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All this nay-saying about C4C


AKA, Ramen Empire
Aug 5, 2008
I really don't get it. It seems like it is basically a port of Col1 into the new Civ engine. How come I see so many people bashing it and saying the old one was better? With few notable and, IMO, positive exceptions, they seem identical.

I was bitterly disappointed with the documentation and the Civpedia; I felt like they paid no service to the tonnes of us who had been patiently awaiting this version of the game.

The only thing I really want to see in a patch, besides fixes for a few glitches, is the muscular AI from BtS and more diplomacy options with the natives and the king.
well I'm a fan ... thats why I'm still here!

bugs and glitches aside, for me there are a few gaps in play where the developers rushed, or missed a trick. In vanilla my major gripes were
- the sheer scale of growth of a REF
- weakened, pacifist indians
- being able to F1 and remove a good that is due to be 'partied'
- ridiculously unbalanced (and nonsensical) Founding Fathers
- poor AI refusing to defend itself, and an exploit of chasing them round the map for free colonists
- linear game to victory with only one way to win

All of the above are now being worked on, and are improved already in the AODII mod (and formerly LooF)

... hence I'm now a happy player!
I think a lot of the disappointment probably comes from expectations. I never played the original Colonization, but there are a lot of people here who did, and with the Sid Meier's name, they were expecting a stellar remake. Who wouldn't have? (I didn't think Sid's Pirates! remake was that great)

It's kind of like Grand Theft Auto 4. Sure, it's a pretty cool game, but it wasn't a vast improvement over GTA San Andreas. In fact, there's less to do. At the same time, I was expecting Rockstar's next-gen version of Grand Theft Auto to rock my socks off. So, expectations can really have an impact on a game's quality; even if it is a good game—if you were expecting a great game, there will be disappointment.
Not so much a stellar remake, but just a plain remake with maybe a few tweaks and new graphics would have made alot of us happy

Jenks covered the main issues but what really annoys me is i payed for something that would have been a worthy free download from a civ 4 mods site, but not really what you would expect for a standalone game. They tryed to force a colonization shaped peg into civ4 shaped hole and ended up with a mess. Where is the patch? there is no indication that anybody from firaxis is even taking notice of the customer feedback they are getting, but they have our money now so i guess what we think doesnt matter. We got sold a mod with very pretty graphics and an abysmal AI

As for GTA 4 i have never played it (due mostly to people being a little bit disapointed by it ) but GTA:SA was tbh a fantastic game, it had a story, a sound track and suitable graphics for its time, add to that it was huge and you felt you got your moneys worth from it. Apart from updating the graphics it was really quite hard to improve upon
angry_rebel quotes:
there are a lot of people here who did, and with the Sid Meier's name, they were expecting a stellar remake. Who wouldn't have? (I didn't think Sid's Pirates! remake was that great)


You make an excellent point angry rebel, I never played the original Colonization, so I like the remake (or whatever it's considered). I felt the same way you did about Pirates! that was one of the first computer games I was addicted to, but I didn't get the excitement from the remake I thought I would
well I'm a fan ... thats why I'm still here!

bugs and glitches aside, for me there are a few gaps in play where the developers rushed, or missed a trick. In vanilla my major gripes were
- being able to F1 and remove a good that is due to be 'partied'

How on earth do you do that? When asked whether to hold a party with them?
^^When the king asks you about the tax rise, if you hit the F keys you can acesss them menus like in Civ IV. F1 allows you to go to the city screens, so you can arrange things to clean the warehouse and then tell to the king to eat grass instead of smoking it
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