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America: The Birth of a Dream

What's up with your eyes? Are you just tired or what?
No, my eyes were bloodshot and really hurting for no reason.
A New Mandate: 1524-1527

As Wolsey took office, he was immediately bombarded by requests from his people to lead them in a war against the French. They said they were incurring upon English land, but Wolsey just ignored it. Even while he was praying though, he would find a letter or something telling him that they need to fight. Finally, tired of this malarkey, he made a public announcement to the colony.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention that you want war, well I am here to say that you will not get it. I will not fight a pointless war against a neighbor just because they have land that we don't have. The French are not our enemies, and we must ensure that we ourselves can survive the winter before we try to survive a war. If you could all just ensure that you chests are calm, then all shall be fine in the coming years, thank you." And at that point, the settlers' hopes for war was crushed.

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The first official church had been built in New England, and this was a time for celebration. Wolsey told everyone he would make this a religious haven, and he would make sure to make that a reality. He unveiled the church to the masses, and even held the first sermon in it, seeing as he is a cardinal. The people loved it, and could not wait for a new one in Boston to be started.

Once word of New England's progress made its way back to the homeland, the religious zealots began to teem with excitement. They too wanted influence to expand into the New World. While the crown stayed neutral on this matter, the bishops and archbishops of England screamed that there must be more. They wanted more. A new mandate had fallen upon Wolsey's shoulders. He was asked by the clergy of England to create a total of five of these churches throughout the colony. Wolsey accepted this mission to god as his own.

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Meanwhile, the Exeter had landed in London. The bustling port churned with people as the work-hardened colonists unloaded and sold their goods for quite a bit of money. The profits were incredible to the colonists, and they were ecstatic to see that much gold. With that gold, they paid for the travels of some textile workers, to help build a new colony, along with some religious refugees seeking open land to pray to God. The sailors shoved off from the mainland, looking back until finally, their mother land sunk behind the horizon, not to be seen again for years until the next journey back.

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Much longer after the church was built, Wolsey had a dream. He had a dream that he would be among the most revered governor of New England, and that he would bring unto this world, a broader Christian belief. He dreamed that he would meet his savior at those pearly gates one day and be welcomed as the spreader of his Lord's word. Wolsey woke up with a large smile on his face, prepared to make this a reality, unfortunately, the pearly gates were not a part of a happy dream, they were a warning.

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Trains? Haven't you heard ANYTHING about the Civil War? We have no trains :D And this is what those mean Northerners did to our tracks. :cry:
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I'm pretty sure that I rode on a steam train 2 years ago.
That's Texas. No one cares about Texas, :D (kidding obviously, they make great leather stuff)
Shut it :lol:
Glad to see the colony is finally recovering from Sebastian Cabot's blunder.
Anglican Nightmares: 1527-1530

Wolsey's plan for religious growth in America had not yet been finished. Only one of the major cities had a serious church to pray in, and that was a problem. Not long after the finishing of the New York Chapel, Boston began its construction of its own church. They expected it to take many years, but Wolsey knew it would be okay. He promised his people churches and he would deliver.
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In the year 1527 a message from King Henry VIII had reached the colonists. It ordered for a larger tax sum than usual. It also dictated that Wolsey make way back to England immediately. In light of the recent anti-Catholic occurrences in England, he was worried, but he was forced to comply. He made way on the royal frigate back to London.
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A few weeks later the year 1528 rolled around, and the Exeter had made its way back to New England waters. The ship was ordered to make due course for Canada in the North and the captain complied. They would soon land and hopefully make a new settlement, extending the power of England and her colonies.
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The Colchester landed in the port of London February 2, 1528, unloading its only piece of cargo, the Governor of New England. He was transported to the Palace of Whitehall by royal soldiers guarding him and ensuring he wouldn't flee. He was taken inside the large metal gates, casting an intimidating shadow over the open field. They lead the frightened Wolsey into the hallways adorned with marble statues and fine artwork. Gold trim ornately reached across certain objects and gems encrusted just about everything. They lead Wolsey to a room, the soldiers pushed him in, and then stood at the door, blocking anyone from entering or leaving. The doors closed, sealing Wolsey off. He looked up to see his king standing before him. He knelt down, stating "my liege".

"Rise Cardinal Wolsey." After doing as he was told, Cardinal Wolsey stared at his king in curiosity as to why he was here. The king promptly answered, as if reading his thoughts. "I'm sure you are unaware of why you are here. I am sure though you have heard of my recent dealings with the Pope in Rome. We are not seeing eye-to-eye and it has come to me that he, not I, is the one that is wrong."

"I don't understand why you have brought me here though your majesty, is there something you wish for me to do?"

"Yes there is. As governor I presume you have control over my colonies, so I hereby declare that the teaching of papacy rule of the church to be illegal and heretical in the colonies. I demand that you remove your Catholic building projects from existence immediately."

"You cannot do that! I refuse to do that in the name of the lord! You have disgraced our savior with your heathenous actions, and I refuse to be sent to hell on account of your arrogance about your inability to properly copulate!"

"I thought to might say that. Guards! Take Wolsey away, I never want him to see the light of day again." The soldiers moved forward and grabbed Wolsey, kicking and fighting with every step. Henry watched as they dragged the man out of his court. True to his word, Wolsey never again saw the light of day.

When news reached America, the colonists were devastated. Lt. Governor More didn't know what to do. He really only had one choice though, later that day, More was sworn in as Governor of New England. He promised he would follow the same path as Wolsey and not deviate.

As the Exeter made its way North, it finally made land fall, or was at least close enough to see land. They sent out a scouting party to determine the hostility of the land. When the scouting team came back, they reported a large native settlement Southwest of where they planned to settle. The natives seemed friendly and cooperative, and hopefully that would continue. The settlers then made the decision to take to the beaches. The Exeter dropped anchor a few hundred yards from shore. The settlers and their materials were slowly and maticulously hauled out and conoed to the sand where it was delivered. Finally, after three days of unloading, the group was ready and departed for the land they were looking for.
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The hope for a path to Asia enticed the English sailors. They wanted to bring glory to their colony and their king. April 4, 1530, the Caravel Exeter set off to find such a route across the Americas to Asia through the water. It was hoped that they could claim finding it first, and cause and influx of new settlers into America. With the term running up, More announced he would not be running for office, partly because he was tired of politics, partly because he feared something similar might happen to him as what happened to Wolsey. The next elections surely would be one of the tensest.​
Update probably Monday or Tuesday.
I choose to believe you meant this monday or tuesday right?
I'll try tomorrow.
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