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[BtS] CivFusion

I´m noticing a bug concerning the Petra Wonder: I have the Petra wonder and the Persians are my vassal state. Whenever I try to build a Grocer, I get an Aphotecary instead. This would be fine, but I can´t build a supermarket, because I need a Grocer for this…
This needs fixing, I guess – otherwise, this is really a great mod! Thanks for all the effort you put into this – I doubt, I´ll have much time for other mods from now on!
I´m noticing a bug concerning the Petra Wonder: I have the Petra wonder and the Persians are my vassal state. Whenever I try to build a Grocer, I get an Aphotecary instead. This would be fine, but I can´t build a supermarket, because I need a Grocer for this…
This needs fixing, I guess – otherwise, this is really a great mod! Thanks for all the effort you put into this – I doubt, I´ll have much time for other mods from now on!

Hi Hogfather...

Petra is a known bug, hopefully it will be fixed soon....
Hm. Tried to start up twice: with the Egyptians on the 34 civs map (loaded fine), but the Americans gave me a MAF. (I use a 64 X2 Dual Core processor with 3 GB RAM w/Vista.)
Hi, I have a crash (beginning with flickering screen) when I build the first city with Luis 14.
when i multi select the third unit (with shift) it freezes. Not the second one.
Unplayable, i wait for instructions.

edit: i selected all the units (double click on the flag) and deselectioned with shift+click. It worked. Then attacking an enemy city with the siege weapons it freezed when a catapult attacked. Maybe the problem is THAT catapult.
No it's random, i tried 3 times and the last one happened with a trebuchet.
Curious, no problem at the moment but i will try with 34 Civs at start...
Hi trotty,

Can you list your system specs? Also, you listed two different problems you encountered. Were you able to get past the first one or does the game crash every time you build your first city when playing Louis XIV?


I tried 2 beginnings with luis4, no way to play.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9450 @ 2.66GHz
DirectX Info
Version 10.0
Long Version
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ Driver
Memory Info
Total Physical Memory 3.23 GB
Free Physical Memory 2.12 GB

Motherboard Info
Supported Slot Types PCI, AGP, PCI Express
Manufacturer ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Model P5K Premium

I play 1600x1200 (resolution giving some problems with other mod)

I can send you the savegames if do you want.

p.s. In that combat the problem is the third attack, whichever unit i use
Do you play in English ? by the way the fact that lot of mods are meant to be played in English (and not French, Italian, Spanish or German)

Have you tried playing with less civs? This mod is pretty resource-heavy, although I would think you would be good to go with those specs. Wish I had more concrete answers for you...

@ trotty

Have you tried updating your graphics drivers? That could be a possible solution to your issues. I have started a couple of games with Louis XIV and have not experiences any of the problems you are having.

Anyone else running into any similar issues such as these?

Caveat: I am running this mod on a Core i7 system with 6GB RAM using Vista 64-bit.

So if you've downloaded the 0.72 Public Beta, you probably have noticed that almost all of the civs have been given a 2nd unique unit. I hadn't selected 2nd UU's for 3 civs yet and I was hoping maybe someone could provide suggestions for these civs:

Austria -

UU 1: Jager (Replaces Rifleman)
UU 2: ?


UU 1: Holkan (Replaces Spearman)
UU 2: ?


UU 1: Mohawk Archer (Longbowman)
UU 2: ?

So if you've downloaded the 0.72 Public Beta, you probably have noticed that almost all of the civs have been given a 2nd unique unit. I hadn't selected 2nd UU's for 3 civs yet and I was hoping maybe someone could provide suggestions for these civs:

Austria -

UU 1: Jager (Replaces Rifleman)
UU 2: ?


UU 1: Holkan (Replaces Spearman)
UU 2: ?


UU 1: Mohawk Archer (Longbowman)
UU 2: ?

Hello ripple01
What about a scout with some extra movement or better results from entering a village for the Iroguois?
I'm not sure how you would have play me with less civs; any suggestion?

I'm sorry for the confusion, but can you tell me step-by-step what you are doing to start a game? Are you using the 34-civs Earth Map or another map? :confused:

Ummm, I'll just quote myself:

Hm. Tried to start up twice: with the Egyptians on the 34 civs map (loaded fine), but the Americans gave me a MAF. (I use a 64 X2 Dual Core processor with 3 GB RAM w/Vista.)

Just wondering if anyone else can confirm this, as I seem to be the only one with this problem.
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