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AZ-07: A Tale of Not That Many Cities

Got it.
Will most probably play my 15 turns tonight.

If we beeline for metal casting we will enter medieval era in about 18 turns.
As Habanerius said, we needed to get in the positive happiness as our cities are growing too slow. Alex is also a little annoyance remaining so I'll try to get rid of him (after all, he's the one who started it).

T116: Wu calls in and ask for a PoS against Ramkham. As he is the leader, I don't see the point of refusing this request. Sparta wants furs. Start building a plantation to exploit the spices W of Corinth. I clear the last Greek warrior N of Knossos.
We met Monty and he teach us how to dance.

I kindly ask what he has to offer and his bank is quite full:

Ramkham asks us to join his crusade again Ramsey but I politely decline

T117: Vienna is conquered. Don't know by whom. Alex is portecting Hanoi. This guy is a weirdo as he as to cross our land to go there. Siam is reinforcing its alliance monopole with adding Florence to its list. We are now at 4 :(.
Monty proposes a PoS against Ramkham. Good idea. I sign.
Ramsey is in serious trouble :

Meanwhile, I'm psyching a bit as Hiawatha is packing a lot a units near our front line:

I continue my offensive against Knossos as planned.

T118: We are now at 1 :) after a trade with Harun for spices against marble. Cities will start growing again.

Continuing the road connection to Vijayanagara.

T119: Masonry comes in. Delhi grow to 4. Vija to 2. Grand River loves us because of the marble.
We have a good overview of Iroquois units:

Knossos is a tough little lady and doesn't want to let us in (unlucky attack of our swords).
I move the cavalry units to station in Vija and Sparta. I have a bad feeling with all those indians around.
Starting researching Metal Casting and a warrior in Vija.
Ramsey apologize for being at war with one of our friend. Whatever.

T120: Knossos falls and I puppet it as we don't have a coastal city so far. Might be useful at some point.
Alex asks for mercy. As he has nothing to offer I don't see the point of accepting it. Die!

Egypt protecting Rio. Meh.

T121: Troops en route to (Neo)Argos. Units healing after Knossos conquered.

T22: China and Siam have a research agreement. I'm feeling the PoS earlier signed with Wu was a smoke screen...
Constructing trade post NE of Athens.
Giving gold to Hiawatha to buy us some time to wipe Alex.
Selling our new incense from Knossos to Monty. He's likely to be an ally after all. No dance training this time though.

T123: Stealing the ally status from Siam with Hanoi. They join us in the war wtih Alex (but I doubt they'll help at all).
Zu is overly polite. I'm starting to have a really bad feeling about this.

Ramkham enters Renaissance.

T124: Mumbai loves us for the pearls. Sparta grows to 4.
We have a new neighbor 5 tiles N of Vija: Nanjing.

Hanoi forces:

Almost in position to attack Argos.

T125: Ptolemy tackles us for the most unprogressive people around.

Troops in position around Argos.

Cleared the barb camp S of Knossos with elephants for 25 gold.
Archers and general move in Mumbai. We never know waht can happen.
We are quite happy now. Objective complete.
Ramkham complete the Hagia Sophia. He his the big bad guy here. Hope is not too close.

T126: Trade route to Vija complete. Grand River grows to 3.
Still cleaning barbs with elephants around Knossos.

T127: Argos has wall so it might take more time than expected.
Moving worker to build a mine on the second diamond deposit.

T128: Corinth grows to 5. Settler build in Argos by Alex.

T129: Metal casting turning in. Starting Construction (perhaps better to change to something else).
Siam and Iroquois signed a research agreement.
I capture Alex's settler before Argos fall. I've chosen to raze it as more :( is not a good long term option giving the current situation (we need to grow!).

Starting the diamond mine SW of Mumbai.

T130: Hiawatha and Harun are very pissed as they DoW on us.

I understand why Hiawatha is mad but Harun :confused:.
So we have justfinished one war to start another one :(.
And we are back in :( (-2 if I'm right) so no more city growing.

Still no new policy chosen. I guess that might be a good time to choose.


  • AZ-07_Turn_130.Civ5Save
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I suspect Harun got something out of his DoW. But considering we don't have any border with him I'm not too concerned, he'll probably make peace in 10 turns.

As for suggestions: What's there to do? Hiaw-hatschi has obviously not learned his lesson, we'll have to teach him again. We're in a lot stronger position than last time with a pretty big army. We don't need more troops for now, except about 2 catapults. I'd say it's :hammer: time, for a change :crazyeye:.
Turn 130: Traded spices for cotton with Rama and sold more spices to Wu for 150 gold. Now let's see her backstab us. The money I used to rush buy a catapult and a swordman. Then I adopted Piety and Organized Religion, aiming to head for Theocracy in 30 turns or so. Montezuma agrees to PoS against Hiawatha, and Rama against Harun. The first goal is to wipe out the attacking army near Knossos. I configure all cities to work trade so that we can rush buy units. We have a nice gold surplus.

Turn 131: I lose a sword out in the open after it kills a spear.

Turn 132: I lose another sword near Osininka. It's very difficult to wage this war because nothing has been scouted and Hiawatha seems to have loads of units ready to kill any unit left out in the open.

Turn 133: Hanoi grants us... an archer. Construction -> Steel (for the longswords). Our army is starting to get a bit long in the tooth, I'm seeing pikes already. Grand River is being harassed by some spears, it has no defense at the moment. I send a horse and a warrior for fire brigade duty.

Turn 134: Arabia makes their presence known, but it's just a lone archer bombarding Hanoi. I guess they were out of B-52s or something :rolleyes:

Turn 135: Our southern army is converging on Osininka. The defenders seem to have deserted. The city falls easily, I puppet it even though it has nothing particularly useful. We are doing OK on happiness for the moment. The situation at Grand River is getting tricky, the warrior is upgraded to sword and lurks outside the city in the woods waiting for backup while Hiawatha hammers the city.

Turn 136: Grand River falls. Mumbai rush buys a war elephant. Our counter-attack is almost ready to begin.

Turn 137: Wu cancels PoS against Rama. Stupid AIs, why are they letting him run away with the game? I attack Grand River with a sword but the defender holds.

Turn 138: Ramesses wants PoS against Rama. That won't last long though as he's about to die. The sword near Grand River falls.

Turn 139: A war elephant defends against a pike, somehow, and the tide turns. Egypt loses its capital.

Turn 140: Hiawatha pulls a :smoke: and sails near Knossos with an archer, letting the city bombard it to bits. My one remaining sword has made a daring path through the south to flank the enemy, but runs into a GG reinforced spear south of Onondaga, and has to retreat before it gets killed.

Turn 141: Grand River is retaken.

Turn 142: Wu and Ramesses declare peace. The woods south of Grand River are full of Iroquois units and I cannot see anything. It is impossible to attack in this fashion.

Turn 143: The Egyptian civilization is destroyed.

The war is going really slowly because of unit spam and bad terrain. We need to come up with ideas and fast. Rama has three times anyone else's score, 5000+ gold, and 312 gpt. Yeah. He also has a size 23 city. Maritime CS spam much?

UP = Habanerius (I guess)
T145: I sell open border to Rama-whateever and Spices to Monty. I also sign a research agreement with Wu. Rama-whatever is really doing very well. I've never seen a size 23 city so early in the game. We will finish Steel next turn with a big waste (I don't understand why this doesn't get fixed). Then i kill Hiaw-hatchis troops at Grand River.

T146: I go for philosophy. Mumbai is still at size one, i manually assign the wheat tile and start a colosseum. I find the first arabian city west of Grand River.

T148: Our forces are confronted with 3 arab horsemen while advancing on Onondaga.

T149: I loose a spearman to an arab horseman. I decide to research civil service. Helsinki is now an ally of Arabia and declares war on us.

T150: More arabs show up. They are really hindering my advance on Hiaw-hatschi! Rama-whatever enters the INDUSTRIAL ERA! WTF?! SERIOUSLY!? It's 800AD!

T151: Arabs are advancing on Grand River and trying to outflank us in the south near Osininka. I finally capture Onondaga. Our newest horseman completes his training by dispersing the barb encampment north of Delhi. Hanoi gifts us a longswordsman.

T152: I make peace with Harun.

T154: Harun offers open border. I accept, this will allow us to scout his lands. I sell incense to Monty and sign a research agreement with him.

T155: Mostly unplayed, i spend the last turns healing our troops. We're ready to move.

We should research sailing and optics before our research agreement with Wu is complete. I wish this wouldn't be so random. But getting a caravel out to meet more civs might also be a good idea in the future. We need to sign some research agreements to catch up to Siam.

Hiaw-hatschi will also sign peace and give us a city, but i'd say let's finish him.

Rama-whatever is a real problem. As i see it our only hope is a diplomatic victory. If we can bribe enough CS to vote for us we might get lucky. We should avoid a war with him at all costs, before we (also) have artillery we'll get blasted by his.
Anyone any ideas on how to deal with him?

jammerjun is up.


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Got it. Will play tomorrow as my agenda is a little heavy those days.

I agree on the diplo victory option as there not much option as Monty is in the Industrial era.

Did anyone try to PM TexasTiger?
I have quite a lot of work here as we are in a testing period.
Only managed to play 5 turns yesterday evening (before almost falling asleep while playing).
Will play the remaining ones tonight.
Don't get me wrong, it was already quite late and I was really tired.

I finished my turnset but stopped it at T163 because... *teaser* ...we got a new DoW.

And azaris you were right as it really looks like an always war game.

Will do the report during the day.


  • AZ-07_Turn_163.Civ5Save
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T155: Mumbai grows to 2. Spearmen exploring the eastern coast but find barbs. Helsinki is at war with Siam and asks for help. What a shame. Discovered The Barringer Crater near Akwesasme while scouting with horses. There's also Ling Lun (GA) standing ouside of Akwesasme but I guess he was too absorbed staring at the dears (and get eventually captured). As everything's safe, all troops move in. Circling north with archers through Arab territory (you never know).

T156: Knosso grows to 3. Grand Mesa discovered. Yay \o/. One more trading post started in Delhi. Attack begin on Buffalo Creek.

T157: One more GG is born (in Athens). Saved him for a GA or a citadel (haha). Puppet Buffalo Creek. One more trading post started in Osininka.

T158: New policy is Theocracy to limit :(. Met Almaty and they gave us 15g. They are not yet allied to anyone. Captured a worker in Buffalo Creek. Osininka wants Marble. Starting a colosseum in Delhi. Met Seoul andwe are 15g richer but they're also allied with Siam :/.

Scouting job around Khurasan (Arabs):

T159: Civil Service turns in. Starting Sailing (kicking in 1 turn after micro managment). Akwesasme in bad shape and about to fall.

Wu is a bit too obvious:

Montezuma thanks us (and makes a face, wait pleonasm):

Ramram can't stand it and slams the door:

T160: Sailing turns in. Made peace w/ Rio (after they captured a worker - sloppy play). Grand River want Ivory. Trade route to Akwesasme completed. Helsinki is no more (bloody Ram). Siam complete Taj Mahal. Starting working the gems S of Mumbai and a trade post in Athens. Exchanging Marble for Dyes (just finished with him) to Harun. We're 3 :) but no more trade is possible at that time.

More scouting in Arab land:

And checking on Wu:

T161: Osininka loves us. Spices trade finished with Ram and we lose cotton thus we're at 2 :(. One more trade post in Osininka started.

Monty warning us, with a face (again):

Ram is learning fast and makes us faces as well:

T162: Optics turns in. Starting Currency. Moving troops N as I fear a dumb move by Wu.

I was right (and so were you Habanerius):

T163 is completely unplayed.
No problem on my side.
As long as we don't let this game die, I'm ok to let RL drift us away a bit.
I've played five turns but stopped to ask the advice of the team.

Wu has lost a bunch of longswordmen with no losses to us. I've bribed Kuala Lumpur from Siam and they are now our allies (cultured + two musketmen). The end result of this is that China are now willing to make peace. No cities have changed hands yet.

The problem is that both Siam and Aztecs are hostile towards us because of warmongering. I am afraid if we push forward and start taking Chinese cities, we will get dogpiled by everyone and their dog. I sold luxuries to Siam for some gold so they might not attack on sight, but who knows.

So do we stop and try improve relations with the AI, or bravely push forward toward an eventual world war?
Uh, right we're the warmongers :crazyeye: I never understood how this works in Civ5, when are you warmongering?

I think we should at least get the city close to Delhi and then make peace. But i don't want a war with Siam. I hope he isn't too mad for Kuala Lumpur.
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