Beta 13

3Miro, could you check the posted savegames from the last few pages?
There were saves from the founding protestantism bug with a non-catholic civ, and a bug regarding a Burgundian respawn IIRC

Checked it but it was too late. The savegame already doesn't work with the latest SVN.
Congratulations on your new job!

Which issues at hand would require playtesting/suggestions?
1) General balance, how is civ x, on average, doing compared to real history? Similarly, what is that standard deviation, i.e. how often does civs diverge from the average outcome?
2) Should any UHV be replaced, if ideas arise? There has been some talk, for instance about Cordoba.
3) How should the UHV be balanced? AbsintheRed has alluded to this in previous posts.

Probably, 3) should be adressed individually for each civ after 1) is done. General suggestions for 2) is possible before 1) is complete, I think.

As for 1) I think Ottomans currently are very good. As others have said previously, Austria and Moscow are generally weak. Are there other civs that on average need help?

How about 2)? Cordoba has received some suggestions, which other civs are up for discussion?

I'd say that Portugal needs some help against Spain, Genoa and Venice also seem to play only a minor role (if Venice even survives past 1100AD)
Checked it but it was too late. The savegame already doesn't work with the latest SVN.

Yeah, my save was with svn 824, the orthe with vanilla Beta 13
But the religion founding bug seems to happen in most games, I'm sure it will come up again soon
where (if anywhere) is it possible to see civ's initial flip areas?
any chance i could get the lines where its sitting so i could try to update the maps?
any chance i could get the lines where its sitting so i could try to update the maps?

It is in Assets\Python\ Look for the TCoreAreas array along with the exceptions. The core areas are used for spawn and the Normal areas are used for respawn.
noticed an error on #165 ... comment says Portugal, when it should say Lithuania

#141, #142, #168 and #169 is missing a iLithuania if i'm reading it right

Line #421 (Austria extra) could use being sorted numerically

Portugal could probably be made a bit easier to have the box called (20,29-24-37) instead of currently (21,29-24-35) + those landtiles also in the previous box

Is there a reason behind Dutch having rows -,55 to -,57? those are only water

Same with Bulgaria having column 84,- which is purely water

Swedens NE box-corner could stand to be moved to 66,72 instead of currently 66,69 ... the extra land they gain from this is of no practical worth and they owned it at that time as well.

Plotted the areas into this Save ... if i can get a new version of the Reference map (with the changes there've been since it was last updated) i can plug them in on one such as well if wanted


  • Starting Spawns.CivBeyondSwordSave
    107.4 KB · Views: 104
noticed an error on #165 ... comment says Portugal, when it should say Lithuania
Thanks, I'll fix that.
#141, #142, #168 and #169 is missing a iLithuania if i'm reading it right
Those arrays are no longer used. They are left over form the old Stability mechanics, we should just remove them.

Line #421 (Austria extra) could use being sorted numerically

Portugal could probably be made a bit easier to have the box called (20,29-24-37) instead of currently (21,29-24-35) + those landtiles also in the previous box

Is there a reason behind Dutch having rows -,55 to -,57? those are only water

Same with Bulgaria having column 84,- which is purely water

Swedens NE box-corner could stand to be moved to 66,72 instead of currently 66,69 ... the extra land they gain from this is of no practical worth and they owned it at that time as well.

Plotted the areas into this Save ... if i can get a new version of the Reference map (with the changes there've been since it was last updated) i can plug them in on one such as well if wanted

Some of the spawns corresponded to older versions of the map and were not updated unless there is a need to update (i.e. the Dutch, Sweden and Bulgaria make no difference). You bring up good points and we will take them into considerations for the updated map for the next version.
I started working on the final documentation. We had the old manual, which looks great, but it was very outdated. I started a new manual in the Reference folder and while totally ugly, it is up-to-date on all concepts (especially Stability).

We still need new maps, but those would have to wait for the map update.

I want to remove the old outdated references and manual so that we can have only the new and updated stuff. What do you guys think.
The AI seems too give coal no value. I could currently get coal for free from England with Portugal. But if I offer them something like clam they won't offer me coal in return...
Coal being the only thing they have to offer atm.
The AI seems too give coal no value. I could currently get coal for free from England with Portugal. But if I offer them something like clam they won't offer me coal in return...
Coal being the only thing they have to offer atm.

What is coal used for? Production boost? Are there units that require coal?
I downloaded the file and it is currently in my WinRAR. Everything is sound and intact, however, I'm not sure what to do with the folder from here. Can someone please assist? Thanks.
I downloaded the file and it is currently in my WinRAR. Everything is sound and intact, however, I'm not sure what to do with the folder from here. Can someone please assist? Thanks.

Put the RFCEurope folder in Games/Beyond The Sword/MODS.

Once it's there, without starting Civ IV, go in Beyond The Sword/MODS/RFCEurope/Private Maps/ and double click the WBSave.
I downloaded the file and it is currently in my WinRAR. Everything is sound and intact, however, I'm not sure what to do with the folder from here. Can someone please assist? Thanks.

I just put the entire folder RFCEurope in Program Files\....\Beyond the Sword\Mods. Then you can double-click on the map.

Make you don't have any other RFCEurope stuff installed and you don't have a double sub-folder like RFCEurope\RFCEurope
Because I can play longer games soon (more time and better computer), I decided to play a quicky, as the Norse. Three goals before 1066AD, this could be a hard one. Did it in three attempts: first I quit when I got exceptionally bad combat results (lost all three melee units before I got York). Second attempt was better, but somehow I didn't realize that Iceland can trade with Lund, so I thought that I had to build Vinland in Iceland.:p It would have been a close call, probably I could have made it. But, I started, and this third try did it.

So, let's begin where it all starts. Of course, don't build Roskilde. Choose Lund as your capital and a city in Denmark that catches all valuable resources there. Lund can grow quickly and has enough production which is important to get the settler to Iceland ASAP. This is the earliest goal, and might cause some trouble. Vinland has to be completed by 1009AD, and can be produced in about 7 to 10 turns. It also takes a few turns to get there, so make sure you start can send the settler away around 950AD (put a worker in stead of a military unit in the ship too) and you should be fine. Part 1 done.

Part 2 involves some planning. You have to declare war on Cordoba and France. Cordoba because you need to get to Sicily and France because you need Normandy. I'd advise to pack all melee units and go straight for York. Lübeck seems tempting but is not worth the trouble. Stability IS going to be hard in this game so any unstable expansion should be avoided. The city sucks by the way, it can produce workers and that's it. Give it to Germany if you feel like conquering it (counts to goal 3) but keeping it gives trouble. I admit that I did just this because it was too close to my spawn location to not take it:rolleyes:, but if you're having trouble with stability, let it be independent. So, after York go straight to Sicily. If you still have three units left, excellent. Two might be okay (probably city raider 2?), one probably not. Whenever you take a new far away city, capture workers and pillage improvements that you don't want to keep. For example, Palermo usually builds cottages on the marble, destroy it for money and goal three. After Palermo, just keep the units around, the sea has plenty of things to offer. As I said before, you have to declare war on France. Prepare some city raider Berserkers, put them on a ship and conquer the city in Normandy. France might have Armored Lancers already so bring a few. Make peace if you can, France is not the place to plunder. Don't forget Novgorod, Edinburgh and Ireland, and this goal two shouldn't cause much trouble.

Goal three is I think the one that might seem the hardest especially because of the early date, but with some smart planning it is pretty doable. Some Skirmishers are going to destroy every town and Forts in Europe. Remember those barbarians that come out of nowhere and destroy valuable improvements? Yes, this is the time to repay. You won't even have to declare war on civs, many towns are in nobody's land. Germany have some, the Balkans have some, Austria has a few. Another sweet place is Tunis. The archer can't do anything about it and there is much to destroy. Florence is nice too. Barcelona is an option. Don't go too far away if you're shaky or below, Sicily might declare itself independent. Work boats are very cool too, these count as ships and there are surprisingly many of them. If stability gets really low, settle some cities in Sweden. Those areas are solid and give a small boost.

With proper management, all three can be achieved at almost the same time. I guess a skilled player can get them as early as 950AD, I had to wait unit 1014AD, because I had to build culture in the Islandic city first to catch the Atlantic access, and I forgot that I had to conquer in stead of settle Novgorod, which both took me 10 or 15 turns.

Small note about civics: what set to pick and when? I'd say just after Feudalism, pick the first four, 2 turns of anarchy. The others aren't worth the extra turn of anarchy, a dangerous period. After all, Vikings + anarchy = worse than Sparta, so keep it rare.

General remarks:

Not many obviously, 1014AD is too early for something special to happen. Next time I'll take a look around in the WB.

Civ specific remarks:

- Solid Normandy actually isn't beneficial to Norse, stability hits them a lot when France settles it. Could be lowered to OK I think.
- Shrine of Uppsala isn't coded yet. Would help a lot, culture is one of the things I have to build in newly conquered cities.
- Some improvements don't seem to count on destruction, what are the exact criteria?
- Berserkers are very cool, Naval assaults are actually useful once. Haven't seen this often. Attack, and send the ship to friendly or ocean territories. Interesting.
- Solid Normandy actually isn't beneficial to Norse, stability hits them a lot when France settles it. Could be lowered to OK I think.
Provinces are dynamic, you will not get hit by stability in Normandy until you conquer one city there. Once you establish control, you have to keep it, but before that it makes no difference.
- Shrine of Uppsala isn't coded yet. Would help a lot, culture is one of the things I have to build in newly conquered cities.
I will make sure to code it.
- Some improvements don't seem to count on destruction, what are the exact criteria?
The improvement must be anything other than a road and it cannot be in your territory. This actually may be buggy and fail to count any improvement on top of a road, I will have to take a look at it.
- Berserkers are very cool, Naval assaults are actually useful once. Haven't seen this often. Attack, and send the ship to friendly or ocean territories. Interesting.
That's what makes the Norse game interesting and unique.
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