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Alphy's Prince LP - China


Oct 24, 2010
I really wanted to start playing again and doing an LP seems like the logical choice. I chose Prince because it is one step easier for me and then I can show the difference of the higher levels and what changes can and must be done to achieve victory or defeat. That and everyone is doing deity and its only a dream to play like that since MadDjinn makes the game seem to easy and when I try it, I die.

Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5Q5BWTDsMw&feature=BFa&list=PL26B0FBA036A02B64&lf=plpp_video

Link to video.
Nice looking forward tho this When I start playing the game this was the difficulty I played on I'm hoping you will do better then me at the beginning I still won but it was though because I had to get use to it
Nice looking forward tho this When I start playing the game this was the difficulty I played on I'm hoping you will do better then me at the beginning I still won but it was though because I had to get use to it

i am 126 turns into it when my hdd ran out of space, if you want to know what happens so far click on the spoiler:

Spoiler :
songhai is my own civ on my island. i play defensive and rank up my archers for their uu. finally he dows me but i hold him back and almost ready to upgrade them all to chu ko nu. i need to meet the extra civs but i need astromony or send a boat east.
A couple of suggestions, if I may.

Put your capital back to food focus as soon as you finish your scout. It isn't worth stagnating at one pop for a slightly faster warrior and monument. Population = Science (faster teching) and Production (working more tiles). Ideally you want your capital to grow to 4-5 pop ASAP for building early wonders or the NC.

Don't kill off the barb camps right away. Use them to farm experience and, if you are lucky, they may even be targeted by a CS for some easy influence. Once you build a few archers (to be upgraded later to CKN) you will want to get them promoted quickly and barb camps are good for that.

Granary is a good building for your capital even without any other granary-based tiles. The 2 food will allow working of an additional mine without starving. I try to get a granary early as it often allows you to still grow while in production focus.
A couple of suggestions, if I may.

Put your capital back to food focus as soon as you finish your scout. It isn't worth stagnating at one pop for a slightly faster warrior and monument. Population = Science (faster teching) and Production (working more tiles). Ideally you want your capital to grow to 4-5 pop ASAP for building early wonders or the NC.

Don't kill off the barb camps right away. Use them to farm experience and, if you are lucky, they may even be targeted by a CS for some easy influence. Once you build a few archers (to be upgraded later to CKN) you will want to get them promoted quickly and barb camps are good for that.

Granary is a good building for your capital even without any other granary-based tiles. The 2 food will allow working of an additional mine without starving. I try to get a granary early as it often allows you to still grow while in production focus.

yeah my cap stayed 1 pop, i forgot and realized it too late. yeah i toy with the barb camps later on. i dont think i have the granary yet, i have the first 6 videos recorded, so your advice will be seen in 7.
I enjoy your videos but could you please lower the game volume. It makes it hard to hear your commentary.
I have watched up to about video 10 so far. In one of the videos you comment about the AI working a bad tile; however, the AI city governor was actually working the preferable tile. You were unhappy at the time, so you want to be on production focus and this is what the AI was working. You want to be on production focus when unhappy for several reasons: (1) growing will only make you more unhappy, (2) more production will allow you to complete happiness buildings faster and (3) since you are growing at 1/4th the normal rate while unhappy food tiles are essentially 1/4th as effective, so production tiles are more bang for the buck.

The main reason why you were unhappy was settling the 4th city. That city didn't help you much at this stage, particularly since it did not have a unique luxury or strategic resources. Settling the other 2 cities was fine - the first for defensive purposes (although settling on the near side of the river would have been better for production) and the second to have a coastal city so that you can meet the other civs faster.

Your priority should have been fixing your unhappiness situation ASAP. The only time I don't mind running a bit unhappy is when in full conquest mode, where I don't necessarily want my cities to grow (particularly the puppets). But in this case your unhappiness was killing your early growth. Allying a CS with a unique luxury may have been a good choice, particularly if that CS also had horses or iron.

Regarding combat, you found out pretty quickly how ineffective warriors are against cities with greater than 10 strength, particularly against Askia with Mandekalu cavs. Pikemen would have been a better choice to counter those cavs. Luckily CKN are such strong units that you did ok anyway. I find it best to use a horseman to cap cities that have been beaten down by CKN since it can stay out of city range until ready to cap. Giving the horseman the medic promotion works well when you need to heal up your CKN quickly. Also, 4 CKN would be the minimum that I would use to start a conquest - 6 to 8 would be more ideal. I realize that you are cash strapped on this particular map though.
thanks for the feedback, i will use it later on in the campaign.

Also, more videos will be uploaded during the weekend and added to the playlist. To see who actually watches my vids, they will be unlisted and only watched by those who click the links here in this thread. The goal is to see what videos get the most attention, my shogun vids or my civ 5 vids. that way i know how to upload both content regularly.
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