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BOTM 1 Final Spoiler

Out of curiosity, why would it matter if the location of modern age resources is posted about if anyone in this thread has finished their game? :confused:
1889 Space race victory

Nothing special about my game. I continued teching while Uncle Joe kept on declaring war every 10 turns or so, each time not doing anything to weaken me. Boudica and Churchill went to war a bunch, and I went to war with modern armors to beef up my score while waiting for the spaceship to arrive. Took all the cities on the mainland and vassalized him. Heres the final screenshot:
View attachment 167414
A solid spacerace time IMO, and should be decent in the results of the spacerace victories (this was also on challenger). Note that I moved my capital in the last turns: I don't think that affects final score in any way (if it does then that was very stupid of me), but I wanted to be extra careful that my capital did not die (being so close to the sea). A very fun game, and I applaud all the mods for starting what hopefully becomes a long line of successful and competitive BOTM's. :clap:

edit-after reading blubmuz's post, I was reminded of my end game mistakes on the spaceship. The main thing was that I didn't put an SS. Casing in a city which would take 25 turns, thinking for sure I'd finish up by then. So instead I had some city double up on casings, which ended up adding about +4 turns. Doesn't really affect the game in anyway, but it was frustrating to me.
Taking part in the BOTM Gauntlet (and thus also in the Erkon's challenge).

The story up to 1000BC is here.

By 1000BC I have settled the most productive sites at the home continent, and was prepairing for invading the other continents. The logistics on this map is similar to SGOTM-5, and the difficulty level a notch lower, so I figured that I wouldn't need any advanced units (not even catapults) to conquer the world. So I decided to stop researching after getting Iron Working (for swords), Math (for chopping) and Code of Laws (caste system for fast border expansions & courthouses). I wanted to get CoL using Oracle, but the AI built it in 1000BC, unusualy early for prince.

I built several scouts and sent them to the other continents to make a better invasion plan (I had open borders with everybody, so could explore freely). I was shocked when I found out that Justinian only had warriors as defense in his cities as late as 600BC! :eek: Looks like he went crazy builder mode, building Stonehenge, Oracle, Great Wall and the Buddhist shrine. :smoke: Unfortunately I don't have any saves or screenshots of his land to post here. Stalin on the other hand had plenty of axes and archers, plus most of his cities were built on hills. Persia and the dark blue people (whatever they are called) had average defenses. So I decided that I'll kill everybody except Stalin and fill all the gaps (plus some islands if necessary) with settlers. Here is how things went:

950BC - We circumnavigate the globe.

700BC - Discover Math.

625BC - Start the war against Justinian. I took his two coastal cities, each defended by a single warrior, by attacking with my axes directly from galleys. I then marched on to Constantinople. On his last turn Justinian finally managed to produce his first archer, but that didn't help him.

525BC - I get a Great Scientist and launch a GA with it to boost my production. I think it is cheap enough in BTS to make a good investment in short military games.

500BC - Constantinople captured, Justinian gone. It only took me 2 galleys with two axes in each to wipe him out, and I only lost one axe. :cool:

440BC - Start the war against Boudica. The first city I took was also defended by a single warrior. Others had standart AI defence though (2-3 archers).

380BC - Discover CoL.

365BC - The Golden Age ends. At this point I realise that I have greatly underestimated the cost of overseas cities in BTS. I have very little gold in myu treasury and a negative income at 0% science. I managed to save myself from an economic collapse, but had to waste a lot of hammers on courthouses. I even built the FP in London. From this point onward I was on the brink of going on strike all the time.

215BC - Boudica wiped out, the war took me about a dozen axes. At the same time I start the war against Sur with a stack of 15 swords. (I started prepairing the war well in advance, dropping some workers on his continent to make a road through the jungle.)

110BC - Sur gone.

50BC - Attack Darius. Had to gift him one of my cities in celtic lands to prevent strike before declaring. (My greed didn't allow me to raze Boudica's cities, even though I knew I'll have problems with them).

145AD - Darius gone.

175AD - Switch to Caste System.

205AD - Settle 28 cities (plus two more on the two following turns)

250AD - Get 28 border expansions, but don't win. WTF?! I am some 10 tiles short! :mad: Everything was calculated perfectly, but then I simply forgot to bring a settler to one of the planned city sites. :cry: Also, I am not in slavery, so I cannot even rush a settler, but have to build it the slow way. Plus I went on strike (after settling 28 crappy cities), so there is a risk that the settler will be disbanded on his way (and that damn city site I missed was pretty far from my productive cities).

400AD - Ten turns later I finally manage to pull myself over the limit, by getting several cities to 100 culture, stealing some tiles from Stalin, and finally building a city to grab the last 3 tiles. :lol:

Some statistics:

Built 40 settlers, 10 workers, 13 warriros, 13 workboats, 14 galleys, 13 axes, 22 swords, 9 chariots, 1 great scientist (used for GA), 1 great prophet (was born in Constantinople because of all the wonder Justinian built, didn't find any use for him, so just settled him in the city), 1 great general (used as warlord to promote the sword stack for the final war against Darius).

Lost 10 swords & 8 axes.

Killed 31 archer, 33 warriors and 4 axes.
I have a question to the GOTM staff: would it be legal to upload some saves made at different points of the game & the replay? I think this might be interesting to share some intermidiate saves, because the final save doesn't have all the info, and you cannot say everything in the spoiler too. I am thinking this should be OK, because the HOF mod should be able to track it if somebody tries to open another player's save before finishing (plus the spoiler is on the honor system as it is), but I want to ask first just to be sure. If there are some problems with this that I don't see, I'll upload my saves after submissions are closed.
I had some computer problems and other stuff going on that made me play this over a drawn out period and not keep very good notes. But here goes…

My hope for this game was to score an early Diplomatic win by using the Apostolic Palace. To do this, I figured that I should, in order:

1. Establish a sound economy, production capacity, and military
2. Start building the Oracle
3. Explore the world
4. Research the prerequisites for Theology
5. Use the Oracle to get Theology for free
6. Spread Christianity to at least one city in every civ
7. Generate a Great Engineer and use him to build the Apostolic Palace
8. Win

I settled in place, built a worker, and researched some basic economic and military techs while producing a couple of workers, settlers, and some defensive units.

By around 1850BC I had 3 cities, the capital; Gondar sited to get marble, ivory, and food; and Lalibela over by the flood plains, seafood, and copper. Around this point I began work in earnest on the slingshot part of the plan, researching Masonry, Polytheism, Priesthood, and Writing. I started work on the Oracle in 1100 BC and completed it in 825 BC, the turn after I researched Monotheism and founded Judaism in Gondar. Per plan I took Theology for the free tech and established Christianity in Lalibela.

While all of this was going on, I built some Work Boats, and later Galleys, and sent them out exploring. So I had a pretty good idea who was where, although it took me a little while to find Darius and Suv and until then there was a possibility I’d need Optics to reach everyone. I founded the last of my really important cities around the same time Christianity was established, Addis Ababa was a production center near all that Ivory and forest.

Everything up to this point had gone really well… but from here on out lapses in judgment and the difficulty of managing relations with all the AIs made things a lot tougher. I was fortunate that only two civs had any religion whatsoever: the Byzantines and the Celts had each established one. I made it a priority to spread Christianity to exactly one city in each of those empires ASAP. I needed them to have some Christianity or a diplo vote wouldn’t be possible, but not very much since they would surely never like me much.

After that I tried to spread Christianity to everyone else as fast as I could. It spread to Russia and England on its own, but I had to send missionaries a long way by boat to get to Persia and Khmer. Very unfortunately for me, before I could get both of those two converted to Christianity, a war broke out between them. I could have joined one side against the other and tried to keep my new enemy’s Christian population small. But they were both so far away that I didn’t think I’d really be able to influence things much. I decided to refuse both of their requests for aid, harming relations with people whose votes I wanted.

What may have been a mistake was that I continued to spread Christianity among these four civs beyond the 1 city per empire that was an absolute necessity. I wanted to be sure they would all convert to, and stick with, Christianity, so that they would all get religious bonuses with me, and with each other as well (hopefully preventing more wars). Which pretty much worked. But some of the civs actively spread the religion within themselves as well, and the end result was that there was a very large Christian population out there before I’d even started on the Apostolic Palace. I’d need to get a lot of votes from other civs to win, not just one other civ on my side.

Speaking of the Apostolic Palace, I followed through with generating an GE to build that, and completed it in 475 AD. I certainly could have finished it earlier if I’d wanted to, but there wasn’t much point in starting it until I’d spread religions around a fair bit. And by then the GE wasn’t too far away.

Churchill was my opponent in the initial vote for resident, which I won easily, but Russia became #2 in Christian population after that. I prepared for vote #2 by giving bribes to England, Persia, and Khmer and proposed a Diplomatic victory, which failed. England was with me but Persia and Khmer were for Stalin. Disappointing but not too surprising given that my relations with Persia and Khmer were good but not great. I kept at it, and in the next vote Persia was for me as well, but even though Khmer was something like +12 for me and +10 for Stalin, he still voted for Russia. Apparently he still held a grudge about my refusing to help him in wartime. And without him I was something like 40-50 votes shy of victory.

For too long after this second vote, my play was kind of aimless. I kept working on boosting relations with Khmer via gifts, and also spreading Christianity to more English and Persian cities. Which was good as far as it went. But what I really needed to do in addition to this was concentrate on building more cities and growing my existing ones as fast as possible, and for too long I neglected this in favor of nice but unessential infrastructure. This wasn’t well and truly driven home until 2 or 3 votes later, when Khmer finally did come round to my side, but I still failed (by 3 votes) to get the necessary supermajority.

By now it was something like 850 AD. I finally committed myself to a population-first strategy by, for instance, not whipping things to completion anymore. I also built a bunch more cities on the outlying islands and wherever there was enough space left on the main continent to be worthwhile. Unfortunately for me the Khmer and Persians fought another war. One which I quickly voted out of existence—but not fast enough to prevent them from asking me for assistance. Which I once again refused, and which once again meant they wouldn’t vote for me.

By the 1100s I’d concluded I would have to fight a war with either Justinian or Boudica to get more land and population. So I started building my military up as best I could while still focusing on growth and growth-related techs. Boudica declared war on Churchill in 1290 AD and I joined soon thereafter at his request. I did OK to start with, capturing a city, but my reinforcements only trickled in and it turned into a long stalemate. But after awhile I hit upon something I should have thought of earlier, which was bribing Khmer to join me in the war.

With the mutual struggle bonus pushing our relations up to about +16 (compared to +12 for Stalin) the Khmer started voting for me again. And in 1495 AD this was finally enough to get me a Diplomatic Victory. This happened to be the same turn I researched Liberalism—which I’d put off for awhile—and took Physics as my free tech.

So my strategy worked! But it would have been a lot more impressive if I'd pulled it off shortly after completeing the AP, in say 600 AD. Oh well. :)
My hope for this game was to score an early Diplomatic win by using the Apostolic Palace.

I was going for this too. There was some good discussion on the hof forums for the latets BTS gauntlet that helped guide the strategy.

So my strategy worked! But it would have been a lot more impressive if I'd pulled it off shortly after completeing the AP, in say 600 AD. Oh well. :)

I did a self vote and spread Judaism to small sized AI cities and got the victory in 160AD. If I had pushed the envelope my game might have finished around 200BC. If you play for a minimalist AP victory, the game is over so fast it's not that fun :(
Diplomatic Victory 1645AD – I took the contender start and skipped Erkon’s challenge. I made a big mistake at the end of the game which made a mid-1400s diplomatic win into a mid-1600s win.

No technology trading doesn’t hurt too much on prince but my inability to sell techs to keep up research and improve relations or bribe the Khmer to join me in wars slowed me down. I didn’t have any really game changing events – a couple of plots with bonus commerce and one slave revolt. I generated espionage points from courthouses (no Great Wall, spy specialists or slider) so I was only able to steal a couple of cheap techs – Archery for a few crossbows and much more important - Monotheism to adopt Organized Religion and please Suryavarman.

I didn’t attempt to rush Churchill and expanded toward the north (the gold mine, fish, corn, pigs) and into the center (elephants and flood plains). A Civil Service slingshot in 750BC put me ahead of the AIs for good. Other than filler techs, tech trading wasn’t going to really speed up my research. Early wonders – Oracle (750BC), Great Library (220AD) and Parthenon (130AD).

Eventually, Churchill built a city near the copper. I didn’t see any English spears or axes so I decided to declare war in 600BC. I razed the copper city with chariots but Churchill finished Iron Working and had iron on a mined hill. I couldn’t beat his spears and CG2 archers on a hill at London so I had to sign a cease fire without taking anything of value. London would have been a good second scientist farm but I capture it too late.

I add a fourth city (Addis Ababa) in the North (silver, copper, deer and corn) and save its forests for the eventual construction of the UN. A fifth city grabs the other copper and seafood near the English city I razed. I now plan for my diplomatic victory. Confucianism had spread to all my cities and the Khmer so I chose Suryavarman as my ally. Three civilizations had each founded an early religion. Boudica was Jewish, Justinian Buddhist, Stalin Hindu so diplomacy was very messy. I planned to spread Confucianism to Sury’s cities and come to his aid when Stalin declared war to boost our relations. I’ll eliminate Justinian, gift some cities to Boudica to make her second in population and win with Sury’s support. I declare war a second time with Churchill in 490AD and eliminate him in 820AD. I follow a standard diplomatic beeline with one detour to grab the great artist from music.

Unfortunately, Stalin had built the Hindu holy shrine and Hinduism spread quickly to Sury’s cities while I was fighting Churchill. Sury switched to Hinduism two turns before completing the Apostolic Palace in 805AD. London is Hindu so my new plan is to switch religions after I’m done generating great people; conquer Justinian and Boudica; win the election against Stalin. I needed to expand off continent for population but I wanted to wait until I was finishing my research to expand. I couldn’t afford the relationship hit that vassals would give me with Sury and the colony maintenance is a research killer.

I use the great artist for a golden age shortly after finishing the Masoleum in 1080AD. I switch to caste system and aggressively starve my gp farm to grab three more scientists during the golden age. I research to within one turn of Scientific Method and Liberalism before the golden age ends. I switch to Hinduism and Organized Religion at the end of the golden age to please Sury. He has a +14 relationship with Stalin so I need every diplomatic modifier I can find.

The golden age ended in 1260AD and I finished Scientific Method, lightbulb Physics and half of Electricity, grab Radio from Liberalism and finished Mass Media in 1390. I build the UN in 1395 with a great engineer and 9 forest chops in Addis Ababa. I produced 6 great scientists and 1 engineer in Gondar (my gp farm) which ran 2 scientists and 1 engineer most of the game (8 or 9 scientists during the golden age). I got lucky with a seventh scientist in Aksum which had prophet and artist contamination from wonders.

I declare war of Justinian in 1210AD and take all except one of his cities on the continent before peace in 1345. Boudica soon declares war on Justinian and I ambush her and her vassal Frederick in 1380 when she sends a large stack to raze a city in the north that Justinian rebuilt after I razed it.

I forgot about the aggressive leader modifier (actually, I forgot that Sury was aggressive) and screwed up my fast finish attempt. He liked me slightly better than Stalin but elected Stalin to the Secretary Generalship. I should have waited to build the UN. I didn’t have enough population to win and would have had better relations with Sury if I had waited another 10 turns when I was close to the population required to win. I spend the next 200 years wiping Boudica off the map, researching up to Biology and waiting for a new Secretary General election.

Secretary General in 1605: Sury is now slightly larger than Stalin but Stalin votes for me. I give Stalin every resource I have and cancel all resource deals with Sury to try and influence their populations. The resource gifts improve my relations with Stalin and I’m able to get him friendly with a significant cash donation. I now have the votes of either the Khmer or Russian civilizations and am voted world leader with Stalin’s support in 1640. I should have won in the mid 1400s after capturing half of Boudica’s population.
Conquest LOSS 1820 AD.

I was going for cultural victory with my 7 cities, and another couple due to be flipped from Churchill, so my military was a bit weak.

Of course, Churchill declared war on me and took a couple of cities before I got peace. It was mostly downhill from there although my tech rate was so good with a small empire and no trading by the AI amongst themselves.

I had Oromo Warriors by the time Churchill declared again, so they held out for a long time, but he came at me with unbelievably large stacks of catapults and war elephants. This was evidence that massive numbers of inferior units can easily beat a small number of superior units. Once the front line of Oromos was shattered, the end came quickly (especially when you turn on the 'fast combat' option).

So another bad loss for me. Main thing I noticed about my first ever game of BTS was that the AI was miles better at war. Churchill didn't waste any time pillaging superfluous improvements, he just went straight for the jugular, giving me no time to rush reinforcements. This is clearly a much better strategy than the old AI tactic of continually suiciding small pillaging teams on you.
Despite my initial mistakes (see them HERE), i finished with a 1907 Space race for some 23k. I think it's not so bad for BtS.

My best move was the GLib in London, after been beaten for 5 turns also on the GLH. London was a perfect GP farm, and a lot of GS came from there, together with a GP for the confu Shrine and a GE for the mining inc.
Built also the AP and the HS, the Parthenon and the Colossus.
Pity i've built FP and NE in London, denying to build WS there (it was the Confu Holy, and i think it's better to have the corporation HQ in the same city where you got the Shrine)
Another mistake (but not completely sure about this) was not to settle the peninsula south of Aksum, with all those nice resources.

First to circumnavigate (but with caravels), Liberalism for Steam, first on anything else.

I traded for a lot of resources, and Boudicea DoWed me twice, with a ridiculous stack (cats and a pike Vs infantry) the first time, repeating the same stupid thing, varied: rifles and trebs vs marines and cannons, not to mention caravels ang galleons vs destroyers, submarines and battleships.
Both times she spent a nice sum for peace.
Stalin daclared on the entire world, managing to vassalize Darius after an ethernal war, and he DoWed me, too: 2 galleons were sunk before land, so it was trebs vs tanks and MI, and a sunking feast for my navy.
He too paid a nice sum for peace.

One last mistake was to put a city building a SScase in wealth (surely a misclick) and launch the SS with 2 engines, but only 4 casing.
I was determined to not go outside my continent, not a single transport built.
The RE gave nothing special, not a single quest, until my last playing session (from 1840 circa), when a lot of good events happened.

Once the SS was launched (some turn before, exactly) i built 2 transports, a bunch of MA and went after the 3 russian cities in the peninsula, just to increase my score and to have some fun waiting the travel of the SS.
Useless to say, MA, MI and gunships vs rifles and trebs, it was a cakewalk.

After the submission, i've tried a game, just to see.
Not big mistakes, but at turn 300 i'm not so better than in my submitted one.
BOTM1, Challenger - Roland Ehnström

Domination Win, 1702 AD, 116143 points (4127 base points)

First spoiler here

We attacked the English in the late 300's AD, and took London in 460 AD, with Axmen and Swordsmen. By 670 AD the English were destroyed, and our civilization went into a peaceful building phase, which lasted more than 600 years.

In 1320 we declared war on Russia, and went straight towards Moscow, which fell in 1385 AD to our Osomo Warriors, Catapults and Cuirassiers. In 1405 we signed a temporary peace treaty with Russia, because War Weariness was beginning to severly limit our economy. But soon we could switch to Police State, Nationhood and State Property, and this made wonders to our economy! In 1460 we declared war again, and Stalin capitulated in 1510, with only one city left. We went on to attack the Khmer's in 1515, Byzantine in 1555 and Persia in 1570, now with an army mainly consisting of Riflemen, Cavalry and Trebuchets.

By 1595 the Khmers and Persians were severely crippled, while we had been forced into a temporary peace with the Byzantine through the Apostolic Palace. In 1605 we attacked Germany, vassal of the Celts, and 60 years later they were wiped off the map. Meanwhile we continued taking cities from the Khmer's, and Persia, coming ever closer to the Domination limit. The Khmer's capitulated in 1650 witrh only one city left, while Persia was destroyed in 1675.

In the last few turns of the game we attacked the Arabs (former vassal of Persia, if my memory is correct), the Byzantine and the Celts, taking six cities of them in four turns. Saladin capitulated in 1700, and this was enough to reach the Domination limit, for a 1702 AD Domination Win, scoring 116143 points from 4127 base points.

The finish date isn't great, I attacked the English too late (should have made a Warrior rush early on), and the long building phase 670-1320 AD was unnecessary. However, the points tally is pretty good I think, very nice to have +100k points in the first BOTM! :D
I did a self vote and spread Judaism to small sized AI cities and got the victory in 160AD.

That was pretty much what I wanted to do, yeah. But obviously your execution was a lot better. :) Well done!

Spreading the AP religion to just enough AI cities, but not too many, is the tricky part of this strategy. If there is a tricky part. As you said, if its done right this is really kind of a dull game. I did a couple of these when BtS first came out and they went very quickly.

However, by the time BOTM01 started I hadn't played BtS in months, and it took me awhile to remember that there is actually a screen that lists everyone's vote counts. Obviously that's very helpful in figuring out just how much you need to spread the religion around. There's one mistake at least that I won't make again.

How did you go about getting the AP built? In hindsight I think I was overly fancy in having a Great Engineer do it for me. Chopping probably would ahve done the job faster.
1959 Spaceship Victory!

This was my first spaceship victory ever on either Vanilla or BTS (don't have warlords)

When I started I was assuming I would go for a culture victory. They are my favorite type, and the leader seems ideally suited for it. But then I'm pretty used to playing emperor so when I started I kind of forgot I could go for the early religons. so after researching a tech or two, and not noticing anyone else founding them it kind of came to me. I switched over to go for judaism, but got there a few turns too late. well I figured I wouldn't do too well with culture win so decided I'd try something different so went for spaceship.

It was a long game, and looking back I realize I concentrated on making some big production centers, when really I should have concentrated more on my tech rate. I was too far ahead of the opposition to steal techs with spying and without tech trading on it was a long slog to get through the techs. Nonetheless I learned a ton this game. Really started playing with corporations for the first time. Also learned some more about the spy trade, and even some import things in late era warfare. I think this was my first time ever going all the way through the tech tree.
Overall I had a great time, my victory came late, but it was very instuctive and fun.
Looking forward to the next BOTM.
Help! I was working hard towards AP victory (not sure at all if I will get it) when at one point in 1295 AD I Alt-Tabbed out of the game, only to come back and see the message "You have been defeated!" :'( :S when none of my opponents was anywhere near a victory.
I suppose I must have accidentally pressed Alt-Q instead of Alt-tab... how uncool is it to have a self-destruct key in a game like this?!?!?! They could at least have put in an are-you-sure dialog!!
Not sure if I will still be allowed to submit my game... Also, would it be possible to fix this with a mod? Would be cool to avoid more people getting this problem.
As you said, if its done right this is really kind of a dull game.

I agree, pretty dull.

However, by the time BOTM01 started I hadn't played BtS in months, and it took me awhile to remember that there is actually a screen that lists everyone's vote counts. Obviously that's very helpful in figuring out just how much you need to spread the religion around. There's one mistake at least that I won't make again.

Heh I didn't know this and spent a bit of time moving around the map counting votes.

How did you go about getting the AP built? In hindsight I think I was overly fancy in having a Great Engineer do it for me. Chopping probably would ahve done the job faster.

Yeah, just chop forests.

I mucked up two of my early missionaries (one eaten by a barb. the other failed to spread religion) which mean I had to send a second galley/missionary duo to two of the AI's. Also, I played it safe and didn't declare a religion and build AP until I had planted my religion in the Buddist and Hindu contries since I didn't want them to close borders - but I think this was too conservative.
Well it was quite a while ago when I played the game, and I missed doing the first spoiler post, so this one will sum up the whole thing for me.

- Settled in place, great production capital with plenty of food.
Capitol build order:
Worker, warrior x3, great wall, settler (built from chops while building great wall), stonehenge, worker, workboat, warrior, settler ...
Early tech order:
AH, Masonry, BW, Myst, Fishing, Wheel, Meditation, Priesthood, Writing, Pottery

- Scout discovered Churchill early on, and my first thought was early war, until I scouted the rest of the continent which was more than large enough for us both, so my direction turned to REX and an attempt for fast cultural victory.
- Settled Gondar (city 2) in 2500BC near Churchill's border, to acquire the copper and a nice floodplain city that could also be a production powerhouse. This one I turned into my GA factory (most of the Artist wonders as well as Hermitage and National Epic), while my capitol was a more general GP factory based on lots of wonders.
- Great wall done in 2275BC
- Lalibela (city 3) in 1875BC just south of the two peaks, for the sheep, ivory, and other copper - just an overall very nice city location. This was culture city #3.
- Stonehenge done in 1650BC
- Got a great spy in 1050BC thanks to the great wall, and settled him in Gondar. In this game I actually got 3 great spies, and with 2 settled, and one to build Scotland Yard, I had a really high amount of espionage points, and could see pretty much what every other civ was researching and doing.
- 4th city in 875BC
- Founded Judaism in 775BC
- Temple of Artemis in the capitol in 500BC, hooray economic bonus!
- Oracle in 410BC, got CoL and founded Confucianism
- Statue of Zeus in Gondar 130AD
- 190AD Great Library in capitol
(kind of boring here, built some more cities between 500BC and 1000AD)
- 640AD Taoism founded
- 880AD Sistine Chapel in Gondar
- 1120AD Hagia Sophia in capitol
- 1285AD Apo Palace in capitol

- 1330AD Boudica declared war on me, pillaged a few mines near the capitol but mainly had catapults and so was a pretty easy win - she agreed to peace in 1420 after I slaughtered one more wave of troops.

- 1365AD First to Liberalism, think I grabbed Nationalism

- 1380AD University of Sankore in capitol
- 1505AD Taj Mahal in Lalibela

- 1766AD Cultural Victory, final score 26689.

I ran specialists where I could, while maintaining enough production to build the necessary buildings and spam all my fun wonders. Founded 3 religions, and enough cities to build the 50% culture buildings for them. Actually flipped one of Churchill's cities due to my two eventual legendary cities near it.

Didn't bother exploring much, what map I had visible I got from trading for it - the AI's did a fine job of discovering me on their own :p Never made much use of the Apo Palace, but built it mainly so nobody else could :lol:. Tech-wise, I dropped the slider to 0% research, 100% culture as soon as I got representation (just in case someone *Boudica* got uppity, I didn't want to fall behind in techs too far). My economy was stellar the whole game since I didn't expand too much and I got enough Prophets to build the shrines that would net me some good gold - my early REXing actually sucked, but turned out not to matter too much. I had 5 or 6 cities by the early ADs.

I imagine someone more experienced with the cultural games will beat my date, but I'm fairly happy with it - it's my best one yet :)

Cultural win, 1842, 40782 pts. No submission. Problem: Vista, reloading. When you start game initially as admin, DO NOT start save files of previous session via normal double-click icon. BtS gets stuck on 1st end of turn. When I finally found out I reloaded of course a lot from auto saves, although trying to play same way as initially.

Think I didnt play optimal (not using religional monasteries to full effect), am replaying from my only 1000 BC save, and look like I can scrape off 50-75 turns.

I just stuck with my island and the north of the island below (up to choke point). Managed to build all wonders (except some early ones). Was focused only on max city size, used experts only when unhappy/unhealthy and was focused on tech, which I could run on 100% almost al the time as of 500 BC, based on the endless GA's I had because of GL's and the money form great merchants. Always kept my army as number 1, still Justinius and Stalin tried. Justin, took 1 just unprotected founded city on MY island, then realised I had superior units. Also Stalin realised quickly that two infanteries and 1 machine gun @ chockepoint where no match for a stack of trebuchets and knights. Also over water he failed dearly.

Was playing cultural to learn about espionage system and corprations. Must say I didn't learn much, my corporation people where not capable of setlling branches in foreign cities, as the AI was smart enough to adopt civics accordingly. Also via espionage there was nothing to learn as I was tech leader and not interested in War.

Still it was fun, except for the period I was about to abandon the BtS X-mas gift, because of the load save game issue. Took me 3 days, high blood pressure etc to solve, as I couldn't find this issue on any civ forum.

looking fwd to BOTM2, where I want the Bull not to sit, but to move!!

Tx GOTM staff for a nice game!!
Hm, what do you think made your end point value so much higher, killerloop?

I played a fully passive game, and built just enough defense to fend off the one AI who didn't like me enough to attack (Boudica) - it sounds as if you built a lot more military than I did...but still, I'm curious.
First Spoiler link

I founded my 9th and final city shortly after 500AD and was happy to find Christianity spread to it almost immediately. I had been satisfied with just 2 religions but a 3rd one was a nice surprise. I continued spreading all of my religions to all my cities and building temples. I had a hard time getting other religions spread to cities that had founded a religion, maybe I was just unlucky or perhaps the failure rate has been changed in BTS. I think I spent around 5 missionaries getting Conf. into London which had founded Taoism.

At 500AD I was researching Education and then went for Liberalism which I completed in 860AD. I took Nationalism with it so I could build the Hermitage and Taj Mahal. I then lowered my science slider way down but not completely to 0 because Stalin had politely asked me to join his campaign against Darius. Darius was fairly weak and a long way away while Stalin was powerful and very near. I had a few galleys on my borders in case he showed up but I would feel better if I had better defenses so I went ahead and researched Gunpowder figuring our UU was strong enough to easily fend off anything he would throw at me. Once Gunpowder came in I turned the science slider completely off but with the help of the Great Library I continued to pick up some of the older techs that I had skipped. Darius never showed up and when he offered me a little bit of gold for peace I accepted. Later Stalin again asked me to join the war and I accepted and again after no fighting eventually got peace with him.

Not long after that Boudica declared on me and 3 galleys showed up SW of the capital. I quickly blocked her 2 entry tiles into my territory with a pair of galleys on the northern side of the island. If she wanted into my lands she would have to attack at low odds on my empty galleys with her full ones, I was assuming they were full of troops anyway. She declined to attack and instead backtracked around through one of Justinian's cities to try and attack me from the southern side of the island. I moved my galleys over and blocked that side so she backtracked again to try and attack the other side.
Spoiler :

I kept her busy like this until I built a Trireme and then I attacked her galley, only to lose. Well back to the blocking until I built another. The next one was more effective and when I got a 3rd built her fleet was killed off. Good chokepoints can be such a big help. I was never concerned she would take a city as my Oromo warriors were far superior to anything she could throw at me but I didn't have a lot of them and she could have easily gone on a pillaging campaign that would have slowed me.

During this time Stalin again asked me to get into his Darius war and I accepted. He and Justinian were the 2 people I was trading most of my excess resources with so I wanted them to be my allies. It sure is harder to get the AI happy when you can't trade techs. I decided to try and get Justinian in on the war with Boudica just to distract her away from trying another invasion, and his reply was that he had enough on his hands already although he wasn't at war with anyone. In my experience this means he is getting ready to declare on someone, and when 3 galleys of his started moving towards me a few turns later I got a little scared. Here I am trying to have a nice peaceful culture game and I am at war with 2 people and perhaps to be declared on by the only civ I have open borders with who is supplying me with 4 or 5 resources and a decent amount of gold per turn. Boudica gives me peace for some gold and Justinian doesn't stop at my SW border but comes into my land. I shadow him with a couple of triremes in case he is trying to move around for a better attack spot. When he gets to my eastern coast and continues heading east away from me I relax. A couple of turns later he declares on Darius which improves my relations with him because of mutual military struggle. They finally manage to take a city from Darius but ineffectively do any other damage to him. I stayed in the war for the rest of the game just for the improved relations although the only attack I had with him was when I spotted a workboat of his and took it out with a galley. If war wariness works against AI's also it had to be killing Stalin as I doubt his culture slider was around 90% like mine and he was at war forever.

Other than the war there wasn't too much excitement in the rest of my game. I continued to stack GA wonders into Aksum - Sistine Chapel, Taj Mahal, and Heroic Epic. I spread religions, built temples, and any other culture buildings in my 3 culture cities. The others built wealth after their temples and ran as many artist specialists as they could. I built the forbidden palace in my 3rd culture city to bring in some extra cash and get extra culture, I switched to christianity for improved relations when I had it spread all around, I moved the palace to the marble city to save some cash and because it was lagging in culture to the other 2 but it could have just as easily built culture those handful of turns and came out about even, the extra cash was nice though and I was soon able to switch to 100% culture and still not go broke soon after.

I got 1 artist each from my 2 secondary farms, 3 from Aksum, 3 from the corn/pig/deer city in the NW corner, and 7 from London. I also had the free artist from music and 1 from a random event for a total of 17. I also got 2 Great Scientists, one from running specialists to lightbulb Phil, the other from my Oracle/Great Library city which I used for a great age. My capital had 0 artists settled and used 5 great works at the end. The marble/corn/sheep/ivory city had 1 settled and used 6 great works. The floodplains cottaged city had 3 settled and used 2 great works.

This gave me a culture win in 1630AD.

I made a number of small mistakes and 1 major one which I am almost too embarrassed to admit. When I got Liberalism I decided to stay in Bureaucracy for a little bit so I could get the extra hammers in the capital for the Taj Mahal and a cathedral, or at least part of them. Unfortunately I forgot to go back and switch to free speech for a long long time. :blush:

Overall I think this is my personal fastest culture win although the civ, random events, and great land probably had more to do with it than my play.
Nicely done Harok. I'm still mystified how people can get so far in tech so quickly...my liberalism date was later than I *could* have gotten it, but I don't think I could have managed pre-1000AD, even with my great economy and running at 100% science (I was at 90 or 100 most of the game).

Also curious, what was your final point score? And one more point, do you think that you could have finished as early without warring Churchill (I chose a peaceful co-existence)?
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