[GS] AI behavior feedback info to help future patches

I only played one game for ~150 turns but have observed improvements in AI that I was not expecting, including:

- AI is smarter with its Apostles & Missionaries? They managed to kill mine this time whereas they were always suicide attacking prior to GS. I play the RV game on Deity so this is a huge deal for me - I love the challenge. Actually I'm so behind that I will forfeit this game and start a new one. Anyone else notice this? I hope it's not just a fluke and AI is actually improved on this front

- AI is smarter with its trade deals - I cannot farm them with my extra luxuries anymore if they don't need it. Prior to GS I always made lots of $$ starting as early as classical age selling luxuries for insane amounts of gold. This also is a huge improvement IMO.

I am an AI critic and read all AI threads that I can on this forum. I am loving GS so far, it seems like the devs did do a lot of tweaks behind the scenes but didn't brag about it during livestreams because we fans are so critical of the AI.
Barbarians are smarter, going for my workers and settlers more. No more checky sending out my settler with an escort. Also, the AI seems to be protecting there's more.
Odd... I have had the opposite experience with Barbs and the AI.
Only two games in so not much of a sample size.
Twice now the Barbs have been useless.
Not spawning like they used to for me but again only 2 games on Deity.
I was rush buying Horse (320g) units which was kinda odd but the AI couldn't handle it.
It couldn't be optimal but seemed good to me at the time.
The Deity AI built about 7 or so Chariots, 2 Warriors, 2 Archers vs. my 4 Horses, 2 Warriors, 2 Archers.
The Deity AI got swallowed up along with all their 4 cities and Capital.
They only had walls in the Capital and that was from turn 70 to 95.
I wasn't planning a Hostile Takeover but they started to drop cities all around me.
As a matter of fact I was Wonder Whoring it up.
Something I never do and I was able to get Oracle First, ToA because of a boost problem.
Getting up Colosseum in a few turns along with a late Pyramids perhaps.
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In my war with Wilhelmina she's producing catapults in all her cities. She doesn't even use them against my units. So far she's managed to fire exacatly one shot, that's it. Doesn't defend herself, just waits for her cities to be caputered.

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