Alternative Ocean/Coast


Nov 21, 2005
I've decided to upload some of my homemade mods. Here's the continuation...

Description: This is merely an alternative way to have your ocean/coast in CivIV. This mod does not in any way affect game play, unless if you play differently to different graphics, in which case this will in fact affect your game play.

Attached is..., which you will place in
My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\CustomAssets\Art\Terrain\Water

The screen shot is attached...

Also, I installed Blue Marble prior to editing, so I think some credit belongs to the maker of Blue Marble for the original

Hate it? Like it? Think it stinks? Please tell me what you think =)


  • water.rar
    150.7 KB · Views: 651
  • water.JPG
    131.9 KB · Views: 2,034
I like it, will certainly give it a try ;)

EDIT: I like it, I'd wish the difference between ocean and coast was more distinct though
Looks great.
Rhye, this is exactly what I am experiencing. The moment it is edited, in-game it covers the water with a flat texture the colour of blue toothpaste.

I would really like to edit it for my own purposes; I think with it doubled in size or zoomed in, and a greyer tint, it would look close to Colon.

What did you use to convert the image to .dds, and what settings did you change if any?

The program doesn't matter when exporting, as my own graphics do not work. But it is probably neccessary for importing
I tried DXTBmp, DDS converter and the Paint Shop Pro plugin, always with the same results.
The same happens when editing trees too. The shiny jungle becomes dark green (a common trait of all the terrain mods out there except mine; I left trees untouched for that reason)
@Rhye, oh, looks like I probably shouldn't try bringing over the "light forest" from colon. It's been giving me a hard time

@Anhu, what program did you use?

very nice water :)
I remember editing the (and other small graphical improvements) through Photoshop and the dds plugin.

I beg for forgiveness, since I do not remember the finer details to which I saved it, and I have since stopped playing Civ hardcore. I recall having to experiment with a number of settings before the mod acted the way I wanted it. Perhaps it has to do something with using absolutely no mip maps for some resolution? I vaguely remember that...
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