[BtS] Wolfshanze's Revolution

Ah, that sounds pretty cool then. A detailed changelog would still be nice, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a "kitchen sink" mod, like ROM2 and the like. I'm about 12 hours into a marathon/huge game in WolfRev at the moment, but I'll definitely grab BST for my next game (probably next week some time). As far as names go, the acronym is a little bit confusing, but I can't imagine that really being an issue for you.
Added new link for people that block filefront. You should really unblock it though if this applies to you, it's just a case of an overzealous malware aplication blocking a site that it really has no reason to. The only way file front could be an issue is if the file you are downloading has a problem, but that's true for any software you download... Anyway, for those too lazy or paranoid to unblock file front, alternate download mirror up at atomic gamer.

Edit: Oh and
I haven't had the chance to play yet, but I will leave comments once I have played it. I plan on eventually adding some modular civs, so I was wondering if you could also compile a 50-civ .dll once the mod is out of beta?
When I compile a new core to add in the Barbarian world option (assuming I get it to work, lol), I'll make an alternative available with 50 civs, it'll just be zipped though, you'll need to manually install it. 50 civs just seemed a bit overboard to me, I think you can have a very good game with 34 civs, even on a huge map, and I want BST to be more enticing for scenario makers, but unfortunately JEELEN still says BST isn't compatible with any pre made maps, so I might just go back to a max 50 civs by default anyway.... Not sure where I stand here though, I really don't see the point in 50 civs...
JEELEN, how do you get maps to work with other mods? The process should be the same here... Other then it's epic coolness, BST is no different then any other mod in terms of compatibility with pre made maps (ie it's a mod, so you can't load pre-made maps by default, like with all mods). For instance, I know you update scenarios for mods when the version # changes and save game compatibility is lost. How do you do that (update the scenarios after a loss of savegame compatibility), and couldn't you use the same process to get a pre made map to work with this mod?

Theoretically you're absolutely right. Practically speaking however, I have no idea how it works. If a map works with a mod, I can make a scenario for it; if not, I'm stuck. (For instance, I made a 1250 BC for HitM, which no longer works with the latest version.) It is ofcourse a matter of modding abilities, which in my case are limited as concerns this issue...
What 34 civ map are you trying to use? I want to try something to see if I can get it to work.
When I compile a new core to add in the Barbarian world option (assuming I get it to work, lol), I'll make an alternative available with 50 civs, it'll just be zipped though, you'll need to manually install it. 50 civs just seemed a bit overboard to me, I think you can have a very good game with 34 civs, even on a huge map, and I want BST to be more enticing for scenario makers, but unfortunately JEELEN still says BST isn't compatible with any pre made maps, so I might just go back to a max 50 civs by default anyway.... Not sure where I stand here though, I really don't see the point in 50 civs...

Ooh, can't wait for the Barbarian world option. Any chance you can get it to call the # of barbarian cities that it creates from xml?

Also, about the 50-civ thing: Usually, when I play, by the time I hit the middle ages in a 34-civ .dll, all of the civ slots are used up. Even if previous civs have been eliminated, they will not spawn as the result of future revolutions. I still want to have room for massive civ-spawning revolutions in the modern era, so having a large # of civs allows this. I prefer games which have 20-25 civs at a given time (usually a lot are wiped out early in my games), but having an upper limit on the amount which are possible seems very artificial to me.
Hello Phungus, just downloaded the WolfRev mod 2 weeks ago and I am having a blast! I really have to thank you for compiling several mods that I wanted to have working together, namely the BUG, Better Ai and Barbarian Civs. Your mod made it so much easier for me to use those without having to do any of the configs myself, I am not really a tech savvy kinda guy.

I especially liked the new leaderhead and units for Germany; I am a big fan of the Company of Heroes game.

Looking forward for BST when its out of Beta, will stick to WolfRev for now. :goodjob:

First, I'll echo the chorus of thank-yous to Phungus for corralling all these disparate mods into one easily-installable package... I get many hours of pure time-wasting enjoyment out of it all :goodjob:

As I mentioned in the title, I've been noticing that aircraft bombing tiles have seemingly been nerfed along the way... I have noticed this for a few months and originally chalked it up to bad dice... now I'm starting to think this has to be a bug somehow...

The conditions to recreate are pretty simple... start with any aircraft and bomb a mine or oil somewhere... it just never seems to succeed. I'd wager I've tried at least 40 or so missions in no less than 10 different games without a single success... Contrast this with vanilla bts, where you can get a significantly better success rate than 0 out of 40. BTW, I don't count missions where my bomber intercepts something or is intercepted...

Does anyone have thoughts on whether I'm just getting a very long string of unlucky rolls, or is this a genuine issue?

Keep in mind that artillery bombard hits the mid troops in a stack as well, it wol't damage the top or rear defenders (unless all the middle defenders have taken max collateral damage already, and they are not immune, MGs and other siege units aren't going to take any damage from ranged bombard, because they are immune). Hope that's a decent explanation. I'll post in the RevDCM thread and see if glider can give me a straightforward explanation on the exact math used.

Decent enough indeed! Thanks for the insight!
As I mentioned in the title, I've been noticing that aircraft bombing tiles have seemingly been nerfed along the way... I have noticed this for a few months and originally chalked it up to bad dice... now I'm starting to think this has to be a bug somehow...

The conditions to recreate are pretty simple... start with any aircraft and bomb a mine or oil somewhere... it just never seems to succeed. I'd wager I've tried at least 40 or so missions in no less than 10 different games without a single success... Contrast this with vanilla bts, where you can get a significantly better success rate than 0 out of 40. BTW, I don't count missions where my bomber intercepts something or is intercepted...

Does anyone have thoughts on whether I'm just getting a very long string of unlucky rolls, or is this a genuine issue?

I seem to remember a discussion on bombing effectivity on Wolfshanze's thread; the jist of it is that bombing (before today's smart bombs) was highly inaccurate and ineffective. (For instance, in spite of increased success of bombing missions over Nazi Europe, Germany actually managed to increase its wartime production. I think this only changed around June '44, when Allied fighter/bombers - if that's the correct term - could execute low altitude missions, taking out trains and even individual tanks. But even in Viet Nam high altitude 'carpet bombing' was quite ineffective against the Vietcong, who, like the Axis after 1941-'42, had no air supremacy even over their own territories.)

What 34 civ map are you trying to use? I want to try something to see if I can get it to work.

Let me check; I'll get back to you on this.

EDIT: I currently don't have a 34 civs map in my PublicMaps folder; I tried loading Huge Earth 18 civ maps. Could that be it?
Oh yes, definatly. BST is a 34 civ mod, it wol't work on a non 34 civ map. That's the one common cause of map crashes in cross mods, is the # of civs in the dll, and those on the map. Though there can be others as well...
And I'm not trying to come off with an attitude, just saying.. I reduced to 34 civs from 50 because you said 34 was a good number, :crazyeye:
You get a MAF? That's really wierd, not what I'd expect at all... a MAF means the memory gets overloaded. I've only seen this caused by playing large or huge maps on computers that can't handle it, or from mods that have units with too high poly counts (like WolfRev) ... also MAFs you just restart Civ and reload to fix, as that clears your memory. Hmmm, that's really strange... OK, I'll go about looking at the maps, open them up with notepad and see if there is anything I can do. I'm hopefull, but not optomistic. I'm really confused about the MAF though, that's not the type of crash one would expect from an incompatable map at all...
The map's not incompatible, but you start with randomly placed civs (which needs to be edited for a scenario, obviously). I got the MAF after editing, not before. Here's what works so far:


  • Maps for BST.7z
    56.7 KB · Views: 54
Yeah, just tried and the Map loaded fine. It may be that being a huge map, it just overloaded your RAM. You could try the tried and true MAF troublshooter and restart civ and reload. If that doesn't work, could you upload what you got, and we'll see if someone with a beefy computer can load it? If so, at least the cause of the crash can be isolated.
Actually, I suspect it's because I chose Germany (I remember having the same trouble with wolfshanze's original mod). If I pick America, the map loads fine. (I've attached what works so far to my previous post. The 1st 3 maps you can just include with BST, the 4th is what I've edited.)

EDIT: Choosing the Dutch also gives me a MAF...
JEELEN, hold on, I'm onto something, give me a minute and I'll upload you a blank map that starts with some good options going (revolutions and what not), so that you can take advantage of the BST concepts in your scenario.
Lol, I just made stuff way more complicated then it needed to be :crazyeye: And at the end of it, just settled on one of the default maps you loaded...

OK, nevermind, on what I was trying to do. Anyway the Rhyes Earth map -clean seemed to work fine for me. Edited it, saved some things, messed around with it, tried changing civs, and everything stayed pretty stable. Try building something off of that map, and let me know if anything messes up.

You wouldn't happen to have a list of unit graphics that were identified to have >2000 poly counts? I've been thinking that I should check all units in my mod and I was hoping for a faster way to do that task - I don't even yet know how to check unit's polycount... but if it helps in fixing possible MAF causes, I'll have to learn it.
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