[BTS] BOTM116: Final Spoiler (Game Over)


Jag är Viking!½
GOTM Staff
Jun 21, 2007
Stockholm's B.F.C.

BOTM 116 - Eric Snowden (Sitting Bull) - Final Spoiler


So how did your game after 1AD go?

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  • Do not post any savegame file from the game. Discussions and screenshots are fine but not actual games.
1720AD space.

Not a competitive date at all. Good expansion via Dogs (Washington / Roosevelt) + Swords (Cathy) + Elepult (Lincoln). But I spent far too many turns at zero research with a crashed economy, the main error being not to research the Oracle techs + Masonry early enough so I couldn't get much failgold from Oracle.

Got an early Great Engineer so Mining Inc. and Cereal Mills were a given. Had to gift away some cities to not trigger Domination, and also so I could build the Eremitage a second time for failgold.

Cities in the end: 18
Max beakers: 4k

Only Lincoln and De Gaulle were left to watch the launch, Roosevelt finally conquered by De Gaulle. I shared the war so I could open borders but still never got any foreign trade routes despite nobody being in Mercantilism. How come?

A great map for going to space and for using Dogs to their fullest! Thanks for hosting. Pity that the espionage thing didn't work out due to AI stupidity regarding how to use their Great Spies.
1495 ad Domination victory. I decided not to rush at the begin, because the initial attitude penalty bracked me, I didn't know what to expect.
When I decided to go, at the end of the ancient era, I did everythink with swords cats, then Maze trabs and finally courassiers.
I would have expected most problems from the AI in terms of aggressivity, reticence to sign peace treaty and so on, but the handicap in reputation did not do much the difference.
:lol: You're right, that Dog alone would have been worthy of early Domination. The start was perfect for it. But Domination on the lower difficulties takes too little time so what do I do until the next BOTM? So Space it is for me.

For me as well, the attitude penalty didn't make much difference, except for the lack of foreign trade routes which really hurt. Peace treaties have nothing to do with attitude though, they just depend on war success and time elapsed. So on this level (and with everybody hating you anyway) you can really abuse worker stealing. Take one (with a Warrior or later Dog) - wait four turns - make peace - wait for another Worker. The AI will improve the same tile again just as if there weren't a military unit that already stole the previous Worker standing right outside the borders :crazyeye:.

Congrats on your victory!
Thanks Georgjorge!
Concerning trade rotes, in this botm when I was undecided between 2 AI, I declared war on what was already at war with another. The other one immediatly asked me right of passage, and it manteined also at the end of war. Then I often had a certain number of foreign routes. I finally solved the problem of trade routes with vassals .
I had fun with this one. Conquest victory in 1858. Wish I could say the same about the new Civilization Fanatics website. It has the most intrusive ads I've ever seen. In trying to post this I got a full page ad THREE times and had to use the back button to get back to my post. And I can't find a link to the GOTM page to submit my game. Can anyone tell me how to get there?

EDIT: When I went to get the save for BOTM 117 I noticed a link to submit the game so I went back to the BOTM 116 announcement thread and found a link there, too. Game submitted.
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I had fun playing this game. I accidentally triggered a Domination Victory when I was just 59 culture short of Legendary in my third city for a Culture Victory.

Too bad the AIs all used their Great Spy for an extremely early Golden Age rather than infiltrate the player Civ. I was planning for some really nasty espionage missions being carried out against me every turn, some time after Alphabet.

If the player Civ were pre-settled, the infiltrations could be done by the map maker on turn 0. Then maybe Remove the player city with WB, or force everyone to use the presettled city, if necessary. I hope this type of BOTM can be tried again.


As I recall, CivFanatics has not been getting enough add revenue to support the site. So, I believe they have increased the ad size and placement to increase revenues. You can pay to have ad free access to the site; At the top of any Civfanatics forum web page, click the Upgrade Account link and then the Forum Account Upgrades link or just follow this link:


There are three options:

1) Ad free one year for $15, non-recurring.

2) Ad free for $15/year, recurring (probably automatic charge).

3) Permanantly ad free for $50 (best deal, if you plan to use this site 3-4 years or more).

You can use PayPal for payments. I don't believe there were other payment options; I could be wrong though.
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I had fun with this game. :) As described in the first spoiler thread I stayed peaceful early, even though an early attack would have been highly effective with the dogs and the preset diplo negatives blocking any peaceful trade anyway. I expanded for a while, including grabbing two nice barb cities, but tanked my economy in the process. I am used to getting more revenue from trade routes, as well as resource trades to help happiness, so that had an impact.

Once I got my economy back working again, I teched to rifles, cannon, and cavalry and then launched a wave of conquest. Peace had gotten boring. :lol: Plus the cultural pressure and ongoing spy attacks to blow up improvements and poison cities were annoying. The AIs made things interesting by bringing in all the other AIs when I declared on Washington -- I had not planned to fight them all at once! I should have realized the extreme dislike would bring them into the war despite my military power advantage -- an error on my part. So I had to scramble for a while and lost several captured Mayan cities to Roosevelt.

Rifles and cavs were just too much for the AI, though, and once I managed to stabilize the front and smash the main AI stacks the war became a rout. One by one the AIs capitulated and joined my side. Lincoln was last, and with all my rivals now vassals I got a domination victory in 1754 AD. Not a very good date, especially for noble, but I spent a lot of slow years with my economy crashed. :(

One oddity in the game was De Gaulle going wonder crazy in the medieval era. During a stretch of about 20 turns he built 7 wonders, three with great engineers. I had been planning to build several of them myself, so it was annoying when every couple turns I got another announcement that he had built yet another wonder. It was just "What? Again?" over and over for a while. :lol: The fail gold was useful, but I would have preferred the wonders.
Once the Dog Soldiers started rolling, they just wouldn't stop. I found the Aztecs last, so they ended up being the last ones to go. Babylon's Bowmen were beastly and took out a lot of my forces, with sheer numbers winning the day. After the Aztecs got to Iron Working and started spamming Jaguars, it was all over for them.

I'd considered going for an early Domination game, but even with plenty of Cottages and letting the Barbs capture some Cities from me, I'd only been barely able to keep afloat financially, so I took the Conquest win, which fit in much better with the enforced non-razing of Cities theme.

Thanks for another fun, yet challenging game! :) It's interesting how just a single game setting (in this case, No City Razing) can dramatically change a scenario, under the right circumstances.
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