[BTS] Regiments & Ethnic Diversity

There is a confirmed bug with using more than 18 civs currently.
Dale has reproduced it consistantly. I sugest not using more than 18 civs till firaxis patchs that or solver does.
I've Joined Israel, and joined merkava that i've found in the Units forum... when i use it... there's no pictures of orders in the interface (fortify, pillage, explore, move etc).. what are the lines for it in the xml?... And also the Kotel (in Esnaz's Israel - israelian bulding for the high_walls class) when i build it... the game crashes (when it is at the point of build it)... i think is a problem with the nif... Anyone could help?...

Is it okay to use just 18 civs, but with a more than 18 civ SDK? For example, if I use Nighttravn's Conversion of Genkis Kai's Gian Earth Map - it has 36 civs or so - along with Lt. Bob's 40 civ SDK, will this create a problem?

I ask, because if I am limited to the stock 18 civ SDK, than I will have to play with even fewer civs if colonies are to be founded.

I was assuming the problem had to do with Gedmon's mod, and so have started another marathon game on the Ghengis Kai map using the Diversica mod, this time starting the game with the full allotment of civs, and then deleting 10 or so at the start. So since the end of the first turn I have been playing with 28 civs or so. I imagine you think this will give me a similiar crash somehwere down the line?

Man, I do wish it were posted somewhere on the forums, up front and clear, about all of this.

First I got halfway through a marathon game with 18 civs and then I found I couln't found any colonies, so then I went and downloaded Lt. Bob's 40 civ SDK, and now I find that Dale says more than 18 civs may have caused my recent crash, and I am still not sure whether 18 civs means the stock 18 civ SDK or what? It is really frustrating to keep playing marathon games on huge maps only to find after 10 or 15 hours of hard core Immortal play that it has all been for naught!

Oh well, can you clarify possibly just a bit on the 18 civ limit, or point me to more info?
Ok... I've found the error in the merkava (it was a mine error in the xml) I'm still in trouble with the Kotel...

Just tried the Israel module, no problem with the kotel here... how do you installed it ?
This is the save game. As I said, it should crash by 785 AD

Nope, can't do it - it's always f...ing something, isn't it!

Qin AD-0765.zip:
Your file of 1.81 MB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 300.0 KB for this filetype.

Oh well, don't know what else to say at the moment, but Houston, I do believe we have a problem!

1,81 mb zipped ?

what is it's size unzipped ?

anyway you can use a website like Zshare to upload it, so I can try your save ;)
hey, mod looks great. I'll download (eventually) it, especially as Variates Delacatat (spelling) gets updated. I really like this, esp. with the formations, ethnic units, and airforce upgrades all together. I really hope you keep everything up to date.

Anyone know of a naval mod similar to Air Forces to add substantial navies? I think it would work well in the mod.

Well, I've decided to abandon my current game using Diversica and Ghenkis Kai with Nightravn and Lt. Bobs 40 set civs and SDK for the moment, as, if Dale is right, perhaps the large number of civs is where my problem lies.

This time, I will try the Gedmon version of Ghenkis Kai, and will cut the starting number of civs down to 18 on the map before I start.

Funny thing there though, as I replaced 10 of the original civs with NONE on the map, and even moved the remaining civs up in the order to fill the empty slots, but any civ after the first 9, which I didn't alter at all, start in the wrong spot on the map. Tonight, I will also try replacing the starting tech info for the empty slots as well, and see if that makes any difference. Anyway, I can always move the starting positions for civs 10 through 18 after I start the game. But that's all another issue anyway I suppose.

So, in short, I will give it another try, with your version of Ghenkis Kai, and just 18 civs this time, and see how that goes (saw one of Dale's old posts aabout the exponential growth of loading times according to the number of civs - including dead civs - so I suppose my method of deleting 10 civs or so after turn one didn't help much in these regards anyway).

Anyway, don't mean to waste your all time and what not - I know you have bigger fish to fry - including the Hood even, perhaps. Will try this and see how it works.

By the way, the save file on the old game was about the same size unzipped as zipped - but then I don't know if I did it right. If I encounter a crash with this new set-up I will look into Zshare to try to send you the save.

This setup should be interesting anyway, what with just 18 civs on the giant Kai map, the barbarians should be a serious presence!

Also looking forward to Ket's next version, though I wonder, as I only play huge-giant real world maps, if it will be possible to play his mod with your versions of Pantastic Worlds or Ghengis Kai?

Please keep up the good work - it is much appreciated!
Anyone have an issue where when they get to scientifc method the game (using this mod) crashes? Quiet annoying. Love the mod by the way.
hey, mod looks great. I'll download (eventually) it, especially as Variates Delacatat (spelling) gets updated. I really like this, esp. with the formations, ethnic units, and airforce upgrades all together. I really hope you keep everything up to date.

Anyone know of a naval mod similar to Air Forces to add substantial navies? I think it would work well in the mod.

Next release will focuse on sdk changes to air forces, but of course I will then continue to add flavor units...

There is already a dreadnought addition to the navy (and some flavor stuff - oh yes btw, I need to note somewhere to add the Hood :blush:), and now I think of adding sailing ironclad , Kogge and Galeas. ;)
Anyone have an issue where when they get to scientifc method the game (using this mod) crashes? Quiet annoying. Love the mod by the way.
no problem with this tech on my game, can you upload your last savegame before the crash so I can try it please ? (using zshare or another filesharing website)


  • R_E_D_patch_v1.21.zip
    1.1 KB · Views: 100
yes, I keep an eye on new units for all release, and avain does a great job collecting and editing units ;)
I downloaded the game and tried playing it. As soon as I did, I noticed there wasn't any difference between the units from this mod and the regular version. So I went into world builder and clicked on every single unit to see if they would either be larger than (3) units or if they were in any sort of formation or fleet. Nothing showed...
How do I correct this?
read the instructions. You have to change some 1 of the properties in my documents/mygames/beyondthesword
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