C3MT v1.12.6 installer

C3MT - Civ3MultiTool (Second CFC Thread) 2016-10-05

I'll take a look into that. There *should* be no problems with loading older saves. Unless something in my compability code is totally messed up I can't see why this should happen. Will have to take a look at it.
I'm seeing a new problem now. I started a brand new game, but wanted to accelerate it a bit, so I used the SGE to give myself two extra worker units. When I went back into the game, it refused to activate them even though my only other unit had been given an order already. Upon clicking on them, the game crashed.
Every time I open your program, I get the following error message: That I should upgrade and that it adds War Weariness etc. If I click yes, there;s a script error. Should I upgrade as it suggessts? I can run the program without saying yes, but that upgrade could be important...
Alright. I opened your tool for the first time after installation and it asked if I wanted to upgrade and I said yes and there was a script error "9". Then I tried again and said no, and it worked fine. I used the copy tool and went along my merry way. Then I closed the program and later tried to open it and it immediately had the same script error "9". THIS IS SO ANNOYING ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIRST UNIT ADDITION THAT ACTUALLY WORKED! So I wanted to know if you had any solution... Other than that, great mod.
I created a scenario and would like some of the civs to start out at war w/ ea other. How do I do this?

Can it be done just w/ this tool or do you need to use something else in conjunction w/ the multi tool? Ionly see the opportunity to delete a peace treaty not actually have a war going on

If possible a step by step explanation would be most useful

Start a game save the game then use this tool click on save game editor load you save in the save game editor, click on the Diplomatic tab in the top right hand coner and then the left side is one civ and the right is the other civ. Hope that helps:)
But u can only delete agreements on that screen, not have civs at war w/ ea other

I downloaded the diplomacy tool but cant figure out how to create a .cdd file?

any help would be appreciated
Never tried to use the diplomacy tool myself. But in regards to putting Civs at war with each other, just delete the peace agreement. I believe that should work. In CivIII peace is the default agreement when you meet a new civ. I deleted mine once with Egypt, and it treated me as though I were at war with them.

By the way, I'm still getting that problem with new units. Whenever I make one with the savegame editor, I cannot use it. I click on it and the game crashes.
Hi I get the following errors when I am using the SGE

With PTW I get:

Runtime error '9'
Subscript out of range

When loading the savegame file I wish to modify

With the standard CIVIII games it opens the file and I can modify it
and save it with no troubles. But when I try to open it in the game
one of two things happens:

The game crashes.

I got an error code one time, but I didn't right it down and it
has only done that once, normally just crashing.

To my knowlege I have installed all the patches (up to 1.03) and whatnot. But maybe a review of what is needed or something would help me. I am running the latest versions of CIV3 downloaded last week from the civ3 site. Any help or guidance would be most appreciated!:confused:
I had a similar problem, but mine happened when i started the editor. It said the same error you talked about. Does your's happen when you open it up, or when you use it? Because mine asked to update, and to use it I have to click no. This only happens a couple times, too. Most of the time it just doesn't open altogether.
in version 1.00 i had to wait 35 s until this (attachment) window close. It annoyed me so. :cry:

now with 1.02 it doesn't close anymore. It is so stupid...:ack:

I love this tool, but this window is......


  • fenster.gif
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i don't know how i've done this.....suddenly the window closed!
But I also don't know, whether i can repeat that.

My next Question:
Why I must give the administratorpassword, when I load an auto save??? I don't know about any passwords in normal ptw games.
hmm...now the window close after a few seconds.

I have to give the admin password not only in autosaves. I have to give it in all my new saves. With the old saves (a few months old) it works. no idea why.
no, I'm using Win 98 SE.

(so ne kacke wie winXP kauf ich mir nich.;) )

It's the same promt how I get when I try to load an PBEM-Save. I mean the pbem admin pwd.
:cry: I mean NORMAL saves!!! e.g. autosaves!
again: I click in the main menue at "new game" and start. I save. And when I try to load this save, I have to fill in the pbem admin pwd. Thats my Problem! ok?
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