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AI Bonuses

Change line 1680 from this:
local yield = Game.GetAverageHumanHandicap()
to this:
local yield = 2
That will set all AI bonuses equal to Warlord difficulty (on all difficulties). If you want to give the AI bonuses to the human player, then set line 1680 to 0, and change the Palace's yields to +2 of each. I'd like to point out giving the human the AI bonuses will make the AI incapable of getting early world wonders. The palace is here:
Thanks. I put those settings and played around with the handicaps a bit for my experiment and its really coming along.
Do Militaristic AIs still receive a free settler? If so, I think the info should be included in the OP.

(Btw, where can I find starting-unit bonuses? I looked in the Leaders and WWGD folders with no results.)
I don't see anything in the files which might give AIs a free settler. If such a thing exists, it's hardcoded in the game core. The starting units are in wwgd_events.lua, function PlayerStartBonuses. Search for occurrences of "InitUnitClass".
I don't see anything in the files which might give AIs a free settler. If such a thing exists, it's hardcoded in the game core. The starting units are in wwgd_events.lua, function PlayerStartBonuses. Search for occurrences of "InitUnitClass".

Thanks. IIRC, you had given militaristic AIs a free settler at one point to give them a leg up, I guess it's been dropped? Or am I dreaming?
I briefly did a warmonger settler bonus last summer for a short while, but removed it soon after. You're probably thinking of the extra settler all AIs get on immortal and deity difficulty. That part is hardcoded by Firaxis - we can't change it with mods.
Are these bonuses the same in CEP? I'm playing on emperor and just met Liz (turn 11). This same turn she allied with a CS and is at 85 influence. In my last game I met her at turn 18 while she was embarking her scout to nab some island ruins. Both occurrences seemed pretty...unlikely :).

I'm sorry if this line of questioning has already been answered somewhere.
Actually, the AI should be noticeably worse at the game than their vanilla counterparts since many of the AI changes haven't been implemented yet. Are you using any other mods and what difficulty are you playing on?
I'm only using CEP and the Communitas map. The difficulty is emperor. I've also noticed that the AI is remarkably quick at barb camp eradication. So much so that I'm wondering whether some camps are bugged, and disappear as soon as they spawn. I've reached camps a couple turns after they spawn, only to find it gone, sometimes with a barb unit sitting there in its place. If it's just the AI being really efficient, that could explain some of the massive early game gold figures I've seen...not sure what to think.

Also I just started another game (been doing lots of games to first 60 turns or so to play around), and portugal had embarked units at turn 16. Maybe just a higher optics priority for naval civs, and lucky good huts..?
Thanks very much for the quick response. Your suggestions were also very useful in the barb camp thread.
If you play with Ancient Ruins, something like this is possible.

AFAIK should all AI-player get Pottery, if your difficult is high enough unless you have a mod like this, England could choose Sailing first, considering the start bias towards coast and with a tech-ruin, you have embark at turn 18.

Don't forget that the AI starts with more units so they tend to get even more ahead, if you play with Ruins. This little feature makes Deity a lot harder :)
I think you buffed the AI too much in some areas. War, Wonders and Science are the hardest areas to compete in so I don't think they should get it any easier. If you get into war with an enemy they just keep pouring units on you which means you have to build armies in all cities to manage. Taking over a city is already quite tough since you will need siege weapons to breach their defense, so I don't think they need a buff there either. Also, giving them 5 extra of everything in their capital will make them too strong in the beginning, if you compare with the vanilla's 0. 2 or 3 extra would be sufficient to give them a little edge.

Is it possible to change these values yourself?
What version of the mod are you playing? And since Thal doesn't use DLL you should be able to change any bonuses that the AI gets yourself.
I'm happy to see this thread, because the topics under discussion have been on my mind.

I've played several games with 3.3.4 and the only one I had success in was a warmonger via the Zulus. I used to (pre-BNW) be an emperor/immortal level player but now I find myself struggling at king difficulty.

I think a lot of the issue comes from the combination of the AI starting with a settler & worker & troops + piety being available in the ancient era. The AI can afford (economically) to go straight into deep piety and get an enhanced religion right away while humans can't. I've tried that and found it too much a handicap to my economy without the liberty or tradition bonuses. They can go piety or tradition & still have 3 choice cities before i get my second, even with liberty. If they take pilgrimage & spread their religion quickly (as usually happens), the game is over as far as cultural spread goes, even as France or Polynesia. The +5 per city always weighs out, at least until ideology bonuses start to stack up.

I like being challenged but right now i feel a bit overpowered.
Lacking a choppable forest & social policies, a human player needs ~35 early turns to get a worker & settler, meanwhile they've founded three choice cities & built a quick wonder. Am I missing something? I hope you Deity-level players have some thoughts for me for my next game :) Wanna learn from the best.
I'm not a Deity-Player but I've been able to win every different victory type on Emperor with CEP. The most important thing: you don't need to build settlers or workers so early. If you don't have settlers you don't need workers (no luxuries needed for positive happiness). Build a troop while researching Pottery, then either build a shrine or another troop and rush the shrine once you have the money.
Research Archery, Animal Husbandry up to Mathematics, on the way build the Temple of Artemis and Hanging Gardens. Meanwhile concentrate on finishing Tradition. The turn you have enough money rush a worker. With some luck you can even build the Pyramids afterwards so you get 2 free workers and don't have to build one. After that it all depends on how you want to play/win. I love having a religion that grants +2 faith/+2 tourism per world wonder but maybe that's just me. It definitely gives you a headstart for the culture victory.
Either way, once the Hanging Gardens are done you can go Petra if in desert or else get Calendar, Writing, Sailing. My next beeline is usually Physics for Notre Dame, Civil Service, then trying to build Forbidden Palace and be the first on the Printing Press for 4 votes in the world congress. If you get that and don't have too big a game you can use a diplomat to trade for a vote so you can make your religion the world religion which should ensure your diplomatic dominance throughout the midgame.
Hello! do these bonuses on the OP apply to CEP? and if so what is the extra +2 sight the AI gets? does it mean they see two tiles further than the human player?
Does me starting on Classical era have anything to do with AI building wonders in 5 turns?
AI scouts know where all ancient ruins are. Is it the same in vanilla game?
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