Anyone interested in BUG v3.0 PBEM game?

do we take it ... or not? My preference is 'no' as I have stacks at two of his cities.

In my most recent game as Mehmed II, I mostly beelined Gunpowder and had to backfill a lot of standard early techs. But you don't have Alphabet yet?! Wow.

As to your question, is he in a current state to be useful as an attack dog now? If so, would he be after you take those two cities? If Yes and then no, I'd say take the deal. If he's not useful now or he'd still be useful after, go ahead and take the cities.
one of our restrictions is that we cannot research alphabet. We have also been rejecting trades too. I'm just going to kill him and then everyone else ... mwah!!!
You gotta love the AI. Of course, extorting the tech I just got through Liberalism. *rofl*

Nice going on the war, ruff. :D
I had split my stack to take out 2 cities at the same time - similar to the last wave but he can still build phants. So I've combined my stack again - full of anti-mounted units (formation phants mainly).
war finished - Ram from #2 to a single island city - it was a fairly gentle walk through his lands ... pretty boring actually.

The problem now is that I don't know what to do with the game - best suggestion I have is that we just let it die.

Spoiler :
which fits perfectly with a DM style game anyway :D
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