Anno Domini Classic : the demo is here at last!!

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A medieval lancer unit for Kushans is good (I'd have to look up the name again). There's a possibility that an Indian chariot (requested by Virote) may win Utahjazz's lottery - maybe we'll have a really unique Indian UU after all. Otherwise an elephant unit would be great (maybe an elephant archer with a ZOC?).
A medieval lancer unit for Kushans is good (I'd have to look up the name again). There's a possibility that an Indian chariot (requested by Virote) may win Utahjazz's lottery - maybe we'll have a really unique Indian UU after all. Otherwise an elephant unit would be great (maybe an elephant archer with a ZOC?).
Thanks as ever for your input!!
Thanks for the city feedback, everyone. I wasn't exactly up to quoting like a dozen posts (I'm a kind of tired right now) so I'll try and respond to everyone while keeping it short - here goes:
- I tried adding some texture to the houses, but didn't achieve much in the way of results, but I'll keep at it and see if anything looks better.
- I edited the tops of the mandirs, hopefully making them less oriental looking.
- I'll try a little blurring on the cities once I'm done, and see how well it works.
- Since R8XFT seems to prefer the grey roofs, I'll keep them around.
- There will be a walled version sometime in the next week.
- I will certainly revist era one for those beautiful little huts.

....I think I got everyone ;)
Anyway, thanks for all the nice comments and suggestions.

How do i install this demo of yours?

i downloaded the file (170Mb), copied the files from .zip pack
(scenarios folder) to:


where my civilization game is installed with conquests patched 1.22. I start the game and nothing happens. No changes in the game. Am i supposed to copy the files to somewhere else?
The mod is still in development; I need to really wait a month or two to get some of the contributions for the finished product. I've a few days over the weekend to round it off to a point where I can't do much more (except perhaps some more text work :cringe: or create some more units, which takes time).

So....should I upload an unfinished version to 3ddownloads in about a week's time so you can have a go at it (and feed back of course)? It will have some placeholder graphics - and some of the units will be generic rather than the units that will end up in the game (e.g. Indian civs will get the Bronze Age warrior now, but the Chakra thrower in the full mod). There's 28 civs and it will be more or less a complete game, you'll just have to forgive the placeholders (which won't be that many).

Following this, I can have a break from modding the Civ III version and start looking at the Civ IV version, coming back to Civ III in, say two months, to round things off and put a polished version into the 3ddownloads folder.

Any thoughts?
Well, I'd like to see ANY of your creations, so I'd be happy even with an unfinished version. :)
feedback: I honestly haven't read through the 6 pages I missed while on hiatus, but I've been playing as the Huns, being an aggressor for a change. I notice that when I get a great leader and build an army all I get is an ordinary horseman. Is that intentional?

opinion: I agree with AdB. I've been enjoying even the demo, even being in the dark about some things because of the lack'o'pedia. :mischief:

@Stormrage: I think the idea was that the other civs+biqs would be later supplements. They especially would need to wait for the unit and improvement creations he's requested.
Rob, this is very nice. I'm playing as the Anglo Saxons (I am a WASP after all) and am thoroughly enjoying it. Did come across a couple glitches which I've fixed for my copy. Didn't see them posted elsewhere in the thread. Thanks for all your excellent work.

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No Ini.JPG
28 civs? Wasn`t there talk of more civs than 31, with several biqs to fit them all in? :huh: Or does that belong to the "polishing" part? :)
There was talk of that as separate BIQs. As it is with 28 civs in a single BIQ, it's touch and go that I won't overstretch the 256 building limit.

@Azmorg: cheers for the feedback and I'll check on those issues; Wolfhart fed into me some similar issues and the patch that I put up corrected them - whether or not it included those two I'm not sure, but I'll look into it.

I was going to do some separate BIQs - but then Civ IV and specifically "Beyond the sword" came out and that is swaying my interest. Before you ask why I plan to go over to the "dark side," I'll explain myself.

01. Love modding in CivIII, but there's limitations, which we all know and love/hate. The things that limit it for me in CivIII aren't issues in CivIV - e.g. adding extra civs beyond 31, having more than one leader for a civ, tweaking the percentage of extra research a library gives, having no building limitations. Also, adding flavour is easier - I don't have to make a separate branch of research and commit to the "one change means I have to change a few other things" - I can, for example, keep it so that everyone researches logistics, but the barracks that are available as a result are more effective for some than others.

02. A Firaxis representative asked about including Anno Domini (the original version) in a CivIII bundle. It turned out we couldn't do this as I'd used several buildings/units from other people and we therefore couldn't 100% guarantee the copyright on everything - e.g. using the buildings from Pharaoh would have been a no-no for starters. I could have gone and tried to have made several buildings myself, but really...

This point leads to...

03. I will do all the artwork for Anno Domini Civ IV or use work that other people have created here that there are no copyright issues. Hopefully, there'll be either a rebundle of the existing package or (even more hopefully) a further expansion. The Firaxis rep said he'd keep a lookout for my projects and I hope that Anno Domini Civ IV will be included in the next expansion/rebundle as a fan mod - similar to "road to war" and "Rhyes of Civilization" are being included this time around.

Therefore, my move to Civ IV is due to me wanting to be able to use a system that can accept my editing needs better than Civ III and also gives me a chance for a little bit of glory ;) .
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