Cant make dragoons???


Dec 25, 2005
Is there anything special you need to do or have to make dragoons? I have more than the requisite no of guns and horses and can make Soldiers or Scouts but not dragoons - the option dosnt appear.

My current game is with Washington, does that factor in at all?
I haven't used Washington as a leader but his trait means that soldiers need less guns than usual, it shouldn't affect the creation of dragoons.
If you have washington then you cannot turn a soldier into a dragoon with just horses. You need twice as many guns as you would need for a soldier to turn him into a dragoon.
I broke my head over this. One colony could turn soldiers into dragoons, the other couldn't. I moved half my army over to upgrade thinking it was a bug in the game. I just didn't have extra guns!
Welcome to the Forums LBuck1972. :beer:
Do you reckon it was intentional to only half the guns required for soldiers and not dragoons? It took me a little while to realise that the dragoons (in normal mode) still needed 50 guns and horses.
yeah its intentional that you need more guns and horses to make the dragoon unit. I kinda like it that way.

allows you to mount up quick foot soldiers in defense of the colonies (twice as many as normal). It would be overpowered if you could do it with dragoons as well.
yeah its intentional that you need more guns and horses to make the dragoon unit. I kinda like it that way.

allows you to mount up quick foot soldiers in defense of the colonies (twice as many as normal). It would be overpowered if you could do it with dragoons as well.
Well, it's only true if you're using George Washington, otherwise you need the same number of guns for either unit. It might be good to require double for the dragoons to encourage the use of infantry. After all, cavalry was almost insignificant in the American WoI, the small numbers were not usually decisive when used.
After all, cavalry was almost insignificant in the American WoI, the small numbers were not usually decisive when used.

That's a good point - in the game, I almost never use soldiers to attack, only dragoons. Perhaps their relative merits need to be rethought. Are a hundred guys on horseback with sabres and matchlock pistols really more effective than a hundred guys on foot with muskets? The game gives them a higher base attack, but also differentiate between which advancements they have access to. Hmmm.

Cheers, --- Wheldrake
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