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[?] Any information regarding multiplayer?


Jul 15, 2010
I browsed the front page for a bit(but we don't yet have a war academy/info section for :BE) as well as some other websites ; and can't seem to find anything about multiplayer capability as of it.

As we are now down to release in the next 30 days and the onslaught of press release gameplay for singleplayer I thought it would have been easier to secure some information regarding multiplayer.

I mainly ask, because I really only play 'co-op'[Me and a buddy comp-stomp a bunch of AI]; and want to make sure before dropping cash-money on the game the feature I will mainly play is there.

Thanks in advance.
MadDjinn's masterclass strategies video on Twitch TV from Friday shows the multiplayer setup options very early on.
It's going to have every multiplayer option civ 5 had by the looks of it.
It's impossible yet to know if the netcode is improved. As far as options goes it seems to be similar to civ5 with some improvements to make life easier.

As far as stability goes for Civ5, I usually have very little issues when playing with friends. However playing with random people has always been a nightmare of lags and disconnects.
I just want to bump this in case anyone at Firaxis or MadDjinn or ... ANYONE has answers about multiplayer.

Main thing I want to know right now is whether it supports or will support mods.
I am also interested - can we play mods? Can we play scenarios? Can we play hybrid without being completely locked out of our game while at war? Will the AI propose deals in multiplayer games?
Sequential turns. That is all I ask. I hate simultaneous turns with a passion.
I am also interested - can we play mods? Can we play scenarios? Can we play hybrid without being completely locked out of our game while at war? Will the AI propose deals in multiplayer games?

I am also interested - can we play mods? Can we play scenarios? Can we play hybrid without being completely locked out of our game while at war?

Nope none of this :(

Will the AI propose deals in multiplayer games?

Yes they will :p
I've been watching for MP announcements with bated breath, but aside from the brief look at the game setup options in Madjinn's livestream they haven't told us anything about it. At this late date it seems more likely the game will run on the exact same code as civ5, with all its attendant stability issues, and lack of customization/modding capability.

The reason people don't play sequential isn't because they don't like it, it's because it's unplayably bad. On sequential and hybrid, during other players' turns, your screen freezes and everything becomes unclickable until your turn starts again. When your turn does start, all the actions of all other players resolve immediately -- and you have to try and figure out what the other players did by deconstructing your message log, which if there are a lot of players, means wasting half your turn timer just to know what happened. Meanwhile, simultaneous combat comes down to clickspamming and praying you have a better ping. My machine is pretty dated so I usually just avoid wars in simultaneous MP as much as possible.

Anyway, I think people would play hybrid -- I know me and my friends would -- if these issues were resolved. What bugs me the most is that there's no justifiable technical reason for any of these restrictions. Given that other multiplayer games also released in 2010 had no trouble transmitting a LOT more data in real-time -- Starcraft comes to mind -- it is frankly embarrassing that Firaxis hasn't done anything to fix sequential/hybrid for four years.

I am praying for this to change in BE, but I don't think there's much hope. Maybe -- maybe -- they aren't saying anything about MP updates since they don't want to admit how busted Civ5 MP was. But I'm a cynic. And as Arioch likes to say, Civ is a single player game.
Wow, hybrid turns are hard coded to the players at war, via as new score algorithym to determine who goes first......this solidifies my opinion that CivBE will not work for competitive MP, and all MP games with any war are going to be very long games :-/

Wow, hybrid turns are hard coded to the players at war, via as new score algorithym to determine who goes first......this solidifies my opinion that CivBE will not work for competitive MP, and all MP games with any war are going to be very long games :-/


LOLLLLL are you kidding me???
the most crap option ever invented in the human history is now the only option'???

if this is true im gonna pirate this game for sure, cant really stand firaxis anymore

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