AND Enhanced Civics Mod 1.0

Tech brokering means you can only trade techs you discover yourself. So if you get a tech via trading, u can't then trade it to someone else.
I don't like it, because... well, because I don't like it :D
Strange, but if I'm right, reselling prohibition is standard civ4 setting. I wonder what does it do in AND's BUG settings.

I turn off vassals.
Vassals are the civ4's holy grail for me, if you understand what I mean :)
I stoned, really stoned, when somebody ask to defend him. Don't think that something wrong with me :lol: but I like it. I like to care about vassals and often they become stronger me, even in research. Often my first goal is beautiful vassal lands. I help them to settle new cities. Really like it...

Well, maybe really something wrong with me... :shifty:
Maps end up just being 3 AI + you. each AI will have like 5 other ai's as vassals, its stupid. When AI need to fight to the last man, you will find AI attacking from another flank to backstab the other AI and other strategies like this, wars can last half the entire game, not 3 or 4 tuns.. Vassals are fail.
Probably the bug with Despotism civic (+1 red face per 20% foreign culture).

When barbarians captured Aztec city, I captured this city too. After anarchy I see 19 red faces. It's too much, isn't it? Or should be? I had 1% of my culture on city tile. When my culture became 6% I lost only 1 red face (18 remaining).


  • Civ4Screen_12.jpg
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Looks more like a normal REV meltdown to me.

I play without revolutions. This is only despotism effect, because when I change it to monarchy, all red face gone.
Another small problem I've noticed. Certain civic dependent buildings can still be built when the relevant civic(s) is not active. The royal momument, presidential monument, villa and manor are the ones I've noticed so far.
While Civthusiast is offline, I fixed it myself, it took only half an hour, but the problem is deeper. This civic buildings are not balanced with new civics. So best solution is to turn off all current civic buildings in game options.

It also helps to slow down tech research and other game aspects.
Will you share what you have fixed?

JosEPh :)
Sure. I bound following buildings (building -> civic):

royal monument -> monarchy
polis council -> magistrates
shrine -> folklore, prophets, divine cult
checkpoint -> totalitarianism
reeducation center -> people's republic
presidential monument -> federal republic
shanty town -> feudal
villa -> nobility, manorialism
draft office -> militia
interrogation building -> totalitarianism

Previously they were bound to old civics (President, Parlament, Senat, Heriditary Rule, etc,etc...).

But as I said, I think they are not balanced with new civics and I really have no idea, what to do with them. If you can suggest something, what to do (maybe to move to other civics, change their bonuses or make totally not-civic bound), I can do it very quickly.

I just think to turn off civic buildings in my game options.

P.S. Unpack and copy file to Assets\XML\Buildings\


    94.2 KB · Views: 54
Sure. I bound following buildings (building -> civic):

royal monument -> monarchy
polis council -> magistrates
shrine -> folklore, prophets, divine cult
checkpoint -> totalitarianism
reeducation center -> people's republic
presidential monument -> federal republic
shanty town -> feudal
villa -> nobility, manorialism
draft office -> militia
interrogation building -> totalitarianism

Previously they were bound to old civics (President, Parlament, Senat, Heriditary Rule, etc,etc...).

But as I said, I think they are not balanced with new civics and I really have no idea, what to do with them. If you can suggest something, what to do (maybe to move to other civics, change their bonuses or make totally not-civic bound), I can do it very quickly.

I just think to turn off civic buildings in my game options.

P.S. Unpack and copy file to Assets\XML\Buildings\

Thanks for this fix, one of the many oversights I made while creating the modmod. I will be sure to add this in the 1.1 release.

Update for all those interested:

I will be resuming development of this mod sometime with the next week. I have a new computer for x-mas so hopefully the development process will be sped up somewhat by that. :D The 1.1 update will be somewhat smaller than the 1.0 version, and will focus primarily on re-balancing as many of the larger aspects I want to implement are still impossible without access to the svn.

Somethings I will be tinkering with in 1.1 include great people (will be made much more variable their effects will change more with different civic choices). The "administration" buildings will be getting another work over, I'm not satisfied with the simple increase in maintenance, the buildings have been rendered slightly too costly for their effects and will be re-balanced. Also I will be attempting to re-balance eras a bit more by changing some research cost values. More details too come.

Once I receive access to the svn I will be attempting to change some more things with inflation, adding in the 2 new civic categories "currency" and "politics" (possibly others as well), and possibly introduce some new mechanics into the game.

Please keep suggestions coming, as I do check in here on a semi-regular basis even if I do not always post. ;)

Also, Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year to all my fellow players.
Probably the bug with Despotism civic (+1 red face per 20% foreign culture).

When barbarians captured Aztec city, I captured this city too. After anarchy I see 19 red faces. It's too much, isn't it? Or should be? I had 1% of my culture on city tile. When my culture became 6% I lost only 1 red face (18 remaining).

I'm not particularly sure what Is causing this as I haven't run into the error shown in any of my games. Does this always happen or is it simply an anomaly? I am thinking of doing some things with the foreign culture unhappiness in the 1.1 release anyways. Please let me know if anyone else runs into this.
I'm not particularly sure what Is causing this as I haven't run into the error shown in any of my games. Does this always happen or is it simply an anomaly?
This was an anomaly for me, probably because I don't go in early war often (and after all this was not a war, lol) and prefer Monarchy. So if you don't know what can cause it, forget about it for now. If it will happen again, I will post.

Thanks for this fix, one of the many oversights I made while creating the modmod. I will be sure to add this in the 1.1 release.
Yep, but this fix is not full. I missed House of Parliament :)
Also I didn't bind all civic buildings to game options (<PrereqGameOption>GAMEOPTION_CIVIC_BUILDINGS</PrereqGameOption>). For example, I feel Guild Hall is pretty balanced for Guilds civic (maybe slightly overpowered), even when other economy civic buildings are shut down in options. So I didn't touch Guild Hall, your slavery buildings and other ones, that are not overpowered. Villa, shrine, shanty town and every others can be shut down in game options now.

Surely, if you will rebalance civic buildings with civics, it would be much better and we will have no need to shut down them.

My list of civics that I always (only) use (it can help for small rebalancing):
Spoiler :
1. Government.
Empty. Mostly ok.
2. Power.
Junta (early happiness), Magistrates (maintenance and gold bonus), Single Party (+15% production).
3. Society.
Mostly ok, but I prefer Feudal (gold) and Class System (production and gold).
4. Economy.
Subsistence (while other civics are closed; also boosts settlers & workers production), Manorialism (production), Guilds (only if I have Gold).
5. Military.
Militia, Chivalvry, Grand Navi.
6 & 7. Religion and Welfare.
Only State Church and Church (buildings contruction bonuses + healthy).

My list of civics that I never use:
Spoiler :
1. Government.
Empty. Mostly ok.
2. Power.
Bureaucracy (-10% production & high maintenance), Clergy (medium upkeep & small bonus).
3. Society.
Nobility (-production).
4. Economy.
Barter (all other civics are much better), Slavery (consumes too much happiness and gives small bonuses vs. other civics, even if I have many plantations), Mercantile (it can be good maybe only if you are in war with everyone - but then why do I need Privateer?).
5. Military.
Even in war I prefer civics with less maintenence and angry faces (maybe my mistake...).
6 & 7. Religion and Welfare.
Public Works (high upkeep and maintenance).

(So, my first priority is +production, because you can get gold and research from production, but not production from gold or research, without hurrying, of course.)

Also I think jungle camps are underpowered. I never saw any discovered resources from them in AND. Maybe add something like +1 production and/or +1 gold for several civics? As I remember, paved roads gave +1 production and +1 gold for them in RoM 2.91.

And yes, happy holidays for everyone. :)
I agree that Jungle camps need to be buffed up. They are not as good as when Vincentz 1st introduced them to RoM as a Modmod. And the chance of discovery of a resource has been lowered. Don't know why though.

Forgot to add.
I applied your mod to last SVN revision and it works fine (excluding description's errors (TXT_KEY_REQUIRES_NO_WARNING for every civic building)).

In last SVN version we also have fixed display bug for units strength + fixed cheating resources trading, what we talked very much about. Important things.
What I am actually leaning towards is making the civic bonuses more related to buildings, specialists, and tile improvements. I think this would make the changes in economy more realistic. I'm considering getting rid of alot of the flat bonuses (or reducing them significantly) and increasing alot of the other secondary bonuses. I think this would allow for much greater economic specialization.

One thing I really need to make this happen is to alter the svn so that there is a civic xml modifier for resources and not just tile improvements. This way I can do things such as give gold bonuses to the actual gold resource or gems for say mercantilism or cotton for slavery. I think this would be much more realistic.

Also I agree about the jungle camps, I think the best thing would be to increase the chance of discovering new resources, that would make building them for someone stuck in a jungle area worthwhile.

I think slavery needs a slight buff, the increased unhappiness is somewhat too strong for the benefits, I will see about doing that.

If anyone here could get me access to the svn or know where I can get a copy of the latest I would be very appreciative. I sent a message to Afforess a month and a half ago and have received no word.
I haven't run slavery yet, just coz unhappiness is a real problem early on. No idea how some AI get like size 16 capitals in the ancient era lol

I guess having 3 wheat and potato helps :) maybe they just have like 8 unhappies lol.

Is there a way to speed up the ancient era slightly maybe delete some of the unneccesary techs?

I like your idea about civics sound really good, how will AI adapt I wonder.

Also I was thinking at the moment I think there is a disparity between the maintenance of cities (expensive) and the maintenance of units (cheap). I just played a game where Montezuma kept backstabbing me. I had 11 units per tile maximum and he seriously had like 6 tiles full of galleys and sloops and unloaded continiously stacks of 11 where ever he could. I had cannons and rifs and owned him but still it was ridiculous the number of units he spammed.

I had about 8 units per city (average) and had 0 maintenance cost for units. I think if this would be higher it would encourage more strategy and I think seige units should cost a higher maintenance since you can have an inferior tech army but just heaps of seige and still win easily.

Oh and can you incorporate zulu's new modmod he just released- is it compatible? He has redone all the unit graphics and buttons for AND.

I followed the instructions for Rev 556 it says Beta 1. Is this incorrect or is this simply not the latest version?
It depends on what difficulty setting you're playing on. The AI gains pretty substantial bonuses to free units and happiness on harder difficulties (prince+). They also pay less inflation than the player. This is designed to present a real challenge to the player.

As for the size 16, it is possible but only under very good circumstances with a relatively advanced civilization (something like 8 or 9 techs ahead). Also the aggricultural trait is pretty useful for gaining a large number of city growth early on. Another possibility is that they are stacking priests in the cities (which give food bonuses now). Priests are going to be significantly rebalanced in 1.1 the food gain is too great an asset early on with the ease of acquiring priests.
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