Apocalyptic Great People ModMod


Nov 13, 2005
Part of the fun of a Mod like Fury Road is the atmosphere, in this case Apocalyptic/postApocalyptic.
Unfortunately, when your Great Protectors appear with Great Spy names like Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, your Generals have names like Napoleon, etc, that reduces the atmosphere.

So I have made a simple ModMod that gives all the Great People - Protectors, Scientists, Generals, Engineers, and Merchants - names from Apocalyptic movies/games/books, like the Mad Max or Fallout series. For example, you can have a Great Protector named Mad Max or the Vault Dweller, a Great Merchant like Dr Dealgood, a Great Engineer like Master Blaster, and so on. Whether they are a Protector, Merchant, etc., matches what their character did - Engineers are engineers/mechanics, Scientists are scientists/researchers, and so on.

75% of the names chosen come from the Mad Max movies or the Fallout video games. The rest come from a variety of other apocalyptic games, books, and/or movies like Wasteland, Escape From New York/LA, Radioactive Dreams, Damnation Alley, Tank Girl, the Postman, Planet of the Apes (the originals, humans only), Terminator: Salvation, and a few others.

This mod is for atmosphere only, it makes no changes to actual units or rules. Only two files need to be changed. Feel free to incorporate in to any mod you want.


  • AGP.zip
    50.2 KB · Views: 320
I wonder why there're no comments still. Probably because of the mod's stopped development not a lot of people frequent this forum.

Anyway, I always use this modcomp so I've decided that it's a good idea to say thanks :p.
I still check this forum often. You are correct that I have not done much development on this myself in the last year.

The whole story changes when civ 5 is released in 90 days! None of the current mods will work at all, and we will have to start from scratch.
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