• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

America: Write Your Own History

But..... If I'm a woman then how can the revolution be a mistress? You can make new rebels that way Moai. Has no one ever told you how people work? Poor baby. Just kidding :p Nah I'm a man though. I won't tell you who the mom is though :D
well, for starters, a true revolutionary stays loyal to only one Mistress, the revolution, so having children with anything or anyone else would be the equivalent of cheating on a spouse

what the hell am i talking about :lol:

While I support the revolution, Luna, I do not believe it should be the sole importance of a revolutionary. Besides, we need new, young revolutionaries to aid the revolution in the future. :lol:
But..... If I'm a woman then how can the revolution be a mistress? You can make new rebels that way Moai. Has no one ever told you how people work? Poor baby. Just kidding :p Nah I'm a man though. I won't tell you who the mom is though :D

the last sentences lost fluency and i got completely lost :lol:

and as for the use of mistress, pimp didn't have the same ring to it :p
Alabama Governor Shoed at Museum Opening!

Today, at the opening of the National Museum of African-Americans in Montgomery, a shoe was thrown at Alabama governor George W. Bigfoot. The shoe was thrown after Bigfoot finished his fifteen-minute speech commemorating the grand opening of the museum. The shoe clearly missed its target, landing five feet two Bigfoot's right; however, Bigfoot ducked in anticipation of being hit. The shoe was immediately apprehended by a passerby, who handed it in to the Montgomery police. The police immediately tracked down the perpetrator, a 32-year-old unemployed man named Carlson Francis Clarke. Clarke is currently being kept in custody at the Montgomery Jail.

A serendipitous color image of the offending shoe, moments before it was thrown.

The shoe-throwing incident highlights Bigfoot's increasing unpopularity with the Alabaman people, due to Bigfoot's antisegragationist stance. Though his father's involvement in the United Front and the eventual downfall of Earl Browder's regime helped keep his image afloat for years, Bigfoot's increasingly public support for desegregation and racial equality has alienated many Alabama citizens, many who are staunch racists. According to a Gallup poll, though Bigfoot's popularity was at 53% in January 1952, it has dropped to an all-time low of 37% by June 1953; the drop shows no signs of abating. The Museum itself was and still is controversial; though a large crowd of mostly African Americans (as Negros are starting to be called, as indicated by the Museum's full name) came to celebrate the opening, there were large protests throughout Montgomery and Alabama. Racism was not the only reason for the Museum's unpopularity; many also believed that the Museum is a sign that Governor Bigfoot is becoming more and more corrupt. The Museum was built using millions of dollars of outside funding, some of which came from Communist groups.
[pimp] I think it does. Anyhow, don't worry, my revolutionary bloodline will keep going on, and each offspring will be more refined than the last :D and if I could I would somehow make the video of the George Bush shoe incident look like Bigfoot would.
[pimp] I think it does. Anyhow, don't worry, my revolutionary bloodline will keep going on, and each offspring will be more refined than the last :D

Comrade Luna is 99% revolution and 1% pudding, she is already perfect

all capitalist propaganda saying otherwise is incorrect
Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear, the only way to end segregation in the deep South and across the nation is to take mass action and legal steps. Therefore, I am starting a program for brave men and women to travel to the deep South in buses, as a way to foster racial equality. I am lobbying President Hallinan to pass a comprehensive civil rights bill, to protect the rights of the African, whether American or foreign. I will still be undertaking my speaking tour, however, I invite members of the 4th international, of all political parties, movements, and the like to join in for equal rights and protections. I personally invite Comrade Luna to join me on the inagural journey, which will begin as soon as I can organize the buses. Thank you for your support.
I would like to state that nearly getting beaned in the head with a shoe was a good thing IMO. It shows how desperate those opposed to segregation are getting. Now i'd like to talk to the citizens of Alabama about how morally wrong segregation is. Our nation was founded on the principle "All men are created equal" I would also like to quote Galatians 3:28 as another reason segregation is immoral and unjust. "here is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." However you continue to say that black man isn't our equal and also continue to say you are good Christian's! Have you no shame for the hypocrisy you are committing!? Have you no morals!? I ask you all to look into your hearts and realize how ashamed Jesus would be at you. I for one can't wait for the day when people of all races can get along in friendship or marriage.

Signed George Washington Bigfoot.

OOC: A bit ranty i'll admit but it gets the point across.

OOC: Have you realized that your first name and last two initials are the same as that of the former President Bush? Just saying.

Also, since what year have you been governor?
I would support that if it didn't say foreign Africans too. I believe we should keep the country as Ol' George intended it to be. Independent of of foreign alliances and interventionist policies. We should only keep trade and stay politically neutral.

OOC: Also, can someone help me come up with a new person for this generation. My last one commited suicide.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear, the only way to end segregation in the deep South and across the nation is to take mass action and legal steps. Therefore, I am starting a program for brave men and women to travel to the deep South in buses, as a way to foster racial equality. I am lobbying President Hallinan to pass a comprehensive civil rights bill, to protect the rights of the African, whether American or foreign. I will still be undertaking my speaking tour, however, I invite members of the 4th international, of all political parties, movements, and the like to join in for equal rights and protections. I personally invite Comrade Luna to join me on the inagural journey, which will begin as soon as I can organize the buses. Thank you for your support.

Spoiler :
Ladies and gentlemen, it is clear, the only way to end segregation in the deep South and across the nation is to take mass action and legal steps. Therefore, I am starting a program for brave men and women to travel to the deep South in buses, as a way to foster racial equality. I am lobbying President Hallinan to pass a comprehensive civil rights bill, to protect the rights of the African, whether American or foreign. I will still be undertaking my speaking tour, however, I invite members of the 4th international, of all political parties, movements, and the like to join in for equal rights and protections. I personally invite Comrade Luna to join me on the inagural journey, which will begin as soon as I can organize the buses. Thank you for your support.

I accept

but don't try anything funny :)groucho:), i have the best guards watching me at all times
Teenage Boy Escapes National Synarchist Purges!
Surely by now every citizen in America has heard of the actions being done by the government to all those who do not accept Catholicism as their religion, if you haven't then read closely, if you have you will still never believe your eyes. A boy named Joseph Merlock was one of none to have made it out of the purges alive. His story is incredible. Approximately a month ago a letter was received by a citizens whom lived in the United States that was floating in a bottle down a river, cliche yes but the contents would soon go public. This shocking letter was the apparent last testament of a teenager caught in this, inquisition of sorts. This 18 year old wrote down what had happened and within a day of the recipient telling the public of this note, it caught wind and spread like wildfire. The original letter had been recopied thousands of times and the words are so often found on the internet that they are burned into the memories of all Americans. It was tragic and saddening, and it was assumed that those words would be his last. But, at approximately 7:30 PM this national icon was reported to have somehow made it home. He had seemingly escaped his almost certain death and amazingly crossed the border. He got to relatives living in Minden, Nebraska. Not much more is known as the aunt of the poor boy called all her relatives that he was safe and then this too spread across the nation. An interview will come soon, barring the family deny media access.
I would support that if it didn't say foreign Africans too. I believe we should keep the country as Ol' George intended it to be. Independent of of foreign alliances and interventionist policies. We should only keep trade and stay politically neutral.

OOC: Also, can someone help me come up with a new person for this generation. My last one commited suicide.

@Moai: Joining up this bus trip.

I have seen the evils of prejudice and racism in my time. The Mexican regime is responsible for the killing of tens of thousands of Protestants, Native Americans, Socialists, and other minorities.
@DKVM Thomas Knowles. :D
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