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Any news on the possibility of DLL being released?

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I say this as someone who really likes VI, but someone who also would like them to make the gameplay simpler for the next iteration, both to help the AI and cut down on some of the busywork.
Honestly, it feels like this something games need to do in general. I mean, the motto of the industry right now seems to be "more more more" not "better," probably because that is a more objective measure (Featuring Five New Game Modes!) vs the subjective measure of making a game well balanced with a lot of depth.
I agree, Civ VI has way more mechanisms than previous iterations, and there are too many things to keep an eye on all of them, but that's only the case when you play with the Expansions, and more when you enable the new game Modes. I think the Vanilla Game is really simple to play with, without having to look after many mechanisms of the game, and the devs did a good move with NFP to add more Civs that you can play with without the need of the expansions. But I honestly don't see why they should simplifier things just to make it easier for the AI to compete with the Human Player. You would easily get bored of the Game after some few matchs, because everything is easy and simple to play with, and the AI actions are also easily to be predicted.

I mean, just look at the new Game Modes. They can't be more Simple. Even the Industry Mode is a simple Mod made out of some few already existing Mechanisms. So what are you expecting from a Game that only adds simplified systems? Surely no challenge.

If something doesn't work as expected, you don't get used to it and act according to its limits, no, you fix it. But, you're completely right, the Devs have limited amount of resources, and especially in the current Game Industry where actions are only Investment oriented, we can not expect them making major improvements to the Game(AI) (even if they are eager to).

Nonetheless, since the Devs admitted that they built Civ VI from scratch, it's no wonder that the Game isn't well balanced, especially because they didn't knew from the beginning how the Game would evolve, and the expansions weren't planned thoroughly so they could be balanced and play smouthly with each other. I really hope that they're going with Civ VI as the Base for Civ 7, so they can build on it, and that Civ 7 AI would be an enhanced/improved AI of Civ VI. Otherwise we would just get a Civ 6.5, just with a new Appearance. And that's why I think Civ 6 was never intended to be a completed Game or the better version of combined previous iterations, but just a build up for Civ 7 (At least since NFP we have the complete Impression that it's just a test base for new content/mechanisms), so the Latter can be what Civ 6 was/is anticipated to be but never intended for, a Combination of successful Mechanisms from previous iterations but with way more depth and capacity.
I mean, just look at the new Game Modes. They can't be more Simple. Even the Industry Mode is a simple Mod made out of some few already existing Mechanisms. So what are you expecting from a Game that only adds simplified systems? Surely no challenge.
That's not really fair. Industry mode could not have been done by a modder. None of the paid modes could be.
Nonetheless, since the Devs admitted that they built Civ VI from scratch, it's no wonder that the Game isn't well balanced,
I'm not quite sure what you're saying here. Why is it bad that Civ 6 was built "from scratch?" Had they used the same engine as Civ 5 they'd be criticized for making Civ 5.5 and still have to contend with that engine's limitations.
I really hope that they're going with Civ VI as the Base for Civ 7, so they can build on it, and that Civ 7 AI would be an enhanced/improved AI of Civ VI. Otherwise we would just get a Civ 6.5, just with a new Appearance.
Huh? Building Civ 7 off of Civ 6 rather than "starting from scratch" means that game would be more likely to be seen as "Civ 6.5." I certainly hope they do NOT do this, because I'm cooling off on Civ 6 and I'm eager to see another vision for the series.
And that's why I think Civ 6 was never intended to be a completed Game or the better version of combined previous iterations, but just a build up for Civ 7
That is some pretty baseless speculation for the most successful entry the franchise has ever seen! I think here it's important we take a moment to acknowledge that Civ 6 has made them more money than any other Civ ever and has been critically acclaimed. It's so easy to get caught up in the reinforced negativity among fanatics who spend much of their free time playing the game but simultaneously criticize it constantly. Take a step back from your problems with the game and realize that no one credibly considers Civilization 6 to be a failure on any level, especially the developer or publisher.
Aside from that, Civ 6 cost millions of dollars to make and countless man hours to make. I think it's rather insulting to the development team that you're implying they set-out from the get-go to basically do a subpar job (and also makes 0 business sense).
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Moderator Action: This thread is about the possibility of the Civ6 .dll being released. All this speculation about the intentions of the game's developers is increasingly uncivil and needs to stop. Back to topic please.
@pokiehl I never claimed that the Game is bad nor did I criticise the Devs, so I don't know why you accuse me of doing that. And when did I mention that it's a Failure? I know well that Civ VI is the most successful over all previous iterations, and I enjoy every turn I play with it. But looking at all the imbalances and the many Bugs that don't get fixed till years after the launsch of the Game, this lefts the impression that the Devs are Focusing more on other stuff (Civ 7?). And perhaps, just a speculation (man, it's easy to get scapegoated here), the reason why we didn't/won't get the DLL for Civ 6 (if the Devs are taking Civ 6 as the base for Civ 7, which isn't bad, we don't even know the limits of it's engine. the only limitations we know of are our current modding capabilities).

That's not really fair. Industry mode could not have been done by a modder. None of the paid modes could be.
I think you just misunderstoud what I wrote. The question wasn't pointed to the Game Modes (they are fine, I just answered to Dotsworthy and InsidiousMage that they are simple enough to handle), but simple mechanics in general. I was just implying that a Game with simple mechanisms isn't challenging.
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At least there is the decision to Not see / not talk about AI / DLL in general ... but plenty of recent communication about other things: Andrew Johnson [FXS], the Postings tab ...
It hurts to see the priorities.
I'm the resident writer/ historian/ researcher. I have no knowledge about anything about DLL issues, or even what a DLL is. I have a PhD in anthropology, but a flat out D in high school calculus (and never took a programming course). I just plain don't do this stuff and am not involved in these issues, nor is it my place to communicate anything re: this to this forum even if I was the right person for it. You can tag me re: historical questions, but please don't tag me re: this.
My post is not meant against you personally at all (in fact I like many of your posts and especially your appearance in the videos ;)), but rather the scope of information which seem appropriate to be talked about by Firaxians ... history, culture & civilizations ... ok, ok, is there more?
As I see it, you are (now) the only representative of 2kgames / Firaxis writing regularly at civfanatics and the area you cover is all what should be / is talked about officially. (that's what I meant with the priorities)
Seems strange / alienating to me for a game.strategic.

Just telling the fact ("No DLL sources will be released for civ6.") would have been hard - but better to bear then letting it open for years and giving room for endless discussions & speculations ...

I was really tempted to buy CiVI with all the expansions on Steam during the 2k publisher sale, but was able to resist the temptation, considering the overall skepticism in this thread over the possibility of DLL being released. So thanks again, everyone! I hope one day they'll release it so I can buy it and join you guys here instead of just watching videos of gameplay :)
The extended emphasis on getting a dll, comes mainly from rapid increase in unfixable (by mods) bugs and enlarged shortcomings of AI. Fixes come slow, and new problems are multiplying.
I was actually concerned the no free city glitch could happen in February (as it turned out, the code withing core was already implemented, so we have it already). I did express my concerns about Kublai with Owls of Minerva possible bug before January update and it did happen (although this one isn't as crippling as getting an ally when saying no, or having to manually adjust money transaction, because "make this deal more equitable" doesn't work). So yeah, it's nice to have new Civs, but then again the power creep is ever so apparent. I'm sure we all agree with the fact that releasing dll would be great.
However, for anyone that did not try New Frontier Pass (or CIV VI at all) yet, I would say, wait a bit, at least till April. Fixes are coming, balance patch is coming, perhaps some new modding capabilities are coming (they did promise something right?), game should look better (or perhaps there will be something else around the corner :mischief:).
perhaps some new modding capabilities are coming (they did promise something right?)

As far as I know, nothing was promised related to modding. Obviously new gameplay effects open up new possibilities for modders though.
perhaps some new modding capabilities are coming (they did promise something right?)
they avoid promises (which is fine, plans may change), but AFAIK they haven't even mentioned anything related to modding in general since last year "no plan".
Speaking of promises, I only recall the dev commitment "the most modder friendly version (of civ)". I don´t really see how they will deliver on this one unless they cough up the DLL, no matter how important/unimportant it would be for future mods.
The most brilliant thing Bethesda ever did, and the biggest reason besides nailing the sandbox that Elder Scrolls and Fallout are Money Printers Go Brrrrrr, is that they basically handed out the dev tools and told modders to to nuts

As long as they get the basics (sandbox and story) right its’s BRRRRRRRR (look at Skyrim and Fallout 4 sales) because we all know that buying an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game means not only unlimited content, but issues and bugs get rapidly fixed

And all that gets done FOR the Publisher FOR FREE

Then they went the extra mile and brough mods to consoles BRRRRRRRRRRRR

Any publisher

Who had a primarily single player base for their game

Who doesn’t do this

Is just stupid

Moderator Action: Please help us maintain the family friendly atmosphere of the site by using appropriate language. Modified your post to comply with forum rules. leif
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The most brilliant thing Bethesda ever did, and the biggest reason besides nailing the sandbox that Elder Scrolls and Fallout are Money Printers Go Brrrrrr, is that they basically handed out the dev tools and told modders to to nuts

As long as they get the basics (sandbox and story) right its’s BRRRRRRRR (look at Skyrim and Fallout 4 sales) because we all know that buying an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game means not only unlimited content, but issues and bugs get rapidly fixed

And all that gets done FOR the Publisher FOR FREE

Then they went the extra mile and brough mods to consoles BRRRRRRRRRRRR

Any publisher

Who had a primarily single player base for their game

Who doesn’t do this

Is just stupid

Yeah. On the other hand, I'd much rather have the develop fix the bugs than rely on community mods to do it since community mods tends to become outdated, bloated, or otherwise make changes that I don't want. But, Bethesda spent all of their time on the dev tools, so.
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Yeah. On the other hand, I'd much rather have the develop fix the bugs than rely on community mods to do it since community mods tends to become outdated, bloated, or otherwise make changes that I don't want. But, Bethesda spent all of their time on the dev tools, so.

Its by far the lesser of two evils, and you get the added benefit of all that content

Seriously The Forbidden City mod for Skyrim is superior to most paid DLC’s in games I’ve played
Its by far the lesser of two evils, and you get the added benefit of all that content

Seriously The Forbidden City mod for Skyrim is superior to most paid DLC’s in games I’ve played

Well, enjoy. Not for me, thanks. I don't like 99% of mods.
Yeah. On the other hand, I'd much rather have the develop fix the bugs than rely on community mods to do it since community mods tends to become outdated, bloated, or otherwise make changes that I don't want. But, Bethesda spent all of their time on the dev tools, so.
bloated and changes that I don't want, that's my opinion of the NFP...

somehow we agree, I'd also prefer that the devs leave the modders do mods/modes and fix the game first.
And when they don’t, you are left praying that the devs may or may not fix it in the next patch, maybe, in a month

Meanwhile, in Fallout and Elder Scrolls I’ve seen major bugs identified, fixed, tested and rolled out in the Unofficial Patch in a matter of hours.

It’s to the point that Bethesda themselves will have the Unofficial Patch in the Featured Mode list

There is literally no good reason not to do this. It costs you nothing. If you don’t like mods, nobody is making you install them.
And when they don’t, you are left praying that the devs may or may not fix it in the next patch, maybe, in a month

Meanwhile, in Fallout and Elder Scrolls I’ve seen major bugs identified, fixed, tested and rolled out in the Unofficial Patch in a matter of hours.

It’s to the point that Bethesda themselves will have the Unofficial Patch in the Featured Mode list

There is literally no good reason not to do this. It costs you nothing. If you don’t like mods, nobody is making you install them.

But if I don't install them, then I'm still left with a buggy game that the developer has no incentive to fix for me because "just install the community patch". That's even worse than the current situation for me. At least in this situation, there's a chance that the developers will fix most of the bugs. And they usually do, too! We're complaining that bugs don't get fixed in the next monthly patch, but it used to be that we only got 2-3 patches in a year. Now, we're getting 12! I don't mind waiting a while for an official fix. If the game is too broken, then I'll play something else until it's fixed. No big deal.

I'm not arguing against the release of the DLL, of course. More options is always better. I'm just not comfortable with the Bethesda way of doing things, which seems to be, "Eh, why bother fixing bugs? The community can do it later. Let's just release this half-finished game and sell a zillion copies before anyone realizes what happened." And it's not like they only did that once or twice. They've been doing it for decades.
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