Amount of turns/years per turn.

Tulip Farella

Oct 28, 2013
So as you know Civ4 went a bit quickly, and through the posts on this forum I modded it to have more turns and less years per turn.
I'm wondering if Firaxis has learnt from this. We dont want a '500 turns/40 hours' game we want a 'unlimited/play untill you meet a victory condition' game.

Do we know anything about amount of turns?

I will be keeping an eye on this forum the players will correct any gameplay errors.
I'm not a 100% sure but doesn't Civ 5 have an advanced setting to turn off time victory? Making the game go on til someone meets a victory condition, if so I would imagine Civ:BE would have the same option.
Civ V does have that option, I have used it a few times when I want to experiment with certain large empire builds. Turn off everything but Domination and you can go as long as you want without winning.
Really? It took them 300+ years to get to the planet? Didn't know they use generation ships according to lore.

I think they use cryo to store the colonists with them only being woken up at the en of the journey.
Seeding ships are launched from 2200-2300 AD
They first make planetfall 2600 AD
There is 1 year/turn

There is no evidence of a time victory.

When people have showed the advanced settings screen, there was a "Max Turns" option. I believe it defaults to off, which makes me happy.
Really? It took them 300+ years to get to the planet?

This actually is a much closer to our technology level than SMAC's 100 year voyage.

The fastest we've ever gotten space craft going involved slingshot use of the planets that are now out of that alignment (in addition to that NOT lining up with the direction that AC is in to begin with.)

Lore is continuing to use cyro as in SMAC, we've made no progress towards that either, but we know more about affects of being in low G environments which suggest that a generation ship upon arrival wouldn't actually be able to live long on a planet which near normal grav forces and would be most comfortable in the asteroid belt.
It's one year a turn on Standard speed, with I think two a turn on Quick. I'm not sure whether slower speeds would change the Standard ratio or merely stretch everything out.

My guess is the endgame (as in full affinity, most of the tech web explored) would take place around 3000 AD, but without tech limits such as traditional Civ's, it wouldn't be as jarring to go beyond. To us, unlike 2025-2050, 3000 is mostly a number and there's little practical difference between that and 3100 or 3200. The main problem I see going overboard with game length is people fully researching the tech web and maxing out on all three affinities.
It's one year a turn on Standard speed, with I think two a turn on Quick. I'm not sure whether slower speeds would change the Standard ratio or merely stretch everything out.

My guess is the endgame (as in full affinity, most of the tech web explored) would take place around 3000 AD, but without tech limits such as traditional Civ's, it wouldn't be as jarring to go beyond. To us, unlike 2025-2050, 3000 is mostly a number and there's little practical difference between that and 3100 or 3200.

Well they did say the games would probably be shorter than regular civ, so I'm guessing most Victories will probably be in the 2850-2950 range.

However, if you are playing a long game (ie not so much going for a win as crushing others who are approaching a win, until you feel extra secure in your win) Then I wouldn't be surprised to see 4th millennium end games.
This actually is a much closer to our technology level than SMAC's 100 year voyage.

40 years. ;) Unity left in 2060.

The fastest we've ever gotten space craft going involved slingshot use of the planets that are now out of that alignment (in addition to that NOT lining up with the direction that AC is in to begin with.)

Not that I checked, but in the second decade of the 23nd century an alignment of the jovian planets may occur. Besides, the lore doesn't specifically mention which star is targeted for an extrasolar colony. For all we know, it is 50 lightyears away, which would give a starship the respectable velocity of onesixth the speed of light...
Consider a simple problem, like a ship approaching the speed of light...
That's so... anti-Supremacist... of you. We might have to reconsider if uploading your memories and gestalt is worth it. :(

Don't worry though we can patch your attitude with the next update :)
So, have you guys heard about the new iOS 9,246,857.5 features?
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