Can forests spread to fur/deer?

Thanks so much for looking at the code. I'm curious about the jungle map script. There is no tundra, but both deer fur is available.
Thanks so much for looking at the code. I'm curious about the jungle map script. There is no tundra, but both deer fur is available.
No problem.
Overriding the XML constraints is done in the python for the mapscript. Unfortunately i've never looked into the python before now so i'm not familiar with how it works, but this bit has got to be what controls it in Rainforest.
# Init all bonuses. This is your master key.
resourcesToEliminate = ('BONUS_WHALE', 'BONUS_CLAM', 'BONUS_FISH', 'BONUS_CRAB')

banana = ('BONUS_BANANA')
pig = ('BONUS_PIG')
rice = ('BONUS_RICE')

resourcesToForce = ('BONUS_FUR', 'BONUS_SILVER', 'BONUS_DEER')
forcePlacementOnFlats = ('BONUS_FUR', 'BONUS_DEER')
forcePlacementOnHills = ('BONUS_SILVER')
along with more that follows (I think the above is just defining terms.)

But it does describe whats happening, the jungle feature allowance was forced onto pigs, water resources aren't allowed, and fur, deer and silver are forced onto tiles based on their elevation disregarding other restrictions.

This line gives me what I need to be fairy certain
elif (forceFlats and pPlot.isFlatlands()) and (pPlot.getFeatureType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString("FEATURE_FOREST")): pass
While resources are forced onto tile they should not exist in, for the camping resources they are only forced onto forest tiles. This doesn't occur for Silver allowing it to go onto Jungle tiles initially.
My line of thinking suggests that this means silver can have jungle initially, but once chopped it won't regrow and forest would not regrow over grassland deer or fur due to these resources being forced and not having their XML attributes changed, wheras jungle will grow onto pigs as jungle is now an allowed feature for them.

EDIT - After some testing it seems this is the case.

Elephants with forests would rock, but I've never seen it.
This isn't suprising on a normal mascript, as elehants can only exist on plains, grass and grass jungle... not forests
And I don't think it can even appear on clear grass without the normalizer!
Hemispheres map; forests will grow on plains deer and fur tiles.

Not sure what you're trying to say. Your screenshots only show that deer can exist on forested plains as previously established, not that forest can grow on a plains deer.
They don't seem to show anything at all regarding fur, seeing that they're all unforested.

Thanks for looking at the code, Ghpstage. For me, that's enough to consider the issue solved.
Tatran's 4000 BC screenie shows the deer tile initially unforested.

And yes, he is right - forests can spread to grassland or plains deer and fur since CvPlot::doFeature() only implements the check isFeature without isFeatureTerrain.
The latter is used in the opposite direction, i.e. for the placement of bonuses on tiles with features during map creation or the handling of certain events (such as antelope population has grown -> new deer).

Deer and fur on grassland tiles prevent the spread of jungle.
Random useless fact: You can let the polar ice caps grow by WB-improving them with forest preserves. :lol:
Oh please stand at ease brave (currently) black-bearded buddy. :high5:
The long cold winter nights, you know .... :snowcool:
What mapscript is it?
Seems to be an event - see the event description in the top center. I assume that lets a forest grow.
I don't think that's a good example taken.
The forest spread mentioned by OP is the natural one, which doesn't happen for ivory.
Nonetheless, it seems the english hero folk event does work on elephants.
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