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Bjørn's Discount Art Emporium

Yes, I intend to fix it. I have fairly recently fixed around 1/2 the thread, and intend to finish. The problem was that GIDustin changed up civ3files and that was were all the previews and files lived. So far as I know you can still get all the missing stuff by following the lower link in my sig. Also, just so you know... some of the older stuff is missing shadows. The older stuff was made with cut and paste (or just pixel by pixel). The problem with making things this way is you can easily forget shadows. The newer stuff is all Bryce, LW, etc and naturually has all the little basics.

If there is something neither here, not Civ3files, let me know and I will find it and post it.
I remember using this thread a lot when i was a lurker.

Very nice library Bjorn. :clap:
That summoning icon look great, I'll see if I can find a use for it. ;)

Thanks. There are not alot of images I make that I am completely happy with, but I really like how that one turned out. I originally had a more cluttered scene. An apprentice, a table with some junk on it, a pedestal with a book, candles, and so on... I made it for art-therapy. My 3yr old decided to dump everything in the bathroom down the bath tub in the middle of the night. Expensive and messy. So, I took the some time with my render program to calm down. Originally I had the summoner wearing less too... but I decided to give her some pants (instead of just the loin cloth) and less revealing top. Family site, or so I am told.

Added larger preview images in the standard 128128 format. Click on them for a 400x400 image. Also, if anyone wants a slightly different cropping, they can use that 400x400 image to make their own and post it here with no complaints from me. Also, the larger image might make for an amusing LH backdrop some day.

ps: I was not too sure how to use this tech either. But, I have been toying with the concept of allowing magic in my early game which all fades away with the introduction of the first hard science tech. Also, there are so many great fantasy mod's now and I have (despite my original opposition) come to really enjoy a couple of them.
So.. like.. is it a one legged demon? The Hellhopper? :)

Maybe its just me, but I can`t see the other leg..
I promise you it is there, perhaps it lined up just right... or it is hidden in the flames. I can render the image form another angle, or move the 2nd leg to be more visible if you care.

click for larger image

Ok this is pissing me off. Why are images hosted on fileshack suddenly NOT showing up?? I tried 4-5 other images and got the same results.
Here is the direct link to image of the demon & summoner, since the new database is messed up. Sorry no preview since those do not work right now.
But, I have been toying with the concept of allowing magic in my early game which all fades away with the introduction of the first hard science tech.

I had something like that, only it was the pre-placed Barbarians that were "magic", and their power faded into virtually nothing by the time it came to the Industrial Era.
Heh, Bjornlo!

As you well know, GI Dustin's civ3 access pages are now off line. I followed your link on pg 1 of this thread, and it actually took me to your art page on that site. I was amazed and excited at first, but soon realized that the links to download there still do not work.

I browsed it anyway, and noted that you had a number of civopedia entries that showed pictures of different units. These entries had no animation. There were some really good ones, and I was wondering if you might be able to post them here. I wouldn't ask but I've downloaded mucho units that don't have pcxs and a number of your illustrations would plug gaps that I'm trying to fill - such as the German machine gunner and several of the Allied units.

Yours are the only ones I've been able to find, unless I've somehow missed things because they're named differently or I have not dug deeply enough. If that is the case - Direct me, O Great one, that I might learn the hidden secrets of Civ3c units creation and stuff...:worship: ;) :D
Added two things:
Early Anti Tank Weapons, a tech
Interpol, a wonder and building set.

Estrongblade, Sorry I just plain missed your post. civ3files is back online and has been for a while. You can get my other files there by clicking on the older stuff in my signature.

I spot checked 10 files. But since there are 200 or so, I did not test them all.
Thx, Bjornlo. I appreciate it. I wanted your U-Boot skin to which the download, thankfully, works now thanks to your efforts. Thx again! :D. Cya!
I think I fixed all the old links here. Gawd, I wish I had made less stuff. Of course I had no idea I would be fixing it a couple of times when I made them.

I know some of them could stand being updated. No, I am not interested in doing so. I am working on other things right now.
Sorry about the bump, but could anyone fix Machu Picchu please?
I'll second that request. With just a couple tests it seems only this one is invalid.
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