here comes a highly subjective opinion - because so many of them are numbskulls.

I was especially struck by the fact that one of the most talkative and influential critics was the member who had not read the book.

Possibly a case in point.

I think the essay is completely correct that there's a lot of ritual involved. If it isn't simply a display. And then there's the whole "publish or perish" issue, which adds some unfortunate incentives.

Anyway ... People often aren't clear on the point of the exercise. I attribute it to almost everyone not really knowing what they're doing when they argue.

(Have I previously mentioned that the world should be ruled by philosophy grads? Seriously. You people don't frikin know what you're doing.)

In college I had a course that actually focused on constructive argument. It created habits and expectations that made the "real world" infinitely more frustrating.

I thought the most important take-away point, btw, was that you have to address the other "side's" strongest argument. This means, if you're intent on actually getting anywhere, you often have to help them make it. (It's someone who thinks differently from you! Surely it's obvious they can't be trusted to make their own argument.)

An associated point - this one from philosophy in general - is DEFINE YOUR TERMS. It's far too easy to spend a lot of time arguing a point only to find that you and the other guy actually assigned subtly different meanings to the same key word. The more involved, detailed, or technical the argument, the more it's likely to matter.
I didn't see that at all :confused:

It doesn't actually say that, but I think it implies it. Non-problem-solving critical theories aren't necessarily designed to be 'constructive' of some sort of new insightful alternative, so much as they are opposing a traditional power structure, for instance. An article might be shedding light on how a particular construction privileges certain people, and the OP article would seem to view this as just being part of the "conventional framework that requires us to position our work in opposition to someone else's". It read to me like it was conflating critique with attack.

I hope the difference can be seen in my thoughts on the subject so far. They wouldn't amount to ritualised opposition, I don't think, but I am critically examining the article and looking at what I think are flaws. The purpose of this, though, isn't to say I'm right and the article's wrong, but to think about how the article could perhaps be improved. I initially simply acknowledged that I generally agreed with the gist of the argument, but I don't really think the absence of any expansion on that means that my almost entirely critical post is an attack.
One cannot see the cause for the champions?
What a whimp!
Non-problem-solving critical theories aren't necessarily designed to be 'constructive' of some sort of new insightful alternative, so much as they are opposing a traditional power structure, for instance.

They could also be considered a from of display. (Sociologists, btw, should always be discussed in anthropological terms. It's a tradition.)

Since I've started another post to make the point, I should explain what I mean by display: Opposition would be "display" when the goal of the opposition isn't really to attack whatever is being opposed, rather it's to further the position of the individual making the attack. ("All I had learned about was the acumen of the critics.")

I'm not sure I buy a lot of the article, though; that we're taught to ritually oppose things, or taught that critique is criticism. That could perhaps be more the case for people schooled in a more positivist manner,

I assumed she meant that people are taught more or less by experience. No positivism ... except in the sense it is based on observation. They see the unofficial reward mechanisms for opposition, and that opposition is rewarded. (Though, heck, maybe she was told many of the same things as cybrxkhan.)
They could also be considered a from of display. (Sociologists, btw, should always be discussed in anthropological terms. It's a tradition.)
So if I understand you correctly you get the impression that the OP says that to just criticize is a no-go, but that is only allowed if it serves the end of positively contributing to a POV? Whereas you think that is a unduly dogmatic (and ironically binary) view?
Well I think I understood it in a more loose sense than you did. I think what it comes down to is intend and the larger picture.

For instance: Say we have a discussion were a couple of people are involved. Person A offers a hypothesis. Person B expands on that hypothesis. Person C finds a problem and based on that problem argues for an alteration of the hypothesis. Now Person D simply criticizes the hypothesis without offering a suggestion what follows from there for the hypothesis. You seem to think that is a no-go according to the OP. I think this is fine as long as it is done in good faith. I.e. Person D did not want to disregard the hypothesis - as you did not want to disregard the OP - but a critic was simply all Person D had to contribute as this point. Now, for instance, the group of people try to figure out what this critic means for the hypothesis. Instead of say the group declaring Person D the winner because he/she dismantled the hypothesis.

It seems to come down to a culture where there simply are no power games and where everyone is interested in a common goal.

The problem with this I see is that such a culture is harder to maintain than the culture of angonism. Because it requires said good faith, which requires trust in the good faith of the others. Which can be disappointed. Whereas angonism requires nothing but the desire to look superior.

So I think the OP could be summarized as "Don't be jerks only looking out for yourself but be part of a team"
I think the example in the article was well chosen.

People were criticizing the book because of the genre, without even having read the book. And that the criticism was self-serving and dominated the discussion and then prevented an actual review of what the book itself contained.
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