Can someone point me to articles on whipping/globe theater??


Aug 17, 2007
What are some of the better articles on how to use this? Would I basically just build the globe theater in a city with a rapid population growth rate and just keep whipping military units out of it??
The only other thing thing is - you can start whipping, before you actually done with Globe - Hereditary Rule, Whip Unit, Send overflow into Globe, Keep unit in town for Military :), repeat as fast as it can regrow - this way you can build the Globe theater out of food. And once it's done, you can march the assembled army out of the town.
Oh... And you can draft from that town later too :D
The only other thing thing is - you can start whipping, before you actually done with Globe - Hereditary Rule, Whip Unit, Send overflow into Globe, Keep unit in town for Military :), repeat as fast as it can regrow - this way you can build the Globe theater out of food. And once it's done, you can march the assembled army out of the town.
Oh... And you can draft from that town later too :D

great point! time to get whippin!
another question: Would using my GP farm for the globe/whip city make sense? I've got A gp farm that has every til as irrigated grassland...
I think this is not a good idea i.g. Unless you have another GP farm, or do not want to use your GP farm for GP farming anymore...
Because: Whipping works best on smallisch city size, while GP farm is needing as many specialist as you can feed. And because specialists that you just whipped away won't make any GP points... Also Globe Theatre will give you serious Great Artist pollutuion, which you probably don't want.

Edit: Here's a great article on Whipping by Voice of Unreason:
thank you for the link! So a small-mid sized city with several irrigated flood plains would work? I'm not using it for anything in particular, it has 4 mountain tiles, and I only built it because it's blocking a bottle neck. The flood plains could repopulate it quickly...
also, why is using the heroic epic neccesary, if you're whipping doesn't that eliminate the need for the heroic epic in that city?
Heroic Epic boosts whipping just like it boosts normal production. If you are using your best city for whipping/globe, the benefits from heroic epic are amazing.

The drawback is HE and drafting don't work well together later in the game. But that's not a problem if you conquered the world with HE/globe/whipping.
vale has a couple excellent guides to whipping and drafting. Well worth the read.
Heroic Epic boosts whipping just like it boosts normal production. If you are using your best city for whipping/globe, the benefits from heroic epic are amazing.

The drawback is HE and drafting don't work well together later in the game. But that's not a problem if you conquered the world with HE/globe/whipping.

You were the one that wrote about the "catapult theater". Without checking, I think it was around 15 catapults overflowing hammers into the GT ;). You even said horse archers were the same hammers if cats were too excessive!

...I don't forget things easily.

Although one of my soft spots in civ apart from growing my cities early enough (apparently) is that I don't always make use of the national wonders in a timely fashion :(.
Although one of my soft spots in civ apart from growing my cities early enough (apparently) is that I don't always make use of the national wonders in a timely fashion :(.

I'm the same way. It's one of the reasons I'm still stuck down in Prince. Another reason may be that I play the "Agressive AI" setting, which was finally done fairly in BTS (or some patch of it). Or maybe that doesn't affect the difficulty?
Dave, thank you, that is an awsome bit of information, about the HE and Globe.

I'm a GlobePhobe, I've been using it for culture in mid game boarder citys.

I dont know why it scares me, I guess its because it takes up a national wonder slot and the picture is overbearing.

PS: I've seen several posts indicating Aggressive AI = +1 Difficulty...
Dave, thank you, that is an awsome bit of information, about the HE and Globe.

I'm a GlobePhobe, I've been using it for culture in mid game boarder citys.

I dont know why it scares me, I guess its because it takes up a national wonder slot and the picture is overbearing.

PS: I've seen several posts indicating Aggressive AI = +1 Difficulty...

AGG AI makes it suck more. All it does is spam more units and be slightly more aggressive toward the human. Its tech rate dies a harsh death so should you survive early, you can pull a lot of nonsense...
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