ATI Graphics Card Owners: PLEASE READ

I installed the latest omega drivers from

That solved the problem I had with the game not working w/the ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 card. Played the game for about an hour, didn't run into any problems.. Finally! :)
I have a Radeon ATlantis 9200SE. Has anyone been able to get that model working??? Please reply.

DUAL AMD1800's ~~ 1.5GHz
512 MB RAM
Radeon ATlantis 9200SE 128MB AGP

Also, I've done the following:

Updated DirectX from the CD
Re-updated DirectX from
used ATI uninstaller then
installed Omega Drivers 2.6.75a --- No Good :aargh:
installed 5.10 ATI w/ control panel --- No Good :mad:
smoked some sp!nach
uninstalled/reinstalled Civ IV fully ~~ 20 more min ~~ then prayed --- STILL NO GOOD!!! :mad:

Timmy Manic said:
Murdock I've got the x800 XL AGP as well. Let me know if you get it going, I don't know if I'm quite as tech savvy as you. ;)


I'll let you know if I get it working, but after like four hours of messing with this, including windows updates, directX updates, video card driver uninstall/reinstalls, and a bunch of other stuff I'm right back where I started.

I think it's time for a Dean Scream: YEEEEAAAAGGGH!

I feel better now.
MurdockTheCrazy said:
I think it's time for a Dean Scream: YEEEEAAAAGGGH!

I feel better now.

"We're going to EB and Best Buy and Walmart. And we're going to Firaxis and 2K Games and Washington and Michigan and then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take back Sid Meier's House! Yeeeeeeah!"

Man... it's late.
Timmy Manic said:
"We're going to EB and Best Buy and Walmart. And we're going to Firaxis and 2K Games and Washington and Michigan and then we're going to Washington, D.C., to take back Sid Meier's House! Yeeeeeeah!"

Man... it's late.

At least we managed to make light of the situation :lol: .

But seriously, this sucks.

I'm about to give up... I'm going to try messing with the game config a bit, then I'll just wait for Sid and Company to fix it like everyone else.

This reminds me of what happend after BF2 game out... It didn't work on a lot of nvidia cards. But that was an issue with the cards not being good enough for the graphics in that game.

These cards are perfectly able to handle the game, the game just seems to not like them.
I've got 2.8ghz Intel P4, an ATI X800 Pro, and 1 gig of ram, a driver check reports think maybe catalyst 5.7....

Went through the install, including updating directx when prompted, and the game ran just fine. Played the tutorial for about 3 hours with no issues whatsoever.

I was scared when I read these ATI reports that I was gonna have another issue like with Civ3...when I got Civ3 it had the lovely effect of running the game at the highest possible refresh rate indicated by Windows. Few things suck more than getting a highly anticipated game and having it not work when you get it home.

If it doesn't work for you, keep at it. The game, what I've played so far, is a lot of fun.
felder said:
I've got 2.8ghz Intel P4, anATI X800 Pro, and 1 gig of ram...not sure what drivers I've got. I updated them fairly recently though.

Went through the install, including updating directx when prompted, and the game ran just fine. Played the tutorial for about 3 hours with no issues whatsoever.

I was scared when I read these ATI reports that I was gonna have another issue like with Civ3...when I got Civ3 it had the lovely effect of running the game at the highest possible refresh rate indicated by Windows. Few things suck more than getting a highly anticipated game and having it not work when you get it home.

If it doesn't work for you, keep at it. The game, what I've played so far, is a lot of fun.

Looks like more evidence of the theory that the Pro cards work :crazyeye: .
Driver Version: CATALYST 5.9 x64
Display Driver: 8.172
Control Panel Version:
Works / Doesn't work: Works flawlessly.
OS: Windows x64
Hi all,

I worked on getting this installed for 5 hours -- not unlike many of the rest of you. FORTUNATELY, I was able to get it working **finally**. I wanted to just play it, but I HAD to come back and let yous guys know what I did to get it working.


DUAL AMD1800's ~ 1.5GHz each
512 MB RAM
Radeon ATLantis 9200SE

updating and reinstalling everything -- ATI drivers (both Omega & OEM 5.1) and DirectX9.0c (both from Civ CD and from -- also completely wiped/reinstalled Civ IV (just to try it). I had also done a lot of praying, cussing, and toking during this time.

Then I read the post about DirectX9.0 removal tool on :cool:

I remembered that the brandest-newest version of DirectX took a dump on me when installed bundled w/ other games, so I tried it. YOU NEED YOUR WINXP CD HANDY!:scan:

Go to and find the directx removal tool and then extract it to THIS FOLDER C:\DXTEMP

that folder. THAT one. Then reboot in Safe Mode. According to the readme, you MUST do this in Safe Mode.

Once in Safe Mode run the file called DX9UN.BAT in the DXTEMP dir. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PROMPTED. :nuke:

I went through it and rebooted to normal desktop. I went to Control Panel and the DirectX util now said I was running DirectX 8.1 I then went and tried it.........

.....the opening movie was a sight for (really red) sore eyes!! I can't garauntee this is going to work, but it is definately worth the effort once you get it working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob: :king: :eek: :mischief: :cool: :D

I'm off to conquer the world! Good luck!
HP Pavilion ze5400
Windows XP Pro
Service Pack 2
Intel Pentium 4 2.66 GHz

ATI Radeon IGP 345M

uninstalled and reinstalled drivers
installed Omega driver add-on
installed Directx 9.0

1) opening movies very choppy
2) terrain all black
3) No leader faces (just eyes and teeth).

Any workarounds, fixes, suggestions welcome.
Olive said:
Is it my 32 meg memory? or the drivers? I can load etc., but get black where the landscape should be. And balnk leader faces. The glabal view does give me landscape, however. Any help would be much appreciated.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz
Memory: 512MB RAM
Page File: 298MB used, 567MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
Chip type: MOBILITY RADEON 7500 AGP (0x4C57)
DAC type: Internal DAC(350MHz)
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4C57&SUBSYS_01491028&REV_00
Display Memory: 32.0 MB

Same here! Been waiting forever to play this game!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Intel(R) Centrino(R) CPU 1.50GHz
Memory: 1256 MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
Chip type: MOBILITY RADEON 7500 AGP (0x4C57)
DAC type: Internal DAC(350MHz)
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4C57&SUBSYS_01491028&REV_00
Display Memory: 32.0 MB
Ten steps to get Civ4 to work:

#1: Place large cape-buffalo skull on head as a hat, pretend you're a witchdoctor.

#2 Take small vegetable, place on plate, soak with kerosene, set fire as sacrifice.

#3 Make a camp-fire with only the wood from an oak tree, dance around it while singing "Humchakalaka Humchakalaka Humchakalaka."

#4 Bow toward Sid Meier's house, say prayer.

#5 Pat the head of someone with red hair.

#6 Read the whole Civilization IV manual, starting with "In The Beginning".

#7 Drink five cups of espresso straight.

#8 Take nap.

#9 Fast from all other computer games for two weeks.

#10 Put on a pair of ruby slippers, click your heels together and say "There's no game like Civ. There's no game like Civ. There's no game like Civ".

After that, the game should run just fine.

Your results may vary, void where prohibited, use at your own risk. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear, no representation is made that the quality of services to be preformed is better than the services preformed by other dentists. In space, no one can hear you scream. Do not use this advice and drive or operate machinery, if ingested, seek a doctor.

Failing that, looks like we have to wait for a patch.

[Edited to add: This post was in no way intended to make fun of 4204tarbal's solution, I hadn't seen his post when I made this one.]
I switched out my ATI X800 XL video card with my ATI 9800 PRO, and now it is working with the 9800 Pro. I used steps as follows:

1) Uninstall Civ4
2) Uninstall ATI Drivers
3) Shutdown & swap X800XL (out) with 9800 Pro (in)
4) Boot up and install Catalyst 5.10 drivers
5) Install Civ4

Please note, that when reinstalling Civ4, it did not prompt me for Directx9.0c, which I assume was still present from previous installation. The ATI X800 XL was giving me the Rendering Error. I attempted new drivers (even Omega drivers), uninstalling, reinstalling, etc, but could not get X800 XL to work. See system info below as reported by dxdiag. Lots of info reported by dxdiag, so if you would like additional system info, let me know.

System Information
Time of this report: 10/26/2005, 23:48:17
Machine name: Comp
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: NVIDIA
System Model: AWRDACPI
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.8GHz
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Page File: 278MB used, 2182MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode
4204tarbal said:
Hi all,

I worked on getting this installed for 5 hours -- not unlike many of the rest of you. FORTUNATELY, I was able to get it working **finally**. I wanted to just play it, but I HAD to come back and let yous guys know what I did to get it working.


DUAL AMD1800's ~ 1.5GHz each
512 MB RAM
Radeon ATLantis 9200SE

updating and reinstalling everything -- ATI drivers (both Omega & OEM 5.1) and DirectX9.0c (both from Civ CD and from -- also completely wiped/reinstalled Civ IV (just to try it). I had also done a lot of praying, cussing, and toking during this time.

Then I read the post about DirectX9.0 removal tool on :cool:

I remembered that the brandest-newest version of DirectX took a dump on me when installed bundled w/ other games, so I tried it. YOU NEED YOUR WINXP CD HANDY!:scan:

Go to and find the directx removal tool and then extract it to THIS FOLDER C:\DXTEMP

that folder. THAT one. Then reboot in Safe Mode. According to the readme, you MUST do this in Safe Mode.

Once in Safe Mode run the file called DX9UN.BAT in the DXTEMP dir. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN PROMPTED. :nuke:

I went through it and rebooted to normal desktop. I went to Control Panel and the DirectX util now said I was running DirectX 8.1 I then went and tried it.........

.....the opening movie was a sight for (really red) sore eyes!! I can't garauntee this is going to work, but it is definately worth the effort once you get it working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob: :king: :eek: :mischief: :cool: :D

I'm off to conquer the world! Good luck!

Well done sir! :goodjob: It's getting late here, so I think I'll try that tomorrow. Hope it works.

However, there still needs to be a patch, you can't have every ATI owner that installs Civ4 do that... Something has got to be done.
The game won't run on my machine with an ATI x800 XL, but I gave my brother my old 9800 pro, and it runs perfectly well on his.
WinXP sp2
ATI x800 Pro
Catalyst 5.10
Dx 9.0c
p4 3.2
A.K.A. a computer it should run great on.

Blue-screen videos, no menus.

Trying the most recent omega-drivers now.
Stryck said:
WinXP sp2
ATI x800 Pro
Catalyst 5.10
Dx 9.0c
p4 3.2
A.K.A. a computer it should run great on.

Blue-screen videos, no menus.

Trying the most recent omega-drivers now.

eh, no luck.
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