Announcing heihojin's 8th PBEM game!


Jan 1, 2002
Las Vegas, Nevada
I am now taking signups for my eighth PBEM game!

So far, I have the following confirmed players:
  • heihojin (me) - random civ
If you would like to play, please post a reply, send a private message, or e-mail me with your e-mail address and civ preference (if any). I require your e-mail address to hold your spot!

Please also either update your profile to indicate your location - city, state (if you're in the U.S.A.), and country - or indicate your location in your request to play. Alternatively, you could specify your time zone. I use this information to arrange turn sequence from East to West around the globe.

I am willing to customize your civ for you if you provide the appropriate information for the fields (Formal, Noun, Adjective, Title). Please note that your civ is considered public information at the start of the game; if you opt for a customized, random civ, you are expected to inform the group of the actual civ given to you immediately following your first turn.

The game will begin as soon as I have eight confirmed players, or sometime on the morning of Tuesday, March 4th (Arizona time), whichever occurs first. If you have not specified a civ preference by that time, you will be assigned a random civ. Spots for the game and civ preferences will generally be filled first-come, first-served, as determined by the timestamp of the request; however, I may deliberately favor some requests over others in the interest of balancing my games.

Turn summaries will likely not be posted to this or any other forum, as I am far more interested in actually playing the game than with posting turns in a public forum. If a number of players would like a thread to which they can publically post periodic updates on the game, however, then I may start a separate thread for that purpose.


By requesting to play you commit to the following:
  • You agree to contact me (through e-mail, private message, a third party or other means) as soon as possible if you encounter technical difficulties or other circumstances that prevent you from fulfilling these commitments.
    • You agree to act in a courteous manner toward all other players at all times in your "out-of-game" communication.
    • You agree to abide by the general protocol for gameplay as set forth in the welcome e-mail, as well as any changes to the protocol I may make during the course of the game.
    • You agree to inform the group when you are going to be unavailable for a period of greater than 24 hours.
    • You agree to check your e-mail at least once daily (at least twice daily is preferred).
    • You agree to promptly respond to all messages - immediately, if possible.
    • You agree to complete and forward your turn within 24 hours of receiving it.
    • You agree to refrain from "in-game" communication with another player until making contact with that player's civilization.
    If you would like to peruse the general protocol for gameplay prior to signing up, let me know and I will happily e-mail it to you.

    "In-game" communication refers to sharing information about your civ or other players' civs, making deals, proposing alliances, etc.. "Out-of-game" communication primarily refers to administrative matters (such as "Dude, where's my turn?" e-mails), but also includes innocuous conversation (such as "Where is everyone from?" e-mails).

    Default Game Settings and Rules

    Unless specified otherwise, the default game settings and rules will be as follows:
    • Game Type: Play By Email
    • Game Mode: Standard
    • Turn Timer: None
    • World Size: Standard
    • Barbarian Activity: Roaming
    • Land Mass: Continents
    • Water Coverage: 70% Water
    • Climate: Normal
    • Temperature: Normal
    • Age: 4 Billion
    • Difficulty: Regent
    • Allow Domination Victory
    • Allow Space Race Victory
    • Allow Diplomatic Victory
    • Allow Conquest Victory
    • Allow Cultural Victory
    • Allow Civ-Specific Abilities
    • Preserve Random Seed
    • Allow Cultural Conversions
    Please note that many of these rules are open to discussion beforehand; I will generally side with the majority opinion.

    Please note that as of version 1.14f of Civ3:pTW, there is a bug in setting the difficulty level of a PBEM game. A workaround for this bug was suggested by Melifluous. Due to my personal experience in experimenting with this workaround, I ask that you do not attempt to implement the workaround due to the possibility that it may alter the originally specified settings. You can read my reply to that thread for further details.

    I will do everything in my power to launch the game with the originally intended settings, and my experiments with the DLB workaround have given me reason to expect success. However, there is some chance that I am wrong, and that the aforementioned Difficulty Level Bug may set the Difficulty Level to "Chieftain" when you load the game through the Main Menu, despite my efforts. If this occurs, the game will likely continue regardless. Thus, by requesting to sign up for this game you are also consenting to the possibility, small as it may be, that the game may be played at a Difficulty Level of "Chieftain."

    One question that has frequently arisen is whether reloading the game is allowed. Although the "Preserve Random Seed" rule removes most of the incentive for reloading, there are of course other advantages. Unfortunately I know of no way to regulate the number of times the game is reloaded, so any rule prohibiting reloading is impossible to enforce. Furthermore, reloading seems quite acceptable in the event of an error, e.g. if you make a mistake in moving your units. Because I am reluctant to support rules that cannot be enforced, and because I'm sure that I personally will have to reload at least one game due to an error, I do not have any rules regulating reloads. Ultimately, it's a question of what provides the most enjoyment for you as a player.

    Please note that once you make contact with another player's civ, your diplomacy options are completely unrestricted. Feel free to invent whatever deals you wish, regardless of whether they are enforceable from within the game or not.

    These games tend to fill up quickly, so submit your request to play now! If you do not make this game, I always accept requests for alternate spots in this game and any of my other current games, so there's a good chance you can get in at least one of my games as an alternate.

    Here's to the next war!

I've replied to your announcement email and claimed babylon=)
  • heihojin - random civ
  • Praetorian - Carthaginians
  • gstocki - Chinese
  • task48 - Babylonians
  • heihojin - random civ
  • Praetorian - Carthaginians
  • Technoscaper - Egyptians
  • WildFire444 - Persians
  • gstocki - Chinese
  • task48 - Babylonians
All spots are filled!
  • heihojin - random civ
  • Playboy - Ottomans
  • Praetorian - Carthaginians
  • D.K. - Iroquois
  • Wildfire444 - Persians
  • Technoscaper - Egyptians
  • gstocki - Chinese
  • task48 - Babylonians
Prettyvacant is an alternate.

Tomorrow morning I will send the welcome e-mail and launch the game. :D

I just sent the welcome e-mail and the 4000 BC turn.

When you receive the welcome e-mail, please reply to let me know you've received it. If for some reason you haven't received it, please let me know as well.

When you load the game, pay attention to the indicated Difficulty Level - it should be "Regent." If it is not, or if at any time you notice Accelerated Production enabled, please inform me immediately.

Enjoy the game! :ar15: :rocket:

As I'm sure you have read from the related e-mail exchange, this game will continue to be played as v1.14f until all players have access to the v1.21f patch.

If you need to create two distinct installations of Civ3:pTW on your PC, please follow these directions:
  1. Copy the entire CIV3PTW folder to some other directory (perhaps C:\), and rename the copy (perhaps as "CIV3PTW v1.21f").
  2. Uninstall Civ3:pTW and restart your computer.
  3. Reinstall Civ3:pTW.
  4. Download the v1.14f patch from here.
  5. Install the v1.14f patch.[/list=1]This way when you launch Civ3:pTW normally, it will pull up as v1.14f. When you want to play v1.21f, browse to the copied directory you made and launch "Civilization3X.exe" (the executable). You can also create a shortcut to this file on your desktop; just be sure to label it as "v1.21f".

    Note that even when using two distinct installations, your default Saves folder will always be in your Civilization III\CIV3PTW folder, and **NOT** the copied folder you made!

    This may sound complex, and I apologize for the need to do this. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please ask - I will do my utmost to ensure that this is as painless as possible for you, and that this game survives.

...An email sent from the Chinese leader...

This is fair warning to you.

Your peace treaty is rejected. It was you who initiated war. If you want peace with the Chinese, you will offer recompense for the warrior you slew without provocation. Your forces have continuously trespassed in Chinese territory without aggressive action on our part while we had taken pains to remain outside Persian lands. Yet when we reciprocate and pass through your lands, our forces are slaughtered without warning or mercy.

Be warned that if you take any hostile action against our people or lands with the warriors currently in our territory, we will consider it an act of attempted genocide, and will henceforth treat you as vermin requiring extermination. If you wish to have any hope whatsoever of salvaging a peaceful relationship, you will withdraw all Persian units to your own or unclaimed territory outside Chinese borders.

If you choose to remain in this aggressive posture., we will respond in kind.

Supreme Dictator of the Chinese

Before word gets around that the Persians like to slaughter the races of Civ, I will let it be known that the chinese warrior went right next to the city of Persiopolis and would have caused great harm to the people of Persia. For this reason war was declared. If you seek compensation, you will not find any from the Persians.

Dictator of the Persians.
Notice yet again how Wildfire the Perfidious declares war: he attacks, kills and then blames the dead defenders for starting the conflict by forcing him to attack. We should not chastise him too harshly, as one so obviously locked tightly in the grip of paranoia cannot objectively see the foulness of his behavior. Like a rabid dog, he must be put down, compassionately but firmly for the good of all.
Well said.

The Chinese are done with Wildfire the Perfidious's false talk of peace. Actions speak louder than words, and apparently the only language the Persians understand is the sound of our warclubs smashing their skulls.

So we shall communicate our point emphatically.

Off topic here: Shouldn't my style of play not carry over from game to game?

I am pretty sure you got the Wildfire the "Perfidious's" from the game 4 thread and personally, thats bull that you bring that up here.
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