AI city placement

speaking of building inland for defense, I despise gimping my cities in this manner. However the AI loves to take advantage of this fact, sneaky naval attacks seem to be the ONLY kind of attack the AI can carry out competently. If i see them try to do any kind of land assault they are almost always using way too many outdated units/shuffling their units around. Their sea attacks are almost always surprises so if you do have a small navy this can be difficult to fend off. The frigates/privateers combo is highly effective. and ships have enough health to take a beating from the city and its defenders. This is also the only time the AI attacks with an updated force. Build in if you must but id much rather use my crazy strong sea city to pump out my own navy
Long ago have I stopped wondrring why the AI settles where it does.
I'll sooner understand why my wife insists on buying so many shoes and then wears them roughly three times a year before I comprehend that.
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