Buffs/nerfs you think should be made to civilizations

There are more than a few that could use a complete overhaul (Ottomans and Iroquis especially)....

... but I always thought starting America with a scout would be simple and effective

I also never understood why the Germans didn't have a UA that offered some sort of production bonus. They do make good stuff.

The only thing that I think could use a nerf is Mongol's. I don't even bother playing them anymore because its game over as soon as I can build Keishiks.
Why all the hate on Aztec's culture from kills? You do realize that the Aztec's real power is in their UB right? There have been multiple threads on this -- the Aztecs are not designed as a cultural civ, but rather, their UB is a way of post-poning a Temple here or there (through kills) to build -- perhaps, a Library or University that is far more complimentary to their population/science geared UB.
Scrap the Ottoman ability entirely and change it to all units get +25% Siege (city) damage. Makes a lot more sense giving the history of the Turkish empire and would make the awesome Ottomans actually worth playing as. As it stands right now they are easily the weakest civ in the game. Their special units are decent and all but their current ability, which is 75% of the reason of what makes one civ more playable than another, is hands-down the worst in the game.
I always thought it be cool if they could add a free cover to promotion to the Roman Legion as a means of simulating their testudo formation. Or maybe removing the need to waste a turn setting up the Ballista as a means of representing Romes engineering prowess.
Give the Brits a land-based ability in addition to their sea ability, even if it's something really minor like giving Settlers +2 LOS.
Spain is too random at the moment. IMO something like this would be far better:

Cities on other continents or islands than your Capital produce half unhappiness from population and cities.

Please be generous and advance this idea to something better.
im mongolian so maybe i think my country is too great at war but DAMN
like someone said. if i can get my hands on a Khan and 4-6 Keishiks depending on difficulty.
the entire continent is done. i would be too expanded and jumped in research when i meet the other civs
ussually can pull it off in emperor and sometimes immortal.
All the DLC civs seem overpowered, but I guess this is part of the marketing strategy. Maybe there'll be a nerf eventually once the DLCs become bundled with the expansion.
Am I the only person that mostly only enjoys pre-industrial era combat? I enjoy waging wars up until cannons and musketmen, then I draw the line. Everything after that gets too complicated. There's so many units to counter the other units, wherever you go you need to bring dozens of units to counter.

If a tank is attacking, you need to use anti-tank guns or helicopters to fight it, but then you need SAM units to defend all your units from air attacks, and you need all these other silly things. You can't even sail the seas with battleships or missile cruisers without a fleet of scouting destroyers to protect you from submarines.

The scale of warfare gets so massive and unmanageable. I really enjoy musketmen, horses and cannons.
Am I the only person that mostly only enjoys pre-industrial era combat? I enjoy waging wars up until cannons and musketmen, then I draw the line. Everything after that gets too complicated. There's so many units to counter the other units, wherever you go you need to bring dozens of units to counter.

If a tank is attacking, you need to use anti-tank guns or helicopters to fight it, but then you need SAM units to defend all your units from air attacks, and you need all these other silly things. You can't even sail the seas with battleships or missile cruisers without a fleet of scouting destroyers to protect you from submarines.

The scale of warfare gets so massive and unmanageable. I really enjoy musketmen, horses and cannons.

I agree with you up to a point. From a realistic ( or simulation) standpoint, it makes sense however. For example, Tanks shouldn't need an AT to defeat them. Is it the best wep of choice? yes. However, there's been plenty of tank vs tank battles ( I.E. Ol' Blood and Guts vs The Desert Fox), or even Inf using a variety of tactics to defeat them.
BB's do need a destroyer escort in order to be safe from subs, as they do not carry sonar in order to be able to detect them. Cruisers on the other hand do carry sonar, so they shouldn't have to have a DE.
Similar situations in regarding AA, AIC, or ADE ( depending on terrain type). Basically what I'm saying is that the game isn't a MilSim and your going to have to make do. Do I feel like a lot of things should have been done better to make more sense? Yes. Unfortuneately I do not see that happening until the Mod community fixes it.
I wish that the French Musketeers came with just one good promotion. Being slightly more powerful is a bit underwhelming, and upgrading to the next technological unit comes very quickly, which means we get no real benefit to building them.

Perhaps since they were the King's guards for when he was outside of the palace grounds, they could have the Sentry promotion (+1 vision)? It would be historically appropriate, and it would be a nice, small benefit without being too overpowering, I think..
This is what I've done (link). :)

  • Washington – America
    Minutemen: Starts with Drill promotion (guerrilla warfare).
    Trait: +1 sight for all land units and -50%:c5gold: tile purchase cost (was military units and -25%).
    Removed obsolete river start bias (applied to a former version of his trait, River Expansion).
    B17 replaced with a new unique building. The concept of human migration is central to the history of the United States. The region’s settling by outside immigrants in two massive waves (millenia ago and in recent history), subsequent internal migrations, and resulting events had an impact on the world far beyond the nation’s borders. In Civilization there are several stages to migration: 1) scouting 2) moving a settler out 3) claiming valuable tiles around the city 4) developing and defending the city. This is partially represented in Manifest Destiny’s sight-range and land-buy bonuses. I’ve added the Pioneer Fort to this mix, enhancing #4 for Washington.
    Pioneer Fort
    +25%:c5food: surplus food.
    +5 Defense.
    Replaces Walls.
    Cheaper than Walls.
  • Harun al-Rashid – Arabia
    Trait: Each luxury resource increases :c5gold: Gold income by 5%, and units ignore terrain cost in Deserts. (was +1:c5gold: per city, and double oil supply)
    Bazaar: +4:c5gold: on Oasis tiles.
    Camel Archer: +15%:c5rangedstrength:.
  • Montezuma – Aztec
    Sacrificial captives are sent to the lowest-culture city to be sacrificed, improving border expansion.
  • Nebuchadnezzar II – Babylon
    Trait: +67% Great Scientist creation rate (was +100%)
  • Wu Zeitan – China
    Great General: 35%:c5strength: (was 45%)
  • Bismark – Germany
    Trait: Defeated barbarians surrender instead of dying. (replaces old trait)
    Captured Ancient/Classical era barbarian units upgrade to Landsknecht.
    Panzer: No longer has -1 sight range penalty.
  • Elizabeth – England
    Longbows: now have 3 range, instead of a +1 range promotion (different when upgraded to rifles).
    +2:c5moves: Movement on water, and +15:c5war: XP for Naval units. (was only movement bonus)
    Ship of the Line replaced with a new unique building. One of the biggest impacts Great Britain had on world history was its role as epicenter of the Industrial Revolution. For the first time humanity has experienced a dramatic and sustained improvement in the material well-being of average people, continuing for two centuries to the present. Many aspects of this began with the shift of the British textile industry from manual and animal labor to machinery and steam power. This British head-start on industrialization is now represented in Civilization by the Steam Mill, available slightly earlier than the Factory at a reduced cost.
    Steam Mill
    +2:c5production: on Luxury Resources
    Available at Scientific Method.
    Requires Coal.
    Replaces Factory.
    Half the cost of Factory.
  • Gandhi – India
    +66%:c5angry: from number of cities (was +100%), -25%:c5angry: from population (was -50%).
  • Hiawatha – Iroquois
    The Great Warpath: Melee and Gun units ignore terrain cost in Forests and Jungle, and within cultural borders this terrain counts as Roads (was only road bonus).
    Longhouse: +1:c5production: on Forests and Jungle (was only Forests), +10%:c5production: (was 0).
  • Oda Nobunaga – Japan
    Zero replaced with a new unique building. In Japan, Shinto shrines exist side by side with Buddhist temples, and together are the most numerous, famous, and important religious sites in Japan. A Shinto shrine is a structure or object whose main purpose is to house one or more Shinto kami (spirits, natural forces, or essence). Kami can reside in almost anything natural or man-made, from Mt. Fuji to a single jewel. As such, shrines for these are common and vary widely in scope. The shrine itself can be a building or small object, along a roadside, or even be carried by people. In Civilization, each Japanese city can build one large shrine, and smaller shrines are represented by +1:c5culture: for luxuries around the city.
    Shinto Shrine
    +1:c5culture: for each luxury resource near the city.
    Can be built in any city.
    Replaces Monastery.
  • Genghis Khan - Mongolia
    Trait: +25% combat and capture bonuses vs City-States, and +1:c5moves:Movement for Mounted and Recon units. (was 30% combat, and mounted bonus)
  • Suleiman – Ottomans
    Janissary rebalanced slightly to compensate for a better trait. Janissaries now heal 2hp after victories (was 10hp).
    Barbary Corsairs replaced with a new unique trait. The Ottomans were known to have good administrative policy, even tolerance and inclusion of ethnic groups like Christians and Jews into the bureaucracy of what was predominantly a Muslim nation. In metropolitan areas artisans and merchants were strongly supported. The Ottomans were also famous conquerors. Suleiman in particular was known as Suleyman the Lawmaker, a philosopher-king, warmonger, poet and patron of the arts, and promoted changes to law and administrative practices. A bonus to specialists seems to fit both the nation and leader perfectly.
    Specialist yields increased by 1.
  • Augustus Caesar – Romans
    Legions build roads at double speed.
For Rome, I was thinking to buff the UA with " a WLTKD occurs in the capital for every ten ennemy units killed in foreign or neutral lands" because it doesn't challenge the UA name "Glory of Rome" and depicts well the roman triumph.

Next, for Egypt, my idea is to give the second city an additional palace &, therefore making it harder for ennemies to eliminate them from the domination victory and easier for the worshiper of Ra to build more wonders with the bonus provided by the palace. It comes at the expense of one less trade route.
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