Baba Yetu needs to be in Civ V


Jan 18, 2005
Anyone else think that Baba Yetu should be in Civ V??

The best music for the game ever, IMHO, needs to be in Civ 5.
As the main theme I think they would be better served with a new composition for ciV.

It should definitely be included somewhere in the game though.

That and the original Civ music. :D
I liked the song, thought it epic. But I wouldn't want it back to open Civ5.
But I would very much like a new opening piece by the same artist though.

I'm with including it in the game though... along with a mix of the classics.
Hehe maybee start Era1 with Civ1 music; then Civ2 for Era2; Civ3...
(I doubt that will happen outside a mod though; sounds like the music is already sorted by flavour)
The game is changing a great deal, it should have its own theme song.
As the main theme I think they would be better served with a new composition for ciV.

It should definitely be included somewhere in the game though.
Agreed, Baba Yetu was amazing, best game music ever. I even copied it from the game files and put it on my mp3 player. I still listen to it here. Yes, Civ V needs its own theme, but Baba Yetu must be in it, like how with Warlords they reintroduced some Civ III music into Civ IV alongside Civ IV's own music.
Thanks for the hyperlink Hypernova!

Man hearing Baba Yetu again gives me goosebumps. An awesome song bringing back
fond memories of my first exicted days after Civ4 arrived! How can they top that!
As much as I loved that song, the only time former themes have reapeared is Civ 1 menu in the Civ 4 game loading screen and various civ 3 map themes to civ 4 map themes. Most people say they picked the song for the new religion aspect. (It's the lord's prayer in a different language.)
Since it is out of civ 5, I don't think it will make it.
Yep the early periods in cIV has great music, they need to work on the later ones, especially the horrible wailing singing of the medieval period.
I think they need to do something new, they can't just stick with the same old theme, no matter how great it was. Putting into the game as an easter egg would be a great move though. Maybe it could be part of the era music for an African civ?

I'd also love to see Ode to Joy included somewhere in Civ V as well. It played in Civ II when your cities were happy, so considering I played at way too easy of a difficulty back then, I've almost been brainwashed with that music.
heh, i played this in my high school band last winter...

it's an awesome song, but I don't think it should be included in Civ V. they keep emphasizing all the new stuff, and it doesn't really go with the feel they're going for.
I'd like Baba Yetu to be somewhere in ciV, but not as the main theme. Maybe in the credits, but not as the main theme, even though it is great.
I hope the opening music is customizable like in Civ IV, then everyone is happy! :p
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