[BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War

Hey, I just have a question concerning the animated leaderheads. I put the folder in the Thomas' War folder (not overwriting anything), so what am I supposed to do next? If anybody could help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Radio Noer
I just checked python exceptions and I got

File "CvAppInterface",line 70, in preGameStart
File "CvScreensInterface" line 76
File "CvTechChooser", line 231, in interfaceScreen
File "CvTechChooser", line 243, in ConstructTabs
File "CvTechChooser", line 280, in DrawTechChooser
File "CvTechChooser", line 324, in placeTechs

Attribute Erroe: type object 'CvPythonExtensions.WidgetTypes' has no attribute 'WIDGET_TECH-CHOOSER-ERA'

Hopefully someone can help now.

Thanks in advance,
Radio Noer
If you want to play with animated heads, I suggest you try my mod which is based on Thomas' War with the animation already included.

Just a suggestion.

Extreme2 uses the latest Thomas' War mod with animated heads, plus adds in a ton of techs, UUs, UBs, and new buildings and wonders.
I cant seem to get the download to work? Keeps getting to 65% then nothing happens for hours...
I cant seem to get the download to work? Keeps getting to 65% then nothing happens for hours...

I say try a different download site, if possible. You can also search the web for the name and may find it at other sites.

Use my Extreme2 if you wish to test this incredible mod out.
Hi guys, I finally downloaded this mod, but I dont think it likes vista very much...if you could help, much appreciated.

I tried to install this mod. Worked well, put it into the BTS MODS folder, such and such. Started it up, but had a GFC error when loading the mod. However, there seems to be no way to fix this. Vista seems to be screwing it up somehow - I cannot change the directory of install for the main civilization and BTS games, and they are sepearate folders. BTS is not within the Civilization folder(game still works though). If I move the BTS folder into the civilization folder, the game just creates a new bts folder on startup. In the folder itself, there is no launcher, and there are way less files than in my friend's folders on XP. I'd really like to fix this and play the mod...any help?
Hi guys, I finally downloaded this mod, but I dont think it likes vista very much...if you could help, much appreciated.

I tried to install this mod. Worked well, put it into the BTS MODS folder, such and such. Started it up, but had a GFC error when loading the mod. However, there seems to be no way to fix this. Vista seems to be screwing it up somehow - I cannot change the directory of install for the main civilization and BTS games, and they are sepearate folders. BTS is not within the Civilization folder(game still works though). If I move the BTS folder into the civilization folder, the game just creates a new bts folder on startup. In the folder itself, there is no launcher, and there are way less files than in my friend's folders on XP. I'd really like to fix this and play the mod...any help?

Can you access the folder that is in your Programs folder such as:
"C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods"

If so, put the entire mod in there. Not anywhere else.
Can you access the folder that is in your Programs folder such as:
"C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods"

If so, put the entire mod in there. Not anywhere else.

I did exactly that. The problem is that when the game starts, it creates a new BTS folder in My Games, separate from the CIV 4 folder, and runs off that. putting Thomas' War in that folder caused a GFC error because it is not in the CIV 4 folder, but doing anything but having it seperate just makes it create yet another new folder.
I did exactly that. The problem is that when the game starts, it creates a new BTS folder in My Games, separate from the CIV 4 folder, and runs off that. putting Thomas' War in that folder caused a GFC error because it is not in the CIV 4 folder, but doing anything but having it seperate just makes it create yet another new folder.

Can you run the game in administrator mode? Could also try running it in XP Emulation?
Doesn't change a thing.

I cannot imagine that simply running Civ IV under Windows 7 or Vista would prevent a mod from running. I only have XP so I can only give general ideas on how to solve this.

Just to make sure, you have patched the game to the most latest update patch?

Also you do not have any other mods loaded, such as the BUG or BAT mods?

Second, the mod folder needs to be named Thomas' War as the game checks folder names. Do not change the name.

Found this too, while poking around elsewhere: If you are using Vista or Windows 7, Either turn off your UAC or Right-Click on your Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword or the created Community Civ V shortcut, enter the properties menu, and under the "Compatibility" tab, select "Run As Administrator".
My savegame for Thomas' war doesn't work anymore!

It tells me the savegame is protected and then it closes Civ.

any ideas why?

PS first post
My savegame for Thomas' war doesn't work anymore!

It tells me the savegame is protected and then it closes Civ.

any ideas why?

If you've activated the...how's the name...activated the option which does not allow you to open the worldbuilder, then any changes on the game or mod files will be seen as manipulation of the save.
So even if you've corrected a single spelling mistake in one of the files, it will not let you load your game anymore.

PS first post

Welcome to CFC then :).
I gave recently downloaded this mod, and i cant get it to work, the title screen appers fine, but i can't open the civiliopeda, and the interface is missing. I have civ IV complete by the way, sorry if this has already been solved :(. also this is my first post, but i have Civ Fantatics to download many mods before :) I love Civfanatics, it is a great place for civilization players.
And another welcome to CFC :).

In case you installed the BUG mod before as standard, then please go to the Thomas' War folder, open the Thomas' War.ini file, and change this value:
; Custom XML and Python from user folder are not loaded
NoCustomAssets = 0

to 1.
then you should be able to play it (but without BUG).
I do not have the BUG mod, is there any thing else i could do?
Thanks The_J

I had that option enabled. I didn't touch the game files though... weird, but it's ok

question: does the config count as changing the game files? that's the only thing i changed.
I do not have the BUG mod, is there any thing else i could do?

mmhh...where exactly did you place the mod?
Wrong location: My Documents\My Games\BtS\Mods
Right location: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Civ4\BtS\Mods

Thanks The_J

I had that option enabled. I didn't touch the game files though... weird, but it's ok

question: does the config count as changing the game files? that's the only thing i changed.

Just checked it, and no, that does not seem to be the case.
:think: no ideas from my side :(.
Originally Posted by The_J
mmhh...where exactly did you place the mod?
Wrong location: My Documents\My Games\BtS\Mods
Right location: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Civ4\BtS\Mods

its in C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods
Okay...that's then right.
i think it's also possible that this bug is caused when the games installation is not up to date to 3.19.
If you installed the latest BtS patch 3.19 via the auto updater, then please check again if it was really installed. The auto updater fails often.

And related, not that we're guessing around in the wrong way: Did you try out any other mod from this site, and if yes, then which one and did it work?
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