Are there ties between Philosophy and Horror literature?


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
A new article of mine :) @haroon , I think at some point you had asked for something of the kind...
Maybe there can be some discussion?

Are there ties between Philosophy and Horror literature?
An examination of any ties between Philosophy and horror literature is, indeed, quite rare an undertaking... There are many reasons for the scarcity of articles on this topic, ranging from a reluctance to acknowledge horror literature as serious (literary) fiction, to Philosophy itself being dismissed as overrated, superfluous or obsolete. As with most cases of categorical nullification of entire genres or orders, this one as well can largely be attributed to lack of familiarity with the essential subjects they encompass.

It can be argued that there indeed are grounds to assert a link between Philosophy and Horror literature. Socrates himself, while pondering a definition of Philosophy, notes that the noun thámvos - the Greek term for dazzle – was traditionally regarded as the progenitor of philosophical thought, and goes on to speak favorably of this connection. Socrates offers the insight that Philosophy is a hunt for the source of the dazzling sense a thinker may have of there being unknown things in our own mental world; the sense that we are, both by necessity and will, progressing on a surface of things and sliding along, minding to steer away from any chasms, while below the level of consciousness is perpetuated a dark abyss of unknowns.

Anyone who has read H.P. Lovecraft would instantly recognize the aforementioned image. A deep, unexplored abyss teeming with potentially dangerous forces, juxtaposed to a relatively well-established surface area where humans carry on their everyday lives with neither the ability nor the will to investigate what lurks below. The lack of ability itself is to be expected: the human mind has its own limitations, and so does the conscious power of any individual. The absence of will, however, does signify fear.

That said, in Philosophy the subject matter does not – usually – allow for lack of will to manifest (what would a non-thinking philosopher be?). Nevertheless, it can be regarded as self-evident that will to examine the depths of one’s own mind is generally lacking in most people. It can be lacking in philosophically-inclined individuals as well, given there are topics which may cause even the supposedly self-indulgent thinker to make the conscious decision to back down from further examination; these topics primarily have to do with bringing into light what hasn’t been formed stably before: to self-reflect, to insist in examining one’s deeper world of thought is a little bit like having to look at a bright and blinding light that cannot be immediately softened. A dangerous and powerful beam which is potent enough to reveal new and not entirely well-defined forms moving about below the conscious mind. Sometimes – as in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – one has to first look away from the Sun, and prefer to observe not the forms themselves but their idols as they are reflected on the surface of a lake or river. Or choose to simply retain a memory of the first impression, and then dealing only with the memory, having replaced the striking and dazzling original with a replica sculpted out of more familiar thoughts and notions.

Let us recall the opening paragraph of H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu”:

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ”

Reading the above one cannot help but notice that a discovery may lead to disaster; for two reasons: The person made the discovery by stumbling upon it, but in essence this lack of readiness can well be something impossible to change and not even fruitful to attempt changing. It may indeed be caused by inherent checks and balances in the human mind. The sense of so intense and ominous a surprise is potent enough to demand meticulous examination: In De Maupassant’s dark short stories we often read of the narrator having to take notes in the aftermath of such a pathos, and those are notes taken not with the end to further the insight granted by the original revelation, but in fact with an almost antithetical goal: they are conceived and – perhaps – scribbled down so as to serve as another barrier between the frightened note-taker and the dangerous glow of the dazzling revelation, since they aspire to dim the light by burying it under pages and pages of a peculiar safety net. In Lovecraft, again, we often read the narrator claim that he is writing down his story not out of hope to establish some logical explanation (and thus make his horror diminish) but because he wishes for an account to remain, an account of a cursed barrier he stumbled upon. The horrified thinker is forced to become a strange patent creator and come up with means to repress a dangerous sense originating in the depths of one’s own mind. The sculptor in H.P.L’s “The Call of Cthulhu” can bare to look at the idol he created, but only out of sedation, while the original, witnessed in the dream, was impossible to withstand.

As stated, most of the issues dealt with in Philosophy do not immediately border so dizzying or dazzling a sense. Socrates did say that he was “almost afraid” of examining Parmenides, due to the nauseous implications of the Eleatic Philosophy; yet that was a discussion on Dialectics, a branch of Philosophy that deals with matters which by their own nature are open-ended and theoretical. And while potentially any examination of notions themselves may eventually lead the thinker to sense he isn’t aware of what lies further below (or even if any set foundation exists in those unlit depths of the unconscious from which all notions spring and are later on crystallized into terms to be used and communicated freely) it is obvious that the large majority of philosophical subjects are more distinctly outlined and consequently rendered quite fit for smooth and relatively unexcited discussion.

And yet, Lovecraft’s idea about an unintended revelation does echo other philosophical-literary sentiments by celebrated authors. The sense of a critical border – an event horizon, so to speak – in consciousness, is perhaps one of the most common subjects in well-known literary fiction, one examined by authors such as F. Kafka, J.L. Borges, H. Hesse, C. Baudelaire and E.A. Poe. It is, I think, highly unfortunate that when it becomes the centerpiece in horror literature – as in the case of H.P. Lovecraft’s works – the focus usually rests on the sentiment of fear and not on the arguably philosophical and psychological cause: the fear of the unknown.

Perhaps Lovecraft himself is – at least partly – to blame for diverting attention from the philosophical meaning of his allegorical “invasion” or “colonization” by “alien” lifeforms; this type of furtive coexistence may literally be alluding to the necessary lack of awareness in all of us for what lurks deeper inside our mental cosmos. After all, don’t we fossilize any sense of that deep into neat notions, and don’t we proceed to carve – far less potent than the original – idols of those notions in the shape of words?

(by K.CH) (alternative title for the article is "Word-Idols")
The key tool of philosophy is logic, ratio.
And you could say that philosophy investigates how far you can come with logic, where the borders are of that realm, what the ultimate questions, what the border-questions are.

And everything horror feeds itself from uncertainties, from subconscious demons, that can be woken up and overwhelm suddenly the securities of your logic conscious realm.

The everlasting battle between Order and Chaos
The everlasting frontier between Logic and Madness.

It is I think similar to the old magic of words.
If you know the true word of that bird in the sky, you can call it by its name, you can command it.
And at the same time the ominous feeling that by doing so, you meddle with powers greater than you can or should be able to control, and need to sacrifice something to Nature to bring balance back again in Nature.
It is religion that took the next step beyond this animistic restriction. The religion having an all powerfull God, granting us that power to meddle in Nature, as long as we accept God as the overriding power of everything.

I think Philosophy and Logic are like a religion... but without the "security" of a God.... we are left on our own... including our deepest fears from deep within our subconsciousness... where our Logic can fail to control.
The moment horror sweeps into our logic mind is like a religious person in sudden doubt about his belief.
It is also the "dare to know" moment in developing yourself in areas many other stop.

And more practical
I think it is noteworthy that especially children do often like horror (as long as it does not go too far).
Children being more in the phase of learniing, investigating, finding out where their borders are (that change all the time while growing up, and therefore needing to be checked whether they did not moved up already).
And how about LSD and paddo's. Going beyond the borders of your perception. Again mostly younger people in search of such borderstretching experiences.
^ @Hrothbern I agree about the distinction between order and chaos; with order also resting on (distanced) chaos :)
Logic is a great part of philosophy, and not only philosophy (formal logic traces its origins to before Aristotle; the abductio ad absurdum is eleatic philosophy).
But i do think that the safety of a confined system is also its ultimate weakness: if you get to sense that you are entirely safe, you may well be on the way to retracing (without meaning to) the trapdoor to the realm below.

At times i have thought of writing a story where Daedalus finally managed to forget about his labyrinth - later on this causes him to go inside of it, while he never wanted to.
But i do think that the safety of a confined system is also its ultimate weakness: if you get to sense that you are entirely safe, you may well be on the way to retracing (without meaning to) the trapdoor to the realm below.

oh yes
I very much adore uncertainty as a fountain of creativity
certainty, even only for your minimal basic needs, is already an inhibitor

I would not recommend anyone the life of a bohemienne, but if you can handle the fear from it... do it... at least for a while.
I did... and I can refuel from those periods by remembering.

At times i have thought of writing a story where Daedalus finally managed to forget about his labyrinth - later on this causes him to go inside of it, while he never wanted to.

Daedalus... a story of fate... of the never failing punishments for following emotions
But why does Daedalus needs to forget about his labyrinth ? To forget that chain of fatefull events ?
Daedalus... a story of fate... of the never failing punishments for following emotions
But why does Daedalus needs to forget about his labyrinth ? To forget that chain of fatefull events ?

The labyrinth primarily exists to host the Minotaur. Among other things this can be used as a metaphor for creating distance from repressed memories, or just the chaos below an organized consciousness.
I mean, usually people repress moments of dangerous intensity (that have to do with the mental world) and maybe substitute them (usually not consciously) with idols of such experiences. But if the idol also is lost or reproached then the road to the original intensity may become available again.
In Freud's article on the Uncanny, one reads of the view that the notion of the "double" can also relate to the dyad of repressed memory-anodyne recollection of it.
A new article of mine :) @haroon , I think at some point you had asked for something of the kind...
Maybe there can be some discussion?

Are there ties between Philosophy and Horror literature?
An examination of any ties between Philosophy and horror literature is, indeed, quite rare an undertaking... There are many reasons for the scarcity of articles on this topic, ranging from a reluctance to acknowledge horror literature as serious (literary) fiction, to Philosophy itself being dismissed as overrated, superfluous or obsolete. As with most cases of categorical nullification of entire genres or orders, this one as well can largely be attributed to lack of familiarity with the essential subjects they encompass.

It can be argued that there indeed are grounds to assert a link between Philosophy and Horror literature. Socrates himself, while pondering a definition of Philosophy, notes that the noun thámvos - the Greek term for dazzle – was traditionally regarded as the progenitor of philosophical thought, and goes on to speak favorably of this connection. Socrates offers the insight that Philosophy is a hunt for the source of the dazzling sense a thinker may have of there being unknown things in our own mental world; the sense that we are, both by necessity and will, progressing on a surface of things and sliding along, minding to steer away from any chasms, while below the level of consciousness is perpetuated a dark abyss of unknowns.

Anyone who has read H.P. Lovecraft would instantly recognize the aforementioned image. A deep, unexplored abyss teeming with potentially dangerous forces, juxtaposed to a relatively well-established surface area where humans carry on their everyday lives with neither the ability nor the will to investigate what lurks below. The lack of ability itself is to be expected: the human mind has its own limitations, and so does the conscious power of any individual. The absence of will, however, does signify fear.

That said, in Philosophy the subject matter does not – usually – allow for lack of will to manifest (what would a non-thinking philosopher be?). Nevertheless, it can be regarded as self-evident that will to examine the depths of one’s own mind is generally lacking in most people. It can be lacking in philosophically-inclined individuals as well, given there are topics which may cause even the supposedly self-indulgent thinker to make the conscious decision to back down from further examination; these topics primarily have to do with bringing into light what hasn’t been formed stably before: to self-reflect, to insist in examining one’s deeper world of thought is a little bit like having to look at a bright and blinding light that cannot be immediately softened. A dangerous and powerful beam which is potent enough to reveal new and not entirely well-defined forms moving about below the conscious mind. Sometimes – as in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – one has to first look away from the Sun, and prefer to observe not the forms themselves but their idols as they are reflected on the surface of a lake or river. Or choose to simply retain a memory of the first impression, and then dealing only with the memory, having replaced the striking and dazzling original with a replica sculpted out of more familiar thoughts and notions.

Let us recall the opening paragraph of H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu”:

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ”

Reading the above one cannot help but notice that a discovery may lead to disaster; for two reasons: The person made the discovery by stumbling upon it, but in essence this lack of readiness can well be something impossible to change and not even fruitful to attempt changing. It may indeed be caused by inherent checks and balances in the human mind. The sense of so intense and ominous a surprise is potent enough to demand meticulous examination: In De Maupassant’s dark short stories we often read of the narrator having to take notes in the aftermath of such a pathos, and those are notes taken not with the end to further the insight granted by the original revelation, but in fact with an almost antithetical goal: they are conceived and – perhaps – scribbled down so as to serve as another barrier between the frightened note-taker and the dangerous glow of the dazzling revelation, since they aspire to dim the light by burying it under pages and pages of a peculiar safety net. In Lovecraft, again, we often read the narrator claim that he is writing down his story not out of hope to establish some logical explanation (and thus make his horror diminish) but because he wishes for an account to remain, an account of a cursed barrier he stumbled upon. The horrified thinker is forced to become a strange patent creator and come up with means to repress a dangerous sense originating in the depths of one’s own mind. The sculptor in H.P.L’s “The Call of Cthulhu” can bare to look at the idol he created, but only out of sedation, while the original, witnessed in the dream, was impossible to withstand.

As stated, most of the issues dealt with in Philosophy do not immediately border so dizzying or dazzling a sense. Socrates did say that he was “almost afraid” of examining Parmenides, due to the nauseous implications of the Eleatic Philosophy; yet that was a discussion on Dialectics, a branch of Philosophy that deals with matters which by their own nature are open-ended and theoretical. And while potentially any examination of notions themselves may eventually lead the thinker to sense he isn’t aware of what lies further below (or even if any set foundation exists in those unlit depths of the unconscious from which all notions spring and are later on crystallized into terms to be used and communicated freely) it is obvious that the large majority of philosophical subjects are more distinctly outlined and consequently rendered quite fit for smooth and relatively unexcited discussion.

And yet, Lovecraft’s idea about an unintended revelation does echo other philosophical-literary sentiments by celebrated authors. The sense of a critical border – an event horizon, so to speak – in consciousness, is perhaps one of the most common subjects in well-known literary fiction, one examined by authors such as F. Kafka, J.L. Borges, H. Hesse, C. Baudelaire and E.A. Poe. It is, I think, highly unfortunate that when it becomes the centerpiece in horror literature – as in the case of H.P. Lovecraft’s works – the focus usually rests on the sentiment of fear and not on the arguably philosophical and psychological cause: the fear of the unknown.

Perhaps Lovecraft himself is – at least partly – to blame for diverting attention from the philosophical meaning of his allegorical “invasion” or “colonization” by “alien” lifeforms; this type of furtive coexistence may literally be alluding to the necessary lack of awareness in all of us for what lurks deeper inside our mental cosmos. After all, don’t we fossilize any sense of that deep into neat notions, and don’t we proceed to carve – far less potent than the original – idols of those notions in the shape of words?

(by K.CH) (alternative title for the article is "Word-Idols")

Touch my laptop for the very first time, first day in the office, I'll read it back at home, thanks man
OK I don't have much to say for the rest of the thread for now, but logic, while not mutually exclusive with philosophy, is simply not = philosophy, nor is it the key to it. There are certain philosophical branches that very much rely on logic but the insistance of some schools that all philosophy is founded in logic is just wrong. For a school that is fundamentally illogical, see stuff like Kierkegaard's writings, which are very much not logical, some even claim they aren't even argumentative.
OK I don't have much to say for the rest of the thread for now, but logic, while not mutually exclusive with philosophy, is simply not = philosophy, nor is it the key to it. There are certain philosophical branches that very much rely on logic but the insistance of some schools that all philosophy is founded in logic is just wrong. For a school that is fundamentally illogical, see stuff like Kierkegaard's writings, which are very much not logical, some even claim they aren't even argumentative.

Certainly. Depends on what kind of logic one is talking about as well. Formal logic (beginning usually with Aristotle, though that was building on earlier math stuff) is only a small part of thinking, and consciousness including all notions we use and are familiar with are also likely only a tiny part of mental senses. Philosophy is only partly about logic, whether it is formal logic or not.

Generally the use of confined and set on axioms, thinking systems or examination of such in philosophy, is attributed to Aristotle. Yet Aristotle's logic is itself only a subset of previous so-called dialectic thinking, which examines non-axiomatic systems by definition. It is why (to be brief) Socrates usually comments that after some point the set isn't defined enough to make meaningful or final comments.
OK I don't have much to say for the rest of the thread for now, but logic, while not mutually exclusive with philosophy, is simply not = philosophy, nor is it the key to it. There are certain philosophical branches that very much rely on logic but the insistance of some schools that all philosophy is founded in logic is just wrong. For a school that is fundamentally illogical, see stuff like Kierkegaard's writings, which are very much not logical, some even claim they aren't even argumentative.

Yeah, certainly. Even western philosophy is not mainly about logic. Hell, even analytic philosophy is not exclusively about logic. Logic is an incredibly helpful tool, but unfit to answer most of the relevant questions in philosophy imho.
The unknown is without doubt one of the things that we fear, it's somewhat related to our instinct of self preservation. If you never see a rabbit before, surely you will not pet it or fed it up during your first encounter, because as you grow and you acquired enough knowledge you start to formed in your mind a pattern of reality and event, when things suddenly going out from that pattern, like your first encounter with a rabbit or one day you wake up and notice your cat already grow a pair of wings, this will freak you out more than bringing you joy.

The first noticeable connection that I can see from Horror and Philosophy is that, both are all about deconstructing or destructing that normal living pattern and entering into an abnormal pattern. Actually after I read this article I come to realize of how horror, philosophy or even science are connected with revelation of the unknown, which pretty much the concern of all those discourses

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. ”

Beautiful quotation Kyrie
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