[GS] Are maps created depending on the Civ?


Jun 17, 2015
I get bored with culture, science, and religious games.

So sometimes I just want to war from the start and have some fun. :borg:

So I pick a good war monger and Pangaea and plan right from start to destroy all!

So the map forms and it's chock full of mountains! Everywhere and splitting everything up. No way to get anywhere to conquer all. I've even tried making the world age "old" and it doesn't make a difference.

It seems when I pick a peaceful civ it isn't like that and soon there is an invading army swarming me.

I know.... I could pick a peaceful civ and then warmonger but it's all about having fun in a game right?

So what do you guys think? Am I imagining it? I can't think of any way of testing it?
Observer bias. You do not need "test" it to prove yourself wrong - look at the game's map scripting and civilization placement functions in the Lua files. You will clearly see that selected civilizations do not impact map generation, and that civs are placed down after the map is generated.
Most of the civs have a start bias. So once the map is generated, your civ is given the best spot to match its bias. However, these typically reference a terrain type, feature, or resource, nothing as specific as "isolated by mountain ranges". That's just luck of the draw.
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No. Map is generated first. Then the game checks what civs there are, and places htem according to start bias
Well thanks all. I didn't know how the process happened.

I guess I just have bad luck. GS certainly does have way more mountains. It kills my Dom games...
GS added continental divide mountain ranges to the pangaea map script. If you want a domination friendly map go with island plates or continents with low sea level.
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