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Ashes of Erebus (RifE's Follow-up) Download and Bug Reports

Same game: rhe following error has occurred a few times after defeating some Svartalfar units

Some updates:
The "Tell me about ..." revealing almost all the map does not have a Python exception associated with it.

Elohim game with Thessalonica (tolerant) leader, all conquered cities show their own units in the build list plus the Monk. Screenshot of a Svartalfar city screen.

And a word of appreciation for what you are doing.

Some updates:
The "Tell me about ..." revealing almost all the map does not have a Python exception associated with it.

Elohim game with Thessalonica (tolerant) leader, all conquered cities show their own units in the build list plus the Monk. Screenshot of a Svartalfar city screen.
View attachment 691124

And a word of appreciation for what you are doing.

yeah, the tolerant thing is the new normal. I had to rewrite the whole thing to avoid errors and inconsistencies (and make the goblins work) and unique units from the civ that don't replace a normal unit will always show up.
yeah, the tolerant thing is the new normal. I had to rewrite the whole thing to avoid errors and inconsistencies (and make the goblins work) and unique units from the civ that don't replace a normal unit will always show up.
That would also explain why after building the catacomb libralus the Mekara cities could build the Shaper’s Cabal while already having the Mage Guild
A triggered event problem with Letum Frigus, is it possible that I have a corrupt MoreEvents module? These messages, similar to Foxford, appear every time any unit enters the location. The orphaned goblin message appears whenever a goblin is defeated in combat.
I have had another triggered event problem when entering the Remnants of Patria. I attempted to disable the RIFEMoreEvents module and had a Windows runtime error and cancelled out. I then went back into AoELauncher and was able to disable it successfully. The Foxford event now works fine and leaves a "Razed Foxford" which I had not seen before.

In the current game (save attached), Scions SVN367, all AoE Launcher default modules except MoreEvents (AnimalLairs, Black Duke, Coaxoch, Dural, Goblin, ImportantLeaders, MagisterAshes, MoreEvents, NodeYields, OnePotion, PPQ_Effects, PPQ_Flavor, PPQ_NAVY) I get a repeatable exception which forces me to sign out of Windows as the only way to shut down RiFE (looks like there are too many iterations of the exception for me to OK them all. It seems to happen when the focus shifts to a new adept that has just been built in the city containing Alcinus.


  • SVN_ScT01_R367.CivBeyondSwordSave
    380.2 KB · Views: 1
Update to above, if I delete the Adept with world builder the game carries on with no problems, if I create an adept with world builder then the exception occurs as soon as focus shifts to it.
Update to above, if I delete the Adept with world builder the game carries on with no problems, if I create an adept with world builder then the exception occurs as soon as focus shifts to it.
yeah that infinite exception is due to an animation issue. Not for the unit itself but for the model that appears in the bottom left when the unit's selected
In the current game (save attached), Doviello SVN367, all AoE Launcher default modules except MoreEvents (AnimalLairs, Black Duke, Coaxoch, Dural, Goblin, ImportantLeaders, MagisterAshes, MoreEvents, NodeYields, OnePotion, PPQ_Effects, PPQ_Flavor, PPQ_NAVY I am getting a Python error whenever I exit a city screen.
I restarted CIV4 and reloaded the game and the error did not appear until the end of the turn, but then always whenever I exitted a city.
I exitted CIV4, deleted the cache and reloaded the game and the error did not appear.


  • SVN_DOT01_R367.CivBeyondSwordSave
    225.1 KB · Views: 1
In the current game (save attached), SvartAlfar SVN367, all AoE Launcher default modules except MoreEvents (AnimalLairs, Black Duke, Coaxoch, Dural, Goblin, ImportantLeaders, MagisterAshes, MoreEvents, NodeYields, OnePotion, PPQ_Effects, PPQ_Flavor, PPQ_NAVY I am getting a repeatable CTD at turn end


  • SVN_SvT01_R367.CivBeyondSwordSave
    280.7 KB · Views: 1
In the current game (save attached), Mekara SVN367, all AoE Launcher default modules except MoreEvents (AnimalLairs, Black Duke, Coaxoch, Dural, Goblin, ImportantLeaders, MagisterAshes, MoreEvents, NodeYields, OnePotion, PPQ_Effects, PPQ_Flavor, PPQ_NAVY there is a Python exception whenever a slave is upgraded to a battle sluga or a battle sluga is upgraded to a war sluga


  • SVN_MeT01_R367.CivBeyondSwordSave
    491.4 KB · Views: 1
i thought we had fixed those a couple of revisions ago.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong :blush:

I have prepared the augmentation ritual, designated the target(s) and then do not get an option for the shaper to actually carry out the ritual. Only options are abandon the ritual for the shaper or withdraw from the ritual for the target.
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