BananaLee's Music Quiz No.1


Fruity Penguin
Nov 3, 2004
Ladies and gents, annouuncing the return of the good old music quiz we all know and love, formerly done by Heretic_Cata way back when.

Anyway, the premise is simple; I have for you a whole pile of sound clips from various songs I pick out of my playlist. Each of them has a certain difficulty level associated with it. Get the song right, and you get points.

Now, here's the scoring system: -

There are 10 songs in Level 1 (worth 1 point each), 5 songs in Level 2 (worth 5 points each) and 3 songs in Level 3 (worth 10 points each). If you guess all the songs correctly, you'll get a Completion Bonus - 5 points for Level 1, 10 points for Level 2 and 20 points for Level 3 rounding it off nicely to 100 points total.

All attempts should be PMed to me by Monday, 16th February 2009 at 3:00 a.m. GMT

HINT: If you find some clips rather irritatingly short, try looping them. Most of them are the main hooks of the song.



:trophy: Ozbenno - 19
:trophy2nd: azzaman333 - 11
:trophy3rd: Niklas - 10
:trophy3rd: Heretic Cata - 10
Izipo - 8
Diamondeye - 5
D'Artagnan59 - 4
Icekommander - 2
Love - 2
Here are your songs: -

All Songs conveniently in one rar file

All Unguessed Songs in one rar file


Level 1
101 - We start on a little upbeat song everyone who owns a radio should know
Spoiler 101 :

102 - And then everyone who owned a radio in 1972 should know (year was pulled out of my arse for the record)

103 - Considering where I live, bands from this part of the world should feature quite a bit

104 - This clip occurs before the most epic bit of the song

105 - A bit of lyrics for you, with luck you can continue the sentence

106 - Awesomest drum entry. Also a case of song necromancy
Spoiler 106 :
Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight
For the necromancy reference, look at this video

107 - A nice long clip
Spoiler 107 :

108 - One of the more awesome drum licks I've heard

109 - Hint. Mushrooms.

110 - They were awesome, then their new stuff sucked.
Spoiler 110 :


Level 2
201 - I'm a bassist, so I'd love this lick
Spoiler 201 :
Red Hot Chili Peppers - C'Mon Girl
This wasn't a single, so no video for this

202 - His other more famous song has often been mistaken to be sung by a dude who recently had his birthday
Spoiler 202 :
Bobby McFerrin - Thinkin' About Your Body
He's done Don't Worry Be Happy, but that song is usually blamed on Bob Marley

203 - This band is pretty underground.

204 - Inspiration time!

205 - I've just noticed the last three songs are by artists from the same country


Level 3

301 - Has one of the awesomest music videos - ever.

302 - The (very short) intro to a scream
Spoiler 302 :
Underoath - It's Dangerous Business Walking Out of Your Front Door
Wait for the refrain to end, awesome song

303 - And to finish it off, a rather obscure band I heard on the radio when I was in high school.

Good job, guys :D
As expected I didn't know more than a handful. :ack:
ZOMG - i'm donwloading.

Go to the signatures thread and post there that you started a new music quiz- more people might see it.
You've got quite a while to guess more songs :D

What signatures thread? *blink*
How come I'm not up there at 9 points too? :trouble:

Very well dear sir, a PM hath been sent to your inbox for your immediate perusal.
15 years ago I would have killed this... now? I merely sob myself to sleep at night.
Well, I'll just quietly add my name at the bottom of the score board
Must... resist... urge... to.... google

But I swear I've heard the Inspiration Time one before...

Edit: You will tell us what they are at the end right?:trouble:
Allrighty, I may have a clear shot at at least 3 points. So, expect a little PM sometime later.

And thanks for putting this up. It's been a while since we had one.
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