[BNW] Peaceful Culture Victory Guide (immortal)


Oct 13, 2010
Peaceful Culture Victory Guide - Immortal and Below

Being a builder at heart, I have been addicted to the culture game since BNW was released. Science was always my go-to VC in G&K and vanilla...it was reliable, repeatable in most circumstances, and set you up for an overall strong position. But now I feel like cultural VC has taken that spot. It's much better to be pressuring the other civilizations with your ideology and causing unhappiness, than to be on the receiving end.

I read a lot on here about culture being for warmongers and how it's very difficult to win peacefully, which I strongly disagree with, with the possible exception of deity. So this guide is my attempt to show people how to win culturally in a peaceful manner. Again this is meant to be repeatable with pretty much any civ...you just need 4 decent cities. The last game I played was as Assyria...no culture advantages whatsoever.

Note: I advocate signing zero RAs. I never seem to have a problem staying first in tech with only 4 cities, with no RAs. But the main reason I don't use them, is because it makes the AI advance in eras faster. I don't want to risk losing diplo, so my goal is to win culture before the first leader vote. Not signing RAs seems to help in pushing that back.

Immortal or lower. Pangea is best. Requires 4 decent cities. Any civilization will work, but civs with cultural advantages will of course win faster.

Main Concept:
1. Pretty standard 4 cities tradition opener, fast NC, etc.
2. Early consulates w/ Oracle
3. Focus on growth until Renaissance
4. Build all key culture/tourism wonders starting in Renaissance
5. Pass WC resolutions in correct order to get best timing
6. Hit peak science around 1,000 bpt - chain bulb to internet
7. Hit peak tourism output around 1,000 per turn
8. Win the game around turn ~300

PHASE 1 - OPENER (Ancient/Classical)
So this part is really nothing too special. Early consulates is part of the strategy, so scouting is important. Otherwise the focus is generally on getting 4 cities up, then food and science.

Capital build order:
1. scout
2. scout
3. shrine, granary, or worker (shrine if good pantheon land, granary if 2+ wheat/deer, worker if salt, etc.)
4. archers, settlers till 4 cities, with a pause at some point to get 1st caravan out
5. library
6. NC soon as possible
7. Oracle
8. caravans 2-3 as soon as possible

in city 2:
archer granary library

in city 3:
archer library granary

in city 4:
library granary

Don't let your scouts die. Try to find all the CS and civs, immediately pledge to protect all CS you encounter. Hopefully find at least 1 culture ruin since you'll notice I skip the monument until legalism.

Regarding workers, you'll want 4-5 somehow. You can steal one but it's not necessary, there is room to hard build them if needed. Definitely buy at least 1 with your first 310 gold, and probably a second later.

The basic idea here is to get an early NC, enough archers to defend yourself and bust some barb camps, and set up for growth. My order above is not set in stone by any means, more of a general guideline. 3 cities NC with later expansion works too, or whatever variations you prefer as long as you end up with 4 decent cities.

Religion has a significant role to play in this strategy, so try to get one. It's not necessary to take over the whole world with your religion or anything, but you want to be generating faith mainly to buy great people later in the game. 50-100 faith per turn is a good eventual target, depending on how many CS there are, what pantheon you get, etc.

Regarding caravans, go for them early on immortal+ to get some nice science. Otherwise the best way to use them is for food, especially after tradition has completed. I like to have at least 1 route going to the capital right after the settlers are completed to help make up for that lost growth time, and will leave that route in place for a long time. So that granary in the 2nd city is pretty important. With monarchy + NC, there's just no reason not to get a huge capital. Then I'll also use food trade routes for any low food cities of the other 3. Typically at least one of the cities will need some help. Only after being satisfied with your growth should you start sending external routes for gold, with early science on high levels being the exception.

Try to get some CS allies through quests if possible, goes without saying.

Policy order: tradition opener, legalism (take monument), landed elite, monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, patronage, consulates

Tech order: Luxury techs, philosophy, trade route techs, civil service, education, printing press

PHASE 2 - MIDGAME (Medieval/Renaissance)
During the medieval age, continue to focus on growing your cities and improving the tiles. The important thing in this period is really just getting your cities to the point where they can work all your specialist slots while still growing quickly. In this time you'll research the guild techs as well as education, all of which are important for a culture win. You really need to work all university AND artist/musician/writer guild slots, AND keep your cities growing at a good pace. Farming, food trade routes, and maritime city states all help.

You'll want to open Renaissance via Printing Press. Globe Theater is the first crucial wonder for this strategy. Leaning Tower is also a very important one. I would recommend hard building both of them, with Globe in your capital and LT in your 2nd best city. Anything that provides tourism should be built in your capital, because of the national visitor center.

The other crucial wonder in this stage of the game is Sistine Chapel. Luckily, most AI don't seem to prioritize it very highly. So you can take acoustics 2nd and still get the wonder. Sistine is a very good candidate for using the free GE from LT...I'd go so far as to recommend it. It should be in the capital, but the capital is busy with Globe Theatre, so it works out nicely to rush it instead.

It shouldn't prove too difficult to get the max theming bonuses for these wonders. For globe theatre you get a free one so you only need to plan for getting 1 ren-era writer, not very difficult. For Sistine you need 2 from the same era, either medieval or ren can work. Again it's not too hard, it'll probably happen without trying. Assuming you work the slots as soon as they are available, the first few generate rather quickly so it's hard to really mess this up.

During this time ideally you'll get a wonder in each city, for the culture bonus with Aesthetics. With 2 being in the capital, plus LT, that leaves 2 more cities that need to build wonders. Forbidden Palace is a solid choice. So is Machu Piccu if still possible, and later Taj Mahal.

I don't like Uffizi. Honestly, it doesn't seem to really help much for the peaceful approach. It seems impossible to fill all the Sistine+Hermitage+Uffizi slots in a timely manner. I've tried it a few times and it just didn't work out. So I'm not including it in this guide. It's really not necessary.

Tech order: printing press, acoustics, architecture, industrialization, radio. Mix in chemistry, fertilizer, astronomy depending on geography.

Policy order: aesthetics opener, fine arts/culture centers, flourishing arts, ethics, free artist. Rationalism opener, secularism.

World Congress order:
1. arts funding
2. world fair
3. world religion OR historical landmarks
4. international games

The order is important. Arts funding first is to get all those GP out, and you want to complete aesthetics before the world fair. World fair is very powerful...you can get through a ton of policies in that 20 turn reward. Consider bulbing a great writer for culture during the 2nd half of the fair as well, they can generate quite a bit.

Number three should ideally be world religion, for max tourism. But that's not necessary nor is it always possible, and can have serious repercussions diplomatically. Historical landmarks is a pretty decent 2nd choice since landmark culture does get converted to tourism. But it also provides more defensive culture for your opponents.

Fourth seems to be the right timing for international games, in my experience. More about that below. The important thing is that you'll be able to hit your tourism peak during the 20 turns.

Luckily, with the exception of world religion, these are all popular with the AI so you don't need a lot of votes to get them through.

In general, you don't have to focus a lot on city states. Just the effects of consulates are enough to help you out a lot. And you'll usually end up being allies with a few of them from quests. But my point is, don't spend your bank on CS, it's not necessary for this strategy.

At some point in this stage, when you can afford it, start buying open borders with the AI who have good culture. Pay 2 or 3 GPT, don't give yours in exchange. Also make sure you are trading with them if possible. Build caravansaries/harbors to increase your trade route distances to reach the distant AI.

PHASE 3 - END GAME (Industrial-Information)
The industrial age should almost always be opened via Industrialization. Get some coal and get factories ASAP for your ideology. Freedom is really good for this tall/specialist approach. Always take Avant Garde & Civil Society as the two free ones. You'll want to reach tier 3 for the extra tourism from radio towers. New deal and Universal Suffrage are the best tier 2 tenets. If you are scared of others militaries, go for the 6 free units.

After industrialization, the best path seems to be a beeline for radio, then another one to refrigeration. Archaeology is not a huge focus of this strategy. Louvre is not happening, and I've found you can delay archaeology a little bit and still get enough artifacts to fill museums. The AI is competitive on Broadway & Eiffel Tower, and they are both too important to miss.

The only acceptable deviation from radio & refrigeration is for fertilizer. Keeping your cities growing is always good, and fertilizer can have a big impact. Depending on your land you'll want to grab this after industrialization or between radio & refrigeration.

I usually will rush buy either Broadway or Eiffel Tower with a GE and hard build the other, since they both belong in the capital. With regards to Broadway, a little planning is needed to get 3 musicians from the same era. Modern era is definitely the easiest, since you beeline radio you'll be in the modern era for a long time. Plus the free one from the wonder will be modern. So if you birth one near the end of the industrial, consider setting him aside till the modern before creating the great work.

For a time it should play out kind of like a science game. The cutoff for academies/bulbing seems about the same. Create academies with any GS before scientific theory, keep any past that point for late game bulbs.

I like to use Oxford on Plastics. Remember Oxford has slots and a theming bonus now, so IMO it's not ideal to save till the very end anymore. Plus, the key tech (internet) is easily reachable with regular scientists, since you need way less techs than a space game.

8 turns after labs are done, start the bulbing just like a science game. Your goal here is to get through radar (airports) and then all the way to internet. In my experience this is doable if your BPT hits a peak of about 1,000 with about 5 or 6 scientists. Buying some with faith is totally an option here.

Now if everything worked out, this bulbing will take place while your cities are building the international games, or shortly thereafter. Then all you have to do is reach internet, build airports in your cities, and the visitor center, all in that 20 turn window. Buy an airport in your capital because it has to hard build the visitor center.

If you've done everything I've laid out, when you complete the visitor center + internet, you should be near 1,000 tourism per turn. Now spend your faith on musicians, and concert tour your way to victory. It should only take one or two, if any at all.

Tech order: refrigeration, plastics, railroad, radar, internet

The final wonders and theming bonuses in your capital should be:
- Oxford +4
- Hermitage +6
- Sistine +4
- Globe +4
- Broadway +6
- museum +4

That's it! It's really the timing of techs, policies, and world fair resolutions, not brute force wonder-whoring, that wins it.

recap the final policy order: tradition-->consulates-->aesthetics (finish)-->secularism-->freedom to media culture-->complete rationalism

faith buys:
1-2 GE (Eiffel, SoL are favorites)
1-3 GS for internet push
0-1 GWriter for extra policy or 2 during world fair if needed
1-2 GMusician for end game

feel free to ask any questions.
1. This one assumes that you can get a good religion... even for immortal it's not easy, and it's not required anyway.

2. Your wonder lineup is far from optimal. Globe theater and Broadway? Broadway is a nonsense - you always want your GMs to concert bomb whenever you are ready to win. And you should build pisa and uffizi instead of Globe whenever available.

3. recommend no RAs? this is joke at best, unless you play prince or below.

4. If you can get your religion, your first world congress proposal should be world religion....it's much easier to get it earlier and by the time that proposal is passed you will be at least past-archaelogy and will benefit from it immediately. you can use diplomat to buy 3 votes from civs that did not found religion.
one more: tech to radar after plastics??? you should beeline internet asap. Getting airport is nothing, if you compared the effect to getting visitor center and internet early. Most of the times (actually, for all of my deity games) you can finish the game when internet and visitor center is done and you send off 2-4 GMs for concert - it ends usually even before you reach radar.
I find it difficult on immortal to have all the prerequisites for printing press, acoustics, and architecture ready AND build globe, Pisa, and Sistine. That doesn't sound like immortal to me, emperor, maybe...
1. This one assumes that you can get a good religion... even for immortal it's not easy, and it's not required anyway.
Sure, religion is a big part. Good point, if there is no faith pantheon around this would be tough.
2. Your wonder lineup is far from optimal. Globe theater and Broadway? Broadway is a nonsense - you always want your GMs to concert bomb whenever you are ready to win. And you should build pisa and uffizi instead of Globe whenever available.
This has worked really well for me. Why don't you like Globe Theater? Also at the time I build Broadway, tourism is still too low to use those musicians. It's not like you can stockpile them like scientists. Broadway with the 3 great works and associated theming bonus goes a long way towards forming the base of my tourism output, prior to multipliers.
3. recommend no RAs? this is joke at best, unless you play prince or below.
No I'm dead serious. I've won dozens of culture games now on emperor/immortal with no RAs. They speed the game up...but my point is that I'm slowing it down intentionally to avoid a diplo vote. And I just haven't needed them to win consistently. Why risk it? Try it before dismissing the idea.
4. If you can get your religion, your first world congress proposal should be world religion....it's much easier to get it earlier and by the time that proposal is passed you will be at least past-archaelogy and will benefit from it immediately. you can use diplomat to buy 3 votes from civs that did not found religion.
interesting idea. do you find that is worth not getting arts funding? Or do you prefer having more scientists.
one more: tech to radar after plastics??? you should beeline internet asap. Getting airport is nothing, if you compared the effect to getting visitor center and internet early. Most of the times (actually, for all of my deity games) you can finish the game when internet and visitor center is done and you send off 2-4 GMs for concert - it ends usually even before you reach radar.
Yeah this one can go both ways I think. I've done it that way a few times successfully. I think it's only 2 extra scientists to get radar though, IIRC.
Sure, religion is a big part. Good point, if there is no faith pantheon around this would be tough.

This has worked really well for me. Why don't you like Globe Theater? Also at the time I build Broadway, tourism is still too low to use those musicians. It's not like you can stockpile them like scientists. Broadway with the 3 great works and associated theming bonus goes a long way towards forming the base of my tourism output, prior to multipliers.

No I'm dead serious. I've won dozens of culture games now on emperor/immortal with no RAs. They speed the game up...but my point is that I'm slowing it down intentionally to avoid a diplo vote. And I just haven't needed them to win consistently. Why risk it? Try it before dismissing the idea.

interesting idea. do you find that is worth not getting arts funding? Or do you prefer having more scientists.

1. if you have time to build Globe, you should build sistine, and if you have time to build both, you should build uffizi. art/artifacts slots are really easy to fill up.

2. you don't save GMs... you just don't build GM guild till you are ready to use concert bombs. Hope you understand this.

3. I can win all games without RAs, but I also know that it's far from optimal, both in terms of stability and fast finishing turn. I don't think I even need to explain this one. Fast tech is key for culture and you just ignore this.
1. if you have time to build Globe, you should build sistine, and if you have time to build both, you should build uffizi. art/artifacts slots are really easy to fill up.

2. you don't save GMs... you just don't build GM guild till you are ready to use concert bombs. Hope you understand this.

3. I can win all games without RAs, but I also know that it's far from optimal, both in terms of stability and fast finishing turn. I don't think I even need to explain this one. Fast tech is key for culture and you just ignore this.
1. So you can fill up Sistine, Uffizi, and Hermitage with the right art pieces? Or do you just put artifacts in them? I have tried this numerous times with Uffizi and it just hasn't worked for me. I couldn't get the theming bonuses for Hermitage, Uffizi, and Sistine at the same time. Globe/Sistine has worked out better for me.

2. gotcha...I fully understand the mechanism. I just have another approach, one which doesn't hurt my baseline culture by removing 1/3rd of the source of great works. If you have a good baseline you don't need to rely on too many concert tours (what if they DOW you or something?) and that affects my approach.

3. I'm totally not ignoring that...I think you're overestimating the immortal AI. 4 cities over size 30 in the late game outtechs the AI without any RAs. And I have a big emphasis on great scientists, using world fair to get through rationalism, etc.
World fair can make the runaway civ get 1st prize and stack lots of culture. I wouldn't recommend that.

Also all tourism built pre national visitor center and internet pales in comparison to the one built after them. I would recommend focus growth, science and RAs instead of early tourism / wonders.

With 2 land movement and 3 sea one sometimes I find musician bombing not that effective.
If you pop them after internet they can take 10 turns to arrive to your target and if you create them before their strenght will be too low to matter. Sometimes I get broadway and fill it so you get a huge and easy tourism bonus to run since you get internet and the center. 6xlots of modifiers is nothing to underestimate. And you can pop more musicians after those initial two.
I tried doing something like this today but I mismanaged my relationships and I got attacked with my pants down. It was going amazingly well too.

This is a Siam opener I've been working on that pretty much goes for everything you want to set this up: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=506966

Did you have any issues with the AI demanding tribute from CS you pledged to protect? I think threatening them back was my main downfall.

4. If you can get your religion, your first world congress proposal should be world religion....it's much easier to get it earlier and by the time that proposal is passed you will be at least past-archaelogy and will benefit from it immediately. you can use diplomat to buy 3 votes from civs that did not found religion.
This is an incredibly bad idea, because EVERYONE will hate you. If you enact Arts Funding everyone will love you, because most AIs go for a CV.

I find it difficult on immortal to have all the prerequisites for printing press, acoustics, and architecture ready AND build globe, Pisa, and Sistine. That doesn't sound like immortal to me, emperor, maybe...
You should improve your science game.
Thank you for this. I will use it.

FYI - the large AIs make all their defensive culture off of archeology. It sky rockets after this so keep that in mind. The more land they have, the more landmarks etc they get.

@Sadato - If you time World's Fair to hit when you have 3 Factories and maybe hydro up, you will win it. I haven't lost it yet under those conditions.
This is an incredibly bad idea, because EVERYONE will hate you. If you enact Arts Funding everyone will love you, because most AIs go for a CV.

It's true that they all like Arts Funding but I don't know why. If everyone who likes Arts Funding is going for CV, then the AI is TERRIBLE at CV, I've yet to see an AI with more than 100 tourism (on Immortal), even at the very end of the game when I'm pumping ~900 tourism.
Poor guy gets a peaceful cultural victory and everyone's on his ass about how (even though they haven't done it) they can do it better.

I promise you Glory7 has done plenty of CVs already. He's also probably one of the best deity players still active on these forums so I wouldn't quite disregard his comments.

I agree with everything he said besides enacting world religion early. It is definitely hard on diplomacy to do so and I much favor more RAs and lesser odds of being DoWed that enacting it late in the game does. However, it is a great way to recover from a bad start with less of a diplo hit. You use that to get DoWed and plunder nearby enemies for their GWs. This consideration does obviously not hold for a pure peaceful CV.

As to the OP, in low faith scenario, GM guild is your only way to catch up to runaways and thus, not getting any GMs before the internet is really your only way to save a harder game. I was running down some approximations and the breaking point would've been if your empire was to produce less than 400 TPT that getting broadway+2GMs would eventually outweight a GM. On the other hand, if you already have plenty of faith for Internet purchases, there's no real harm to getting it and filling the slots. It's just not really game breaking either at that point.

I also strongly disagree with your mid game SP path. It is far more important to get rationalism opener+secularism as a bare minimum than to push full aesthethics early. The mere double theming bonus is really marginal and in a less-than-godly start, you won't really get one wonder per city.

As Glory7 suggested, Globe Theater is generally a bad idea. At least to prioritize it above Uffizi/Sistine.

First because it has the same (at least if I recall) theming bonus requirement as Oxford which can be painful to achieve without wasting 1000 faith on a GW.

Next because even if you do get it filled and the bonus, it is still only a small gain granted that you would likely not have filled all GW slots throughout your empire (amphitheaters) so your only real gain is the theming bonus. On the other hand, archeology allows you to fill 3 GW via dig sites. This nets out more CPT/TPT than just the GW bonus assuming you could've achieved both oxford & GT bonuses without wasting faith.

Sistine should also definitely be of very high priority. Enough to consider entering renaissance with it rather than with PP. This is mostly due to the reverse effect of missing Sistine that naturally creates a culture runaway. Even more so if the AI to grab it is wide. I don't know if AIs commit a game plan change when they succeed to build Sistine but everytime I've missed it, I've seen AIs producing near 2-3 times the CPT of their neighbor civ without any additionnal crazy perk.

World fair is also debatable although personally, I tend not to mind that an AI catches the 1st place if it happens with the first WC. +2k culture is easily overcome by a GM but the net gain of 1 SP around T140-T170 is really nice. Esp. if you are going for the Louvre which I am surprised not to have seen in the guide.

As for tech path, I also typically prefer hitting airports and even hubble to pay itself off but Glory is right. Earlier internet means earlier victory and the net TPT from NVC significantly outweights that of Airports in all cities in almost every game. You would have to build GW slots heavy wonders in satellite cities for your capital not get more TPT from half of NVC worth than the other 3 cities combined would from an airport.

Nonetheless, nice writeup. However, be warned. You will get slammed by critiques because this does not answer the core issue of peaceful VC at the moment: Making it viable outside a sick start. That's been the main and ongoing critique in my deity cv thread a few weeks back and I'm still seeking solutions.

Good luck.
It's true that they all like Arts Funding but I don't know why. If everyone who likes Arts Funding is going for CV, then the AI is TERRIBLE at CV, I've yet to see an AI with more than 100 tourism (on Immortal), even at the very end of the game when I'm pumping ~900 tourism.

Typically, they like culture because they have opened aesthethics. The extremely rare case that an AI will dislike culture and prefer science is if they skipped over aesthethics and have already opened rationalism.

It is sad that the AI was designed this way because adopting aesthetics earlier in the game appears to make AIs ignore rationalism even more making it fairly easy for the human player to catch PT in peaceful games.
one more: tech to radar after plastics??? you should beeline internet asap. Getting airport is nothing, if you compared the effect to getting visitor center and internet early. Most of the times (actually, for all of my deity games) you can finish the game when internet and visitor center is done and you send off 2-4 GMs for concert - it ends usually even before you reach radar.

Second that, you only have 4 techs in between, so you can have the internet in a few turns, if you have enough GS. You just have to wait for the max value and then just use oxford for the Internet. I find it to be a waste to use for something else. SAme applies to Broadway and musicians, making it very late brings way way more profit, as concert bombs bring tourism according to the TPT output at the moment they are born, and no great work can give you say 1000 tourism at any pont ot of the game and late musicians can give way more than this.
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I hoped to foster some good discussion, not to lay down the law. So keep it coming. The only other thing I'd like to add right now is that it doesn't require a "godly" start by any means. The religion is only important for late game faith...you can sometimes make up for this with religious CS allies if you don't get a great pantheon.

I am definitely not claiming this strategy is optimal, per se. It has just been working for me pretty reliably and so I thought I would share since a lot of players seem to be struggling at peaceful CVs.
A few points. Someone has a thread with the exact same focus and whoever it was had the best approach; to win cultural victory you need to play 75% of your game like a science game. That means forgoing early settlers and wonders and nabbing the NC immediately. If you have the money to buy a quick library in one of your expansion cities than go for it, but I find that you almost always want to stop at 2 cities if you really want that quick NC. Then you gotta get universities up and have the pop to run your science slots.

And of course, do all of this while protecting yourself, which to me is the real kicker. If you've only got one neighbor, or you're separated from AI's by CS's, or you spawn isolated, it can be a lot easier. I doubt too many people win this way on Immortal if they spawn next to greece, the zulu's, etc. The "peaceful" part goes out the window.
Does all this assume you will not be attacked and having to delay building/buying key buildings and wonders? And that you will have cooperative opponents that not only won't attack you but they accept your DoF as well as have you get them to fight each other?
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