Beyond Earth Factions

Dont you think they will go down the sort of ideology route as seen in SMAC. For reference, the factions (vanilla) were:

Free marketeers

I think it likely we will see some form of those implemented. My preference of 8:

Free informationists (yea not a word i know, but you get the point)
They already mentioned Panasian Cooperative, Brasilia, and American Reclamation Corporation in previews, so it's more around geographic lines this time, I guess more to tie it in as a "Civ" game.

Anarchist and free informationist could be one faction in that list. They can be two as well I guess (Svensgaard and Roze in SMAX).
I will be surprise if China is not a People's Republic, because of censorship there... The Communists do not will like a future were their government has fallen, and Firaxis don't will want lose the Chinese market. And I don't will like if they put India and China at the same faction. Both have cultures too much diferent, and each one could be a great faction separately.
I will be surprise if China is not a People's Republic, because of censorship there... The Communists do not will like a future were their government has fallen, and Firaxis don't will want lose the Chinese market. And I don't will like if they put India and China at the same faction. Both have cultures too much diferent, and each one could be a great faction separately.

Actually I think a Panasian Cooperative for both (and some others like Siberia, Central Asia.. and any pacific portions they wish to throw in) is fine
1. sounds communistic
2. can make it seem like one dominated the other (which both would be happy with)
3. The factions seem to be non-governmental sponsors, so there is nothing stopping the People's Republic from being alive and well in the future.
Wonder where Japan would be in all this. Though, maybe close ties between Japan and China (and a drift away from America) led to the Panasian Cooperative.
3. The factions seem to be non-governmental sponsors, so there is nothing stopping the People's Republic from being alive and well in the future.

That's true... so far of the 3 mentioned only one (Brazillia) sounds definitely like a territorial government/nation-state... and we might not have its full name... perhaps it is Brazillia de Resistance (or whatever the Portugese would be for Brazillian Resistance)

One is definitely Not a true nation-state government (American Reclamation Corporation)

the Panasian Cooperative could go either way.
I'd actually identify the Panasian Cooperative as a sort of multi-national economic/technological bloc. Sort of like the EU, but with a very specific goal - colony in space. American Reclamation Corporation is likely a government (U.S., Canada, Mexico?) backed corporation.
I dunno, ARC sounds mainly like a megacorp to me, calling itself American to drum up some nationalistic support but probably out for pure profit and run by the 1% who just want to get the heck off the Earth, like Morgan in the original.
I can totally see an Australian/New Zealand/Canadian collective Space effort. All of these countries have had vast scientific breakthroughs, amazingly talented scientists and the natural resources to exploit a starbound vision. These three countries also seem to weirdly sync up in terms of political ideologies (for example, they all host conservative governments at the moment, and previously there was relative synchronization also). I can see these three countries growing stronger in ideals and banding together.

Like a Brazilia faction, I could see a AustroCanadian faction just as easily likewise.

"This is Operation: Flaming Dingo to Sydney Control, the view up here is bloody bonza. Let's go colonize ourselves a new bloody planet mates."
Here's a flag of Oceanic-Canada for you. Red, white, and two shades of blue!

(Made in Paint, unfortunately.)

EDIT: A more realistic flag added.


  • Oceanic Canada.png
    Oceanic Canada.png
    26.4 KB · Views: 102
  • Joke Flag.png
    Joke Flag.png
    113.3 KB · Views: 119
I have even seen an Israel astronaut in one of the space programs that went on in the USA. The rest of the astronauts in that mission were USA while only one of the astronauts in that crew was Israel.

This is Operation: Flaming Dingo to Sydney Control, all clear and ready to take off.

Aww brew, this is going to be sweet as!

Shut your gob, you transtasman sheep rooter, none of us would have signed up if that weren't the case.

Why can't we just get along eh?

Can anyone understand one the bloody hell he just said?

No idea brew, speak unglish you Canadian egg!
While I know it won't probably be a thing

Please Firaxis see the above post, and make this a thing
I would assume the Pan Asian Cooperative would include China.

Obviously there's a Russian faction.

Europe will be represented as some kind of Coalition I'm sure, though the UK might not be in it.

If that's the case, I'm hoping for some kind of Commonwealth faction that ties the UK and Australia and everywhere else.
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