• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

ATI Graphics Card Owners: PLEASE READ

Radeon Sapphire X800 XL on WinXP
DirectX 9.0c had been previously installed.

No problems whatsoever... installation was a breeze for me. I remember experimenting with the Omega drivers at one point, but I had later switched back to the ATI default ones.

I'll check my exact driver numbers when I get home... just had to delurk so that people would stop badmouthing the X800XL card :p

Go a machine coming in a few weeks and planned to put civ 4 on it, assumed it would be fine even on the big maps i like as it is athlon 64 3800+ 1gb ram etc etc. Trouble is it has an ATI card: X800 GT.

I havent seen it mentioned here and wondered if anyone has tried with this card?. Could try to get it changed but its a bit late notice.
Radeon Mobiliy 7500
I have black terrain and missing leader faces. Has anyone gotten this to work yet? I'm reinstalling OmegaDrivers; should I try something with DirectX?
Radeon 9800 Pro (256MB)

No serious issues, but...

Stutters a but when pulling out to the earth view or returning to zoom. I think it is the clouds.

The bombing animations are not showing up for the planes.

Sometimes the fighting animations don't show.
ATI Mobile 9200 - reinstalled originally drivers (9200/9500) and it worked. But having problems with time lags playing large maps. No issues for small/reg sized map. Maybe RAM issues
I'm kind of surprised there are this many issues with the graphics cards, since Civ IV is using the Pirates graphics engine. Strangely enough, I had to switch from an nVidia graphics card to an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro to get Pirates to work. I haven't bought Civ IV yet, but I hope I don't need to change graphics cards again. I'm using the Omega drivers, so I'm hopeful. :cool:
Radeon 9800 Pro
Latest driver with Catalyst (I think 10/12 release)
Works fine, even upped some of the AA settings.

I had used the ATI uninstaller recently because I was having issues with Rome Total War and everything was fine after I did the fresh install of the latest driver. I also generally keep my Catalyst settings all the way on the performance side.

Be warned, you might need to do an F8 start in VGA mode after the uninstall. My XP was booting in like 10x8 resolution or something close to that.
Raedon 9800 Pro - 256MB
Driver - Have to check when I get home but it's not the latest one which is Catalyst 5.10.

No noticable issuse yet, but have only played the tutorial and some early ages of solo game.
Radeon 9800 Pro, drivers about a year old, no problems installing or playing so far (played about an hour).
Still waiting on my copy to arrive. Glad to see the 9700 Pro is working!
I've got an Athon XP 2800, 1GB Corsair DDR 3200.
Card: ATI Radeon 9600 (256 meg)
Driver Version: (Cat 5.10)
Does Not Work: Get the Failed to Initialize Renderer
look at my sig :)
Card: X600
Driver Version: catalyst
Doesn't work

Card: Geforce 6800
Driver Version: 81.85

Card: Geforce FX 3000
Driver Version: 81.85

---My recommendation don't buy ATI cards, I was once a strong believer 9600, 9700, 9800 but now...and after several, several games) my Geforce cards have never let me down. I wish when I had purchased my laptop I had a choice to go with Nvidia but didn't and now I'm really paying for it.
well because Search has been disabled ...

I have installed but not yet played (at work today). Has anyone seen anyone say anything about Radeon Mobility 9700?

Im at work but my Laptop is at home. If I remember it is a Intel P4 HT 3mhz, 1gig ram, 64meg Radeon Mobility 9700.
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