Battle of Hastings

1) Thanks, that was a bit of an oversight--> it'll be fixed in the next release.
2) I'm confused, I'm pretty sure the Normans have ships...

... and here's Flintlocks answer for these questions. And that about the english, i don't know how you got that to happen.
Okay, I know it has been awhile since I have posted about this mod, but I figured I'd let everyone know that I'm putting this on hold until school gets out (at the latest.) I've been pretty swamped recently with others things so I can't put any time into this mod atm. I have 3 AP courses right now, plus a Java course at the local tech college. Add in Varsity basketball to that equation, and well, there isn't much free time available.

On the upside, I have been teaching myself Python (slowly but surely) from a book I got for Christmas ('Python Programming' by John Zelle; its a great book!), and I have even started writing an application for my brother in Python, so I'm learning a lot about the language. Hopefully this will translate into some much better Python scripts when I get back. I can't wait for the summer to start back in on this (and to get rid of the cold weather), and hope there is still interest in this mod when I start working on it again. :)
The Main Menu Screen you made for this mod, Flintlock, provided me with inspiration for my own menu in my Hundred Years' War mod. I did a similar screen, actually. I haven't played your Battle of Hastings as yet; I seem to be too busy modding myself, but it's definitely on my to-do list. It looks impressive and provides inspiration.

Besides. I love medieval mods.
is this mod still dead? I just tried to install it on a Windows Vista 64 bit platform and got alot of unspecified errors when I tried to copy the file into the "mods" folder for BTS. Anyone have this issue??
I think it will be pretty dead until the summer vacation... but i really can't wait til it is going to start again. I love to play as Flanders or the Welsh and build up my empire from a smaller scale. That way my country will not end in endless debt :D
Can I ask why the Scots can fare war against the English? Is it only the Scots who can't?
I love these narrow/centered historical mods. You've put a lot of thought into it and it's good.

Stuffy you could add include:

more resources on the map and extra ones not in the game yet.
The silk road python feature for RFCA adapted as trade/interaction with the Islamic Empire.
Doomesday Book
Magna Carta
Bayeux Tapestry
University of Bologna
Unique Great People including possible the Translaters from Muslim Iberia.
Monastic Orders to replace Corps?
Chivalry Tournament
Indo-Arabic Numbers Tech
Different National/Heroic Epics
Rediscovery of Roman Law Tech
I haven't played but if you have not yet done so I would split Catholicism from Protestantism/Anglicanism (although the word Anglicanism seems wrong to me..... what's the official name?)
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