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Axis and Allies!


Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2000
I have Axis and Allies the board game and the Computer game which are both awesome! Does anyone have the PC game of A&A? If so Email me or soemthing if you wanna play a game of A&A
i love axis and allies. the comp. game, which strangely costs as much as the board game, i do not have.
A&A RULES!!, i would love to get a copy of the pc game but it´s hard to find around here, that is unless i go straight for a bootleg version and pray its in working condition.
I have the axis & allies on the computer, but i don't know how to play multiplayer. I always lose to the computer on the 5 star general level (Rommel, Yammato, etc.), but i can always win on the 3 star level, and usually win on the 4 star level.
Let's play someday Sun

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I have A&A Iron Blitz!!!
And I want to play multi very much - are there any others who are members of AAMC in here??

Ehh Vlad - I'm not sure if we have the same version of the game, the AI suck in my version, and I really think that some of them play better on 4 star level than 5 star!!!!

Now that i am better at playing AA, i find that the AI really blows!

They Germany always buys infantry no matter what.

Japan has 15 subs, and uses them for nothing.

US defends alaska with 15 infantry, and defends western US with 1 fighter.

No country ever does weapons development!
tou got it - the AI sucks in this game. I don't know why but sometimes they just amaze me - they are more stupid than the Civ2 AI.

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