Bloody Knuckles

Russian Leader

May 5, 2003
whats everyones tale? has anyone fought a bloody knuckle game that you got your but beatoon and you came back? or simply got your but beaton?

ive been beaton several times. all by computers. but ive whooped some AI but many of times each time is difrent. sometime its easy othertimes its not so......:(

Long live the French!

Long Live The Russians
The French Empire,

The Bigest CIV in Europe belongs to my enemies? I am the measley mongols. I am surrounded by the Catagonians, the French & the Chinese Empires. What chance do I have of beating these three CIVs? Aside from nukes, spies & tanks? Not much.
As the Allies in the WWII scenario on Deity I ended up surviving through a nuclear war that devastated Europe and England and the five global warmings that followed... Now the Axis are being exterminated with conventional weapons and soon I'll be forced to take on the Russian Juggernaught.
patches97, wrong fourm. Anyway, you download them from the CFC scenario files, or from this fourm.
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