April 2021 Update - Patch Notes Discussion

Just for clarification, does this mean they have removed the Mayan bias for spawning near non-plantation luxuries? (Iirc they had spawn bias for a bunch of luxuries and many weren’t plantations)

If so, that’s a very welcome change
Does anyone of you have bugs with river labels, floods and dams not working or placeable in TSL Huge Earth?

I tried other maps and it works fine.
I will check it out. How does it manifest? No names at all? Wrong names/labels?
If the river names get messed up, that might explain why no dams are placable (only one per river (by name?), no matter the civs).
Just for clarification, does this mean they have removed the Mayan bias for spawning near non-plantation luxuries? (Iirc they had spawn bias for a bunch of luxuries and many weren’t plantations)

If so, that’s a very welcome change
That's correct. FXS meant to list the StartBias that were being removed in the patch notes (i.e. luxury resources not improved by Plantations), but the wording was not correct. I've edited the OP to add clarity.
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I will check it out. How does it manifest? No names at all? Wrong names/labels?
If the river names get messed up, that might explain why no dams are placable (only one per river (by name?), no matter the civs).

River labels does not show up, floods do not happen, and dams are not placeable.
River labels does not show up, floods do not happen, and dams are not placeable.
I assume they are all related to the same basic issue then, as they all go hand in hand.
I would open a topic on the official bug forums for that.
I will have a look at it in my next game on that map, as well.
They probably messed up the river uniqueness on that map, preventing names from being given, floods form happening, etc.
Sounds like either all rivers are treated as one big entity or none at all.
Or... they predetermined the original names for them and that messed everything up.
You know what would be fun? If Pericles got +1 to sea units for each military card, and Gorgo to land units. That would just look perfect.
And historically viable as well.
I might be in the minority here and I'm basing it on a sample size of about 1/2 a game, but were the extra infantry units really necessary? I exaggerate a bit, but it felt like about five turns went by between men at arms and the muskets/ LI.
Nice catch - updated patch notes with everything except Bananas since it's a Bonus Resource.
Good catch as well, I can't take credit it - Carl mentioned it on Twitch.
It's not up to Firaxis, most of the Console makers don't support Mods as I understand it.

That is true. I worked for a major game developer/publisher, and every patch or feature you add has to go through them (Sony/Microsoft) first, resulting in a lot of trouble, dev & QA time wasted, etc. PC is the only platform where all that is unnecessary.
Opening up modding on those platforms also takes away the control of content from those entities. You could add sexual content mods, which would be available on PS platform, etc. Sony would neither agree to that, nor have time to hand check each mod out there. So in order to prevent that from happening, they simply shut the doors categorically.

It depends how it is done.
For example Minecraft mods work on consoles with dedicated marketplace for them where players can download user created add-ons. Sure something like this might be too much for small company like Firaxis to implement in their game. And I dont think they are much interested in multiplayer either because playing with mods cross platform would require every player having the exact same mods installed to make the game fair for everyone.

I love seeing the same falsehoods about mods on consoles get endlessly recycled 7 years after Fallout 4 basically debunked all of them

Seriously if Bethesda of all people managed to make it work Fireaxis has no excuse
I love seeing the same falsehoods about mods on consoles get endlessly recycled 7 years after Fallout 4 basically debunked all of them

Seriously if Bethesda of all people managed to make it work Fireaxis has no excuse
You still have to contend with jumping through their hoops. Some publishers simply opt not to. And rightfully so.
Nobody said it is impossible. It is just a lot of extra work. And nobody wants extra work for nothing, no? Face it: Consoles have never been a big market for civilization.

Edit: And exactly how much modding are you going to do on your PS4 anyways? Don't tell me you want modding support in order to be able to play mods developed on PC. If you have a PC to mod on, you have a PC to play civ on.
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Enjoying the new patch. However, I'm a bit disappointed with the new Men-at-arms aesthetics...

They look too similar regardless their civ's culture: Chinese, Portuguese, Phoenician... even barbarians. Ironclad European medieval guys with kettle helmets.

Considering how almost every unit (i.e. the previous tier Swordsmen, or the medieval-era Knights) seems to have some sort of cultural flair (different helmets, weapons, pieces of armour, shields...), I find this a bit disappointing, and I hope that could be improved in a future update.

I don't think this should be (maybe) the case with Line Infantry due to the period where they belong. In any case, improving visual and cultural flavour is always a 10/10 for me.
Did they stealth fix the "What would it take?" button in the trading screen? That one is annoying.

I'd like to know the answer to this too. I was busy yesterday, so I didn't get to start a new game until just before bed. Unfortunately, I didn't get far enough into the game to check if this was still an issue. I'm at work now, so it'll be a bit of a wait before I can fire up my saved game again - unless someone else could shed some light on the situation.
Does anyone of you have bugs with river labels, floods and dams not working or placeable in TSL Huge Earth?

I tried other maps and it works fine.
you tried the other earth maps by Firaxis and they have river labels ?
Enjoying the new patch. However, I'm a bit disappointed with the new Men-at-arms aesthetics...

They look too similar regardless their civ's culture: Chinese, Portuguese, Phoenician... even barbarians. Ironclad European medieval guys with kettle helmets.

Considering how almost every unit (i.e. the previous tier Swordsmen, or the medieval-era Knights) seems to have some sort of cultural flair (different helmets, weapons, pieces of armour, shields...), I find this a bit disappointing, and I hope that could be improved in a future update.

I don't think this should be (maybe) the case with Line Infantry due to the period where they belong. In any case, improving visual and cultural flavour is always a 10/10 for me.

The line infantry is distinguished by the color of the civilization. And so I have very mixed feelings about these Joker nutcracker soldiers... They look very stupid! It's uplifting, but it's too much even for the game's cartoon-like design. At the same time, the city-states have strict and pleasant uniforms. I would very much like all the soldiers in one unit to have the same uniform color.
I might be in the minority here and I'm basing it on a sample size of about 1/2 a game, but were the extra infantry units really necessary? I exaggerate a bit, but it felt like about five turns went by between men at arms and the muskets/ LI.
Not sure if this would help but I think it would be interesting if the Men at Arms unlocked at Feudalism, like the Samurai does now.
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