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Bridge, Tunnel & Channels


Aug 4, 2004
As for the workers who later become civil engineers, it should be possible to build bridges or tunnels over small distances of sea, ocean tiles, say 2 or 3 tiles. It seems a waste of time to transport units in a ship over such short distances when you know what civil engineers are capable of today. Maybe a new technology like Civil Engineering should make it possible for them to build tunnels underwater and bridges over water and build channels through small strips of land tiles so that the warships you need on one side of a continent dosen't always have to go round, which by the way takes ages! Of course these tile-improvement can be destroyed by precision bombing and must take a long to time to construct (say double the time of clearing waste or jungle) This would make these improvements very important in war. Quite exiting this would be; to protect my only bridge from airstrikes.
I remember the tech Bridge Building from Civ1 and I miss it so :mischief:
I like the idea of building canals, especially when it comes to trade. For instance if you build a canal you can make make agreements with other governments to allow them to use it for a set fee.
Wasn't channels supposed to be a small wonder in the original civ III?
yeh- sounds good. It would make the game more realistic and would make the map a bit different, it becomes a bit predictable i find.
It makes sense being able to do that... It would also add another tactical element to the game, and as such if you don't defend it proerply it will either be destroyed or captured.
Of course the Canal would only be an option if it suited the map, and it should cost an arm and a leg to build and maintain... of course this would be offsetted if other governments used it.
I'd like to see workers build the walls as they did in China in the earlier decades. These walls are still effective today regardless of our abilities with bombs and such. I all so agree with all the above. Workers need to advance with technologies and build accordingly. I'd love to see not only railways but highways too.
yeaaa i agree with it like in call to power so long as if one section is destroyed, then the whole tunnel system floods to put more importance on protectin them.bridges should be built over 1 square distances and anything say up to 3 should be channels.also i dont know if precision bombing would do alot to channels and would make it extremly difficult to protect them.i would say only ships should be allowed to blow them making better sea battles in the process :D
why is there ANOTHER thread suggesting bridges/channels/tunnels??
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