Babylon SG

Nice job cripp but you should attach save.
England DoW on us but she is harmless against mighty Riflemen and well when we can have Artillery.I think we should destroy Elizabeth, to conquer all of her cities raze them to ruins except Capitol,better puppet him than annexing, also we should save Social polices for Rocketry or Satellites.
Ok, here I go:

Turn 201:
I don't know why we're building a road to Bucharest? They're not asking us to, and we're paying for road maintenance in the situation where we're at -7 gpt! Btw, the road strip starts one tile away from Dur, so even if we had a mission of building the road and made the road to Bucharest, it would not count as one tile of road next to Dur would still be missing. Really strange. Started deleting excess roads.
Speaking of -7 gpt, we're building two Riflemen in the situation where we can't even support the existing army. We're also #1 in Soldiers Demographics so I don't think we need more units at the moment. Even if we needed them, we can't support them.
Switched Rifleman to Taj Mahal in Babylon and to Theater in Akkad.
After this and some shifting of city workers, we're now at 0 gpt. Too bad we didn't build National Treasury before we conquered Karakorum. Now it's going to take a while.
We're also building a road from Nippur to Singapore, but at least they want us to so we'll get some influence. Although I'm not sure we need a Maritime CS ally. We're at 2 Happiness atm, so growing our cities needs to be delayed until it's safe to do so.
Khan is brought to his knees so I don't think we need to conquer any more of his cities. Elizabeth is a major threat (she overtook us in Literacy) that needs to be dealt with asap.
Regrouping all units for attack on England.
Switched research from Fertilizer to Banking. We need the cash sooner rather than later. When we reach Military Science, I would bulb that, Fertilizer and Dynamite at once.

Turn 202:
Great Scientist was born in Nippur.
Karakorum Courthouse -> Monument.
We're suddenly at -11 gpt. I'm not sure how.
Switched Akkad and Dur to Wealth.
Elizabeth is making a push towards Akkad with 3 Pikemen and 3 Longbowmen.
Killed 2 Pikemen and damaged one Longbowman.

Turn 203:
Killed one Pikeman and one Longbowman.

Turn 204:
Lost a Knight. Killed by two Longbowmen that were in the fog of war. I'm surprised they killed him that easily (though was at 7 health because of the previous attack on LB).
Killed one LB.

Turn 205:
Lost a Longswordsman. Their Longbowmen are killing me and I don't even see them. Need to withdraw and regroup. We need stronger units to push a successful attack on England (more Riflemen and Artillery asap). We could upgrade several Xbow to Riflemen if we only had the funds.

Turn 206:
One of their LB shoots twice per turn. That's how they got our Knight and LS. He damaged our Longswordsman from two tiles away. If I could only get to him in one turn. Unfortunately, the terrain is all hills and forests.
Karakorum Monument -> Market.
Akkad Wealth -> Bank.
Finished Banking, started Economics (7 turns).

Turn 207:
Elizabeth offers peace for peace and I refuse. I think we can kill some of her units if they come to us. As if knowing that, no more of her units show up in this turn. I don't think there is any real threat of her conquering any of our cities at the moment.

Turn 208:
Road to Singapore finished. Now friends with them. +2 food in capital. I wonder if it was worth it.

Turn 209:
One English Pikeman shows his ugly face. Last mistake he ever made.

Turn 210:
Trade route to Karakorum established. Now at +4 gpt with Dur switching from Wealth to Bank.

Turn 211:
Artingel's turn.
Deals with Isabella are over and need to be renewed.


  • dukester-Neb0211 AD-1505.Civ5Save
    1 MB · Views: 221
I finished mt turnset.
Spoiler :

Little Trade with Isabella
Spoiler :

I'm very angry about this :mad::mad::mad: because 1 turn to build Taj Mahal and woolla, someone else build it.
Spoiler :
We hit Industrial Era(Great Scientist bulbing Military Science,Fertilizer,Dynamite).
Nothing Special to turn:(except upgrading 2 xbows to Rifles)
Spoiler :

217:Finally we found that damn London. :)
Spoiler :

And In the End of my Turnset i defeat London with losing 1 rifle.

I think we should:
Save one policy for Scientific Revolution.
Go:Navigation Scientific Theory and then strait to Rocketry.(bulb)
then research for Research Lab and goes to Spaceship parts.


  • Artingel-Nebuchadnezzar II_0_225.Civ5Save
    1 MB · Views: 237
228. We start the siege of York. It has some heavy bombardment potential,one Rifleman took 8 damage in 1 turn! I think we should bombard it with artillery.
231. We take York. We are at -20:c5happy: and will have to deal with rebellions soon.
234. Here are the Rebels. We are 2 turns away from Scientific Revolution.


  • Nebuchadnezzar II_0234 AD-1620.Civ5Save
    1 MB · Views: 200
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