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Bug - Tech Pop Up Not Appearing


Sep 13, 2008
Nubia patch - no mods

I have Writing one turn from completion, when ending the turn, I'm prompted to choose new tech, but there no tech pop up. Never seen this before. anybody else getting it?
I experienced that too, along with a few other things. No tech popup, no civic popup, no popups for inspirations.
Glad its not just me, its happened quite a few times since the patch. I tried to test it by saving a turn before researching, the bug happened, no tech pop up. I reloaded the save and then instantly got the tech (so got it on previous turn)
The same for me. No tech or cultural pop-up. I have all DLCs, including Nubia. Very annoying bug!
I experienced that too, along with a few other things. No tech popup, no civic popup, no popups for inspirations.
...which made me "forget" to change my social policies or my government without extra costs several times. Indeed this is VERY annoying.
I started a game as Nubia on Civ 6's newest update, and everything was going fine. Every time I unlocked a science or civic, Sean Bean's dulcet tones greeted me. But then suddenly, for whatever reason, they stopped altogether. Even the screen they're displayed on stopped appearing.
As you can imagine, this is a rather serious issue. Please help me correct it as soon as possible, thank you.
I've been reloading auto-saves and trying to experiment to find the exact cause of why they don't show. So far I can't find a pattern. Either way its really annoying me to the point where I'm not playing until its patched.
I hope this is a bug and not intentional. Some mods like the CQUI disable the pop up and I'm worried the developers copied the idea. (I'd always turn the popup back on for CQUI)
So I guess this is a bug. Hope they fix it quickly.

The popups actually appear every time you load the game, but after discovering two or three techs and civics, they disappear again.
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I have had the same several times but not consistently. I do not have the Nubia patch, just vanilla with Montezuma. Not every tech "misses" the popup, but I notice the techs unlocking the next great age tend to lose their popups.
On my side, If there are multiple pop-up that should appear, there would only be one. For example, if a great scientist should trigger 2 euraka, only one euraka would pop up.
This bug may be minor but is getting freaking annoying. Every time you research a new civic and can change your goverment for free... I MISS IT! Because I dont pay attention! That popup needs to get unbugged!
I don't really understand how you can miss it. I mean, you are prompted to pick a new civic to research, so this means you can change policies now.
I don't really understand how you can miss it. I mean, you are prompted to pick a new civic to research, so this means you can change policies now.
Not if you queued more than one policy. In that case you are prompted only when the last policy in the queue is completed.

It might not be much helpful but I managed to figure out WHEN this bug occurs. I consider it as the most important bug of the latest patch and, unfortunately, I come up with bad news...

This bug triggers EACH AND EVERY time you choose to build a district or a wonder and decide the location of its construction.
More information on this issue:

1. The bug has nothing to do with tech / civic choosing or queuing
2. The bug does NOT trigger when choosing to build buildings (that don't require to be taken to the screen where you choose where to build them), units or projects
3. Saving the game and reloading CANCELS the bug until you decide to build another district or wonder
4. The bug has nothing to do with city management, tile purchasing, trading, leaders, wonder replays or any other action
5. I tried to build something else and change the production to district / wonder and, unfortunately, the bug triggered

I tried to edit the txt and other files which are related to city screen but was of no use.

However I thought it might be useful to share with you at least when this happens. Theoretically if after each district / wonder choice you save/reload the game (F5/F6) you are not going to miss any of the pop-up dialogues.
The problem is that, assuming how many times someone chooses to construct a district or wonder, it's really tiring.

I hope that a solution comes up soon
Can verify, does work, except it gives you some notifications again unnecessarily, like training your first ranged unit when it's actually your second, it gets annoying.
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This bug triggers EACH AND EVERY time you choose to build a district or a wonder and decide the location of its construction.
i just installed and started playing, and this bug happens exactly as you said. ty and i hope a patch fixes it soon. seems they have found yet another way to kill sean bean
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